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- Audio86
- Geographic Coverage...
- Montana 86
- Digital Collection...
- Interviewer...
- Subject...
- New Deal, 1933-1939--Montana--Personal narratives. 50
- Public works--Montana. 49
- Depressions--1929--Montana--Personal narratives. 19
- Bus drivers--Yellowstone National Park--Interviews. 16
- Tour bus lines--Yellowstone National Park. 16
- Women--Montana--Helena--Interviews. 10
- Depressions--1929--Montana--Great Falls--Personal narratives. 9
- Women--Montana--Interviews. 9
- Roads--Design and construction--Montana. 7
- Irrigation projects--Montana--Huntley. 6
- Irrigation projects--Montana--Hysham. 6
- Dams--Montana--Design and construction. 5
- Depressions--1929--Montana--Miles City--Personal narratives. 5
- Women--Montana--Custer County--Interviews. 5
- Women--Montana--Miles City--Interviews. 5
- Women--Montana--Plevna--Interviews. 5
- Bridges--Montana--Petroleum County--Design and construction. 4
- British Americans--Montana--Helena. 4
- Businessmen--Montana--Circle--Interviews. 4
- Christianity. 4
- Depressions--1929--Montana--Carbon County--Personal narratives. 4
- Depressions--1929--Montana--Manhattan--Personal narratives. 4
- Depressions--1929--Montana--Shawmut--Personal narratives. 4
- Droughts--Montana. 4
- Fire departments--Montana--Billings. 4
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana--Manhattan. 4
- Grocery trade--Montana--Manhattan. 4
- Highway departments--Montana. 4
- Highway engineers--Montana--Interviews. 4
- Motels--Montana--Circle. 4
- New Deal, 1933-1939--California--Personal narratives. 4
- New Deal, 1933-1939--Montana--Haugan--Personal narratives. 4
- New Deal, 1933-1939--Montana--Plevna--Personal narratives. 4
- Public welfare--Montana. 4
- Public works--California. 4
- Public works--Montana--Haugan. 4
- Ranch life--Montana--Shawmut. 4
- Ranching--Montana--Miles City. 4
- Roads--Design and construction--Standards. 4
- Rural women--Montana--Shawmut--Interviews. 4
- Teachers--Montana--Interviews. 4
- Veterans--Montana--Roberts--Interviews. 4
- Women--Employment--Montana--Shawmut. 4
- Women--Montana--Shawmut--Social life and customs. 4
- World War, 1939-1945--Pacific Area. 4
- World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American. 4
- World War, 1939-1945--Veterans--Montana--Roberts--Interviews. 4
- Agriculture and state--Montana--Powder River County. 3
- Agriculture--Montana--Sheridan County. 3
- Agriculture--Montana--Sidney. 3
- Airplanes--Montana. 3
- Archival surveys--Montana. 3
- Business enterprises--Montana--Sheridan County. 3
- Coal mines and mining--Montana. 3
- County officials and employees--Montana--Custer County--Interviews. 3
- Danish Americans--Montana--Dagmar. 3
- Depressions--1929--Montana--Ismay--Personal narratives. 3
- Depressions--1929--Montana--Plevna--Personal narratives. 3
- Depressions--1929--Montana--Sheridan County--Personal narratives. 3
- Depressions--1929--Montana--Sidney--Personal narratives. 3
- Distilling, Illegal--Montana. 3
- Earthquakes--Montana--Helena. 3
- Education. 3
- Electrification--Montana. 3
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana--Blossburg. 3
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana--Great Falls. 3
- Gold mines and mining--Montana. 3
- High school principals--Montana--Helena--Interviews. 3
- High schools--Montana--Helena. 3
- Local finance--Montana--Custer County. 3
- New Deal, 1933-1939--Montana--Glacier National Park--Personal narratives. 3
- New Deal, 1933-1939--Montana--Sidney--Personal narratives. 3
- New Deal, 1933-1939--Utah--Moab--Personal narratives. 3
- Newspaper publishing--Montana--Helena. 3
- Newspaper publishing--Montana--Livingston. 3
- Nursery schools--Montana--Sidney. 3
- Nursing. 3
- Practical nurses--Licenses--Montana. 3
- Practical nurses--Montana--Great Falls--Interviews. 3
- Practical nurses--Montana--Townsend--Interviews. 3
- Public works--Montana--Glacier National Park. 3
- Public works--Montana--Powder River County. 3
- Public works--Montana--Sidney. 3
- Public works--Utah--Moab. 3
- Road construction workers--Montana--Social conditions. 3
- Roads--Montana--Elliston--Design and construction. 3
- Roads--Montana--Helena--Design and construction. 3
- Roads--Montana--Libby--Design and construction. 3
- Roads--Montana--Lolo Hot Springs--Design and construction. 3
- Roads--Montana--MacDonald Pass--Design and construction. 3
- Roads--Montana--Surveying. 3
- Rural electrification--Montana. 3
- Rural health services--Montana. 3
- Schools--Montana--Lewistown. 3
- Surveyors--Montana--Social conditions. 3
- Teaching. 3
- Telephone operators--Montana--Interviews. 3
- Tour buses--Yellowstone National Park. 3
- Welding--Study and teaching--Montana. 3
- Women--Montana--Powder River County--Interviews. 3
- Women--Montana--Sidney--Interviews. 3
- World War, 1914-1918--Montana. 3
- World War, 1939-1945--Montana. 3
- Agricultural machinery--Montana. 2
- Agriculture--Montana--Miles City. 2
- Agriculture--Montana. 2
- Antibiotics. 2
- B-17 bomber. 2
- Cheyenne Indians--Montana--Lame Deer. 2
- Depressions--1929--Montana--Custer County--Personal narratives. 2
- Depressions--Montana--Plevna--Personal narratives. 2
- Droughts--Montana--Miles City. 2
- Floods--Yellowstone River Valley. 2
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana--Glendive--Personal narratives. 2
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana. 2
- Mechanics (Persons)--Yellowstone National Park--Interviews. 2
- Medical care--Montana--Bozeman. 2
- Medical care--Montana--Custer County. 2
- Medical care--Montana--Helena. 2
- Moving of buildings, bridges, etc.--Montana. 2
- New Deal, 1933-1939--Montana--Custer County--Personal narratives. 2
- New Deal, 1933-1939--Montana--Miles City--Personal narratives. 2
- Nurse and physician. 2
- Nurses--Montana--Bozeman--Interviews. 2
- Nurses--Montana--Helena--Interviews. 2
- Overland jouneys to Montana--Personal narratives. 2
- Public works--Montana--Custer County. 2
- Public works--Montana--Miles City. 2
- Public works--Montana--Plevna. 2
- Ranching--Montana--Ismay. 2
- Surveying--Montana. 2
- Veterans--Montana--Bozeman--Interviews. 2
- Women--Montana--Bozeman--Interviews. 2
- World War, 1939-1945--Veterans--Montana--Bozeman--Interviews. 2
- Depressions--1929--Montana--Mildred--Personal narratives. 1
- Droughts--Montana--Plevna. 1
- Farm life--Montana--Plevna. 1
- New Deal, 1933-1939--Montana--Ismay--Personal narratives. 1
- New Deal, 1933-1939--Montana--Mildred--Personal narratives. 1
- Public works--Montana--Ismay. 1
- Public works--Montana--Mildred. 1
- Railroads--Montana. 1
- Well drillers--Montana--Ismay--Interviews. 1
- Women--Montana--Mildred--Interviews. 1
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