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- Image2799
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Geysers--Yellowstone National Park 212
- Arthur, Chester Alan, 1829-1886--Government travel 108
- Hotels--Yellowstone National Park 77
- Calcite--Yellowstone National Park 76
- Rock forming minerals 75
- Formations (Geology)--Wyoming--Mammoth Hot Springs 65
- Snow 55
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Railroad tracks 53
- Upper Geyser Basin (Wyo.) 53
- Formations (Geology) 49
- Columbia River 46
- Portrait photography 46
- Waterfalls--Yellowstone National Park 46
- Yellowstone River 44
- Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone (Wyo.) 43
- Commercial buildings--Dakota Territory--Fargo 39
- Glaciers--Alaska 39
- Yellowstone National Park 37
- Formations (Geology)--Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyoming Territory) 36
- Fort Washakie (Wyo.) 34
- Hot springs--Yellowstone National Park 34
- Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) 33
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Steam locomotives 33
- Villard, Henry, 1835-1900--Business travel 32
- Winter--Yellowstone National Park 32
- Steamboats 31
- Badlands--Dakota Territory 29
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Railroad bridges 29
- Sailing ships 29
- Mountains--Alaska 28
- Landscape photography 27
- Log buildings 27
- Snow--Yellowstone National Park 27
- Wharves 27
- Cliffs--Yellowstone National Park 26
- Firehole River (Wyo.) 26
- Wind River Valley (Wyo.) 26
- Ice on rivers, lakes, etc. 25
- Tents 25
- Flathead Indian Reservation (Mont.) 24
- Aerial views 23
- Boats and boating 23
- Portraits 23
- Pack animals (Transportation) 22
- Wagons 22
- Carriages and carts 21
- Lakes--Yellowstone National Park 21
- Missouri River--Floods 21
- Wind River (Wyo. 21
- Dirt roads--Yellowstone National Park 20
- Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River (Wyo.) 19
- Rivers--Yellowstone National Park 19
- Winter 19
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Railroad trains 18
- Skis and skiing--Yellowstone National Park 18
- Stagecoaches--Yellowstone National Park 18
- Cliffs 17
- Ice calving--Alaska 17
- Missouri River 17
- Totem poles--Alaska--Wrangell 17
- Bicycles 16
- Crow Indians--Montana Territory 16
- Mountains--Yellowstone National Park 16
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Railroad construction workers 16
- Roads--Yellowstone National Park 16
- Harbors--Oregon--Portland 15
- Horses 15
- Ice calving 15
- Lakes--Dakota Territory 15
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company 15
- Trees 15
- Willamette River (Or.) 15
- Caves 14
- Horsemen and horsewomen 14
- Hotels--Dakota Territory--Fargo 14
- Lakes--Ontario 14
- Rivers--Montana--Missoula County 14
- Yellowstone River Valley 14
- Backcountry skiing 13
- Bison--Yellowstone National Park 13
- Dakota Indians 13
- Fountain Paint Pot (Wyo.) 13
- Handcars 13
- Jocko Valley (Mont.) 13
- Mules 13
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Railroad stations 13
- Oregon Railway and Navigation Company--Railroad tracks 13
- Red River of the North--Floods 13
- Shoshoni Indians 13
- Spokane River (Idaho and Wash.) 13
- Tourists--Yellowstone National Park 13
- Canyons--Yellowstone National Park 12
- Commercial buildings--Dakota Territory--Deadwood 12
- Commercial buildings--Minnesota--Moorhead 12
- Corrals 12
- Crow Indians 12
- Cyclists--Minnesota--Saint Paul 12
- Fishing 12
- Gardner River (Wyo. and Mont.) 12
- Hunting trophies 12
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Railroad cars 12
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Trestles 12
- Old Faithful Geyser (Wyo.) 12
- Springs--Yellowstone National Park 12
- Aerial views--Washington--Spokane 11
- Badlands (N.D.) 11
- Dawson County--Montana Territory 11
- Elevated highways--Yellowstone National Park 11
- Formations (Geology)--Missouri River--Montana Territory 11
- Log buildings--Montana 11
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Villard Excursion (1883) 11
- Spokane Falls (Wash. 11
- Streets 11
- Teton Range (Wyo. and Idaho) 11
- Wooden-frame buildings 11
- Canoes 10
- Coeur d’Alene Mining District (Idaho) 10
- Cowboys 10
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Construction 10
- Northern Pacific Railroad--Railroad snowplows 10
- Pullman cars--Northern Pacific Railroad Company 10
- Swimming pools 10
- Waterfalls--Oregon--Multnomah County 10
- Absaroka Range (Mont. and Wyo.) 9
- Black Hills War, 1876-1877--Battlefields 9
- Building, Brick 9
- Caves--Yellowstone National Park 9
- Elk--Yellowstone National Park 9
- Formations(Geology) 9
- Health resorts--Montana--Helena 9
- Horses--Montana 9
- Hot Springs--Yellowstone National Park 9
- Mining engineering 9
- Missoula County (Mont.) 9
- Mountains--Montana Territory--Gallatin County 9
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--History--1883 9
- Pavilions--Deer Lodge County (Montana Territory) 9
- Petrifactions 9
- Photography--Studios and dark rooms 9
- Piers 9
- Ponderosa pine--Montana 9
- Sepulchral monuments 9
- Trees, Fossils 9
- Aerial photographs 8
- Architecture, Domestic--Dakota Territory--Fargo 8
- Arthur, Chester Alan, 1829-1886--Hunting 8
- Bicycle racing 8
- Building 8
- Commercial buildings--Alaska--Sitka 8
- Commercial buildings--Dakota Territory--Jamestown 8
- Commercial buildings--Washington--Tacoma 8
- Dogs 8
- Dwellings--Dakota Territory--Deadwood 8
- Firearms 8
- Formations (Geology)--Yellowstone National Park 8
- Fort Totten (Fort Totten, N.D.) 8
- Gibbon River (Wyo.) 8
- Glacial crevasses 8
- Hoodoos (Geomorphology)--Yellowstone National Park 8
- Houghton, Nanna Manning 8
- Interior architecture--Dakota Territory--Fargo 8
- Marble, Susan E. 8
- Mining camps--Idaho Territory--Shoshone County 8
- Mississippi River 8
- Missouri River--Montana Territory 8
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Bridges--Dakota Territory 8
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Employees 8
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Railroad snowplows 8
- Pend Oreille, Lake (Idaho) 8
- Photographers 8
- Saint Regis River (Mont.) 8
- Snake River (Wyo.-Wash.) 8
- Snow--Dakota Territory 8
- Streets--Dakota Territory--Fargo 8
- Taku Glacier (Alaska) 8
- Boats 7
- Catholic Church--Missions 7
- Children 7
- Freight and freightage 7
- Gallatin Range (Mont.) 7
- Grain elevators--Dakota Territory--Fargo 7
- Houghton, Henry Oscar, 1823-1895 7
- Indian scouts 7
- Indians--Dwellings 7
- Inlets 7
- Laccoliths--Dakota Territory 7
- Landscapes 7
- Lumber trade 7
- Marble, Jerome, 1824-1906 7
- Mountains--Montana Territory--Flathead Indian Reservation 7
- Portraits, Group 7
- Rapids 7
- Rivers--Montana 7
- Salish Indians 7
- St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral (Sitka, Alaska) 7
- Tlingit Tribe of Alaska--Dwellings 7
- Trout fishing--Wyoming 7
- United States. Army. Cavalry 7
- Waterfalls--Spokane River (Idaho and Wash.) 7
- Winnipeg River (Ont. and Man.) 7
- Winter storms 7
- Yellowstone Lake 7
- Agriculture--Dakota Territory 6
- Arches--Manitoba--Winnipeg 6
- Birds of prey--Nests 6
- Bismarck Bridge--Construction 6
- Cattle 6
- College campuses 6
- Commercial buildings--Dakota Territory--Bismarck 6
- Cree Indians--Qu'Appelle River Valley (Sask. and Man.) 6
- Dakota Territory 6
- Dams--Design and construction 6
- Footbridges 6
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921--Children 6
- Hotels--Montana--Helena 6
- Indian Scouts--Dakota Territory 6
- Kislingbury, Frederick Foster, 1847-1884 6
- Lakes--Idaho--Kootenai County 6
- Lakes--Washington--Seattle 6
- Liberty Cap (Wyo.) 6
- Mississippi River--Minnesota 6
- Mountaineering 6
- Mountains--Oregon--Clackamas County 6
- Natural bridges--Yellowstone National Park 6
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Locomotives 6
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Railroad rails--Montana Territory 6
- Ranches--Montana 6
- Saint Louis River (Minn. and Wis.) 6
- Saint Paul Seminary (Saint Paul, Minn.) 6
- Soldiers 6
- Steamboats--Red River of the North 6
- Streets--Alaska--Sitka 6
- Streets--Manitoba--Winnipeg 6
- Taxidermy 6
- Theological seminaries 6
- Trees--Chehalis River Valley (Wash.) 6
- Trees--Montana 6
- Triumphal arches--Mandan (Dakota Territory) 6
- Wagons--Dakota Territory 6
- Wagons--Montana 6
- Waterfalls--Montana Territory--Missouri River 6
- Yellowstone River--Yellowstone National Park 6
- Arbors 5
- Armed Forces-- Officers--Dwellings 5
- Boardwalks 5
- Bonanza farms--Dakota Territory 5
- Bridges 5
- Bridges--Yellowstone National Park 5
- Calumets 5
- Camping 5
- Camps--Dakota Territory 5
- Canadian Pacific Railway Company--Design and construction 5
- Canyons--Wind River Range (Wyo.) 5
- Caves--Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyoming Territory) 5
- Cities and towns 5
- Cities and towns--Montana Territory 5
- Creeks--Wyoming--Fremont County 5
- Fishing--Yellowstone National Park 5
- Forest fires 5
- Formations (Geology)--Dakota Territory 5
- Fort Abraham Lincoln--Dakota Territory 5
- Grain Harvesting 5
- Harbors--Washington--Seattle 5
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921--Dwellings 5
- Health resorts 5
- Hotels--Dakota Territory--Bismarck 5
- Igneous rocks--Missouri River--Montana 5
- Indians of North America--Jewelry 5
- Little Missouri River (Wyo.-N.D.) 5
- Log buildings--Montana Territory 5
- Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyo.) 5
- Military bases--Dakota Territory 5
- Mineral industries--Montana--Emigrant Gulch 5
- Minnehaha Creek (Minn.) 5
- Minnehaha Falls (Minn.) 5
- Montana Territory--Choteau County 5
- Mountains--Wyoming 5
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Design and construction 5
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Handcars 5
- Oregon Railway and Navigation Company--Railroad rails 5
- Pacific salmon fishing 5
- Paradise Valley (Montana Territory) 5
- Petrifactions--Dakota Territory 5
- Railroad bridges 5
- Railroad bridges--Montana Territory--Missoula County 5
- Railroads--Design and construction--Montana Territory 5
- Rapids--Yellowstone River 5
- Rivers--Columbia River Gorge (Or. and Wash.) 5
- Rivers--Montana Territory--Flathead Indian Reservation 5
- Rivers--Montana--Sanders County 5
- Rivers--Washington 5
- Rocks 5
- Shoshoni Indians--Dance 5
- Snoqualmie Falls (Wash. 5
- Sowing 5
- St. Ignatius Mission (Lake County, Mont.) 5
- Stager, Anson, 1825-1885 5
- Tipis 5
- Tipis--Montana--Crow Indian Reservation 5
- Tunnels--Design and construction 5
- Waterfalls--Minnesota 5
- Webb, W. S.--1896 Excursion 5
- Advertising 4
- Aerial views--Montana Territory--Helena 4
- Architecture--Montana--Fort Assinniboine 4
- Arthur, Chester Alan, President--Expedition (1883)--Landscape views 4
- Axes 4
- Binoculars 4
- Bismarck Bridge 4
- Bison 4
- Building--Montana--Fort Assinniboine 4
- Camps--Wyoming--Fremont County 4
- Castle Geyser (Wyo.) 4
- Cities and towns--Oregon 4
- Clark, William Philo, 1845-1884 4
- Cliffs--Yellowtone National Park 4
- Coal 4
- Commercial buildings--Dakota Territory--Crook City 4
- Commercial buildings--Montana--Missoula 4
- Commercial buildings--Montana--Wickes 4
- Commercial buildings--Washington--Seattle 4
- Construction workers 4
- Crops--Washington 4
- Crosby, John Schuyler, 1839-1914 4
- Curly, approximately 1856-1923 4
- Elk 4
- Farms--Cowlitz River Valley (Wash.) 4
- Flatboats 4
- Gregory, James F. (James Fingal), 1843-1897 4
- Haynes Studios Inc.--Minnesota--Moorhead 4
- Hops 4
- Horse-drawn vehicles 4
- Horses--Yellowstone National Park 4
- Hotels--Fargo (Dakota Territory) 4
- Houghton, Henry Oscar, 1823-1895--Hunting 4
- Hydraulic mining--Montana--Emigrant Gulch 4
- Hydraulic mining--Montana--Jardine 4
- Irrigation canals and flumes 4
- Jefferson River (Mont.) 4
- Lakes--Wyoming 4
- Lincoln, Robert Todd, 1843-1926 4
- Lone Star Geyser (Wyo.) 4
- Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyoming Territory) 4
- Marble, Jerome, 1824-1906--hunting 4
- Military bases--Montana--Fort Assinniboine 4
- Mineral industries--Montana--Jardine 4
- Mining camps--Montana Territory 4
- Mining mills 4
- Mission Mountains Tribal Wilderness, Montana 4
- Mission Mountains Wilderness (Mont.) 4
- Mountaineering--Montana Territory 4
- Nature photography 4
- New Tacoma (Wash.) 4
- North Western Express, Stage, and Transportation Company 4
- Northern Pacific Railroad 4
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Construction workers 4
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Disasters 4
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Railroad rails 4
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Railroad tunnels 4
- Oregon Railway and Navigation Company--Railroad bridges 4
- Packhorse camping--Wyoming Territory 4
- Presidents 4
- Puget Sound (Wash.) 4
- Quaker Oats Company 4
- Railroad construction workers 4
- Railroad engineering--Dakota Territory 4
- Railroad tracks 4
- Railroad tunnels--Montana Territory--Custer County 4
- Rapids--Montana Territory--Flathead Indian Reservation 4
- Red River of the North--Minnesota 4
- Rifles 4
- River steamers 4
- Rollins, Daniel G. (Daniel Gustavus), 1842-1897 4
- Salish Indians--Dwellings 4
- Sandstone--Montana 4
- Scaffold burial--Montana Territory 4
- Sheridan, Michael V. (Michael Vincent), 1840-1918 4
- Sheridan, Philip Henry, 1831-1888 4
- Shipping 4
- Smelting 4
- Stagecoaches 4
- Stagecoaches--Montana Territory--Missoula County 4
- Steamboats--Missouri River 4
- Steamboats--Montana 4
- Stream crossing, Military 4
- Streets--Minnesota--Moorhead 4
- Streets--Montana--Missoula 4
- Tlingit Tribe of Alaska 4
- Tower Fall (Wyo.) 4
- United States. Office of Indian Affairs. Fort Totten Agency 4
- Vest, George Graham, 1830-1904 4
- Villard, Henry, 1835-1900 4
- Washington, Lake (Wash.) 4
- Water-wheels 4
- Waterfalls--Snoqualmie River (Wash.) 4
- Waterfalls--Winnipeg River (Ont. and Man.) 4
- Waterfalls--Yellowstone River 4
- Waterfronts--Washington--Seattle 4
- Webb, W. S.--1896 Excursion--Landscapes 4
- Webb, W. S.--1897 Excursion--Landscapes 4
- Wind River Range (Wyo.) 4
- Streets--Dakota Territory--Bismarck 3
- Agricultural implements 3
- Agriculture--Dakota Territory--Cass County 3
- Amenia and Sharon Land Company--Dakota Territory 3
- Anishinabe of Wauzhushk Onigum 3
- Arapaho Indians 3
- Artists--Painters--Yellowstone National Park 3
- Backcountry skiing--Yellowstone National Park 3
- Badlands 3
- Bandolier bags 3
- Bandstands--Dakota Territory--Fargo 3
- Barracks--Montana--Fort Assinniboine 3
- Bars (Drinking establishments)--Yellowstone National Park 3
- Bear Butte (S.D. 3
- Bear Butte--Dakota Territory 3
- Birds of prey 3
- Boarding school students--Montana 3
- Boulders 3
- Brickwork 3
- Building, brick 3
- Cabooses (Railroads) 3
- Camping--Yellowstone National Park 3
- Canadian Pacific Railway Company--Bridges--Design and construction 3
- Carriages and carts--Montana 3
- Cedar Canyon--Dakota Territory 3
- Child, Harry W. (Harry Wilbour), 1857-1931 3
- Chinese 3
- Chinese Americans 3
- Cities and towns--Montana 3
- Cities and towns--Montana--Jefferson County 3
- Coaching (Transportation) 3
- Coaling-stations 3
- Commercial buildings 3
- Commercial buildings--Dakota Territory--Central City 3
- Commercial buildings--Dakota Territory--Gayville 3
- Commercial buildings--Montana Territory--Billlings 3
- Copper smelting 3
- Crazy Mountains (Mont.) 3
- Crops 3
- Crow Indians--Tombs 3
- Crystal Falls (Wyo.) 3
- Dakota Territory--Fargo 3
- Dining rooms 3
- Draft horses--Montana--Meagher County 3
- Dwellings--Alaska--Juneau 3
- Dwellings--Dakota Territory--Central City 3
- Everts, Mount (Wyo.) 3
- Farms--Dakota Territory|Dalrymple Farm (N.D.)|Northern Pacific Railroad Company|Railroad cars|Railroad trains 3
- Farms--Dakota Territory|Dalrymple Farm (N.D.)|Plowing|Agriculture--Dakota Territory 3
- Fences 3
- Ferries 3
- Fireplaces 3
- Floods 3
- Floods--Dakota Territory--Fargo 3
- Fords (Stream crossings)--Yellowstone National Park 3
- Formations (Geology)--Dakota Territory--Black Hills (S.D. and Wyo) 3
- Fort Missoula (Mont.) 3
- Grain elevators 3
- Grandin Farm No.1 (Mayville, N.D.) 3
- Grandin Farms (N.D.) 3
- Harbors--Alaska--Juneau 3
- Harbors--Washington--Tacoma 3
- Harvesting machinery--Dakota Territory 3
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921 3
- Helena (Mont.) 3
- Horsemen 3
- Horses--Wyoming 3
- Hotels--Montana Territory--Billings 3
- Hotels--Wyoming--Upper Geyser Basin 3
- Hunting dogs 3
- Hydraulic engineering--Montana Territory 3
- Hydraulic mining 3
- Indian students--Montana 3
- Inside Passage 3
- Jefferson River (Mont.) 3
- Jocko River (Mont.) 3
- Lake steamers 3
- Lakes--Washington--Pierce County 3
- Lamps 3
- Levees--Dakota Territory--Bismarck 3
- Levees--Minnesota--Moorhead 3
- Liberty Cap (Wyoming Territory) 3
- Log buildings--Montana--Meagher County 3
- Log cabins--Yellowstone National Park 3
- Lumber trade--Minnesota 3
- Lumber-yards--Dakota Territory--Fargo 3
- McDonald Peak (Mont.) 3
- Meagher County (Mont.) 3
- Meldrum, John W., 1843-1936--Dwellings 3
- Men 3
- Military camps--Montana Territory--Missouri River 3
- Mineral industries--Montana--Wickes 3
- Mines and mineral resources--Montana Territory--Gallatin County 3
- Mining camps--Dakota Territory 3
- Missions--Montana 3
- Monida & Yellowstone Stage Company 3
- Mountains 3
- Mountains--Montana Territory 3
- North Dakota State Capitol (Bismarck, N.D.)--Design and construction 3
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming 190
- Yellowstone National Park 165
- Fargo, North Dakota 137
- Upper Geyser Basin, Wyoming 112
- Bismarck, North Dakota 62
- Wind River Reservation, Wyoming 62
- Multnomah County, Oregon 50
- Norris Geyser Basin, Wyoming 46
- Dakota Territory 40
- Saint Paul, Minnesota 38
- Moorhead, Minnesota 36
- Helena, Montana 35
- North Dakota 33
- Golden Gate, Wyoming 29
- Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Wyoming 29
- Spokane, Washington 28
- Devils Lake, North Dakota 27
- Billings, Montana 26
- Tacoma, Washington 26
- Lower Geyser Basin, Wyoming 25
- Missoula County, Montana 25
- Badlands (North Dakota) 24
- Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, Wyoming 22
- Montana 22
- Upper Missouri River Breaks National Mounment, Montana 22
- Gallatin County, Montana 21
- Jamestown, North Dakota 21
- Teton Range (Wyoming and Idaho) 21
- Portland, Oregon 20
- Seattle, Washington 20
- Wrangell, Alaska 20
- Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming 20
- Brainerd, Minnesota 19
- Black Hills (South Dakota and Wyoming) 18
- Muir Glacier, Alaska 18
- Deadwood, South Dakota 17
- Fort Assinniboine, Montana 17
- Giant Geyser, Wyoming 17
- Yellowstone County, Montana 17
- Dawson County, Montana 16
- Glacier Bay, Alaska 16
- Mandan, North Dakota 16
- Sitka, Alaska 16
- Excelsior Geyser, Wyoming 15
- Jefferson County, Montana 15
- Kenora, Ontario 15
- Park County, Montana 15
- Arlee, Montana 14
- Castle Geyser, Wyoming 14
- Lewis and Clark County, Montana 14
- Missoula, Montana 14
- Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, Montana 13
- Minneapolis, Minnesota 13
- Old Faithful Geyser, Wyoming 13
- Billings County, North Dakota 12
- Black Hills, South Dakota 12
- Chilkat River Watershed, Alaska 12
- Custer County, Montana 12
- Powell County, Montana 12
- Glendive, Montana 11
- Grotto Geyser, Wyoming 11
- Juneau, Alaska 11
- Lone Star Geyser, Wyoming 11
- Silver Bow County, Montana 11
- Teton Range, Wyoming and Idaho 11
- Tower Fall, Wyoming 11
- Badlands, North Dakota 10
- Firehole River, Wyoming 10
- Fort Abraham Lincoln, North Dakota 10
- Mission Mountains Tribal Wilderness, Montana 10
- Obsidian Cliff, Wyoming 10
- Taku Inlet, Alaska 10
- Winnipeg, Manitoba 10
- Bozeman, Montana 9
- Butte, Montana 9
- Garrison, Montana 9
- Gros Ventre Wilderness, Wyoming 9
- Kidder County, North Dakota 9
- Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho 9
- Lake Washington, Washington 9
- Lake of the Woods, Ontario 9
- Mineral County, Montana 9
- Ontario 9
- Shoshone County, Idaho 9
- Centralia, Washington 8
- Clark Fork, Montana and Idaho 8
- Crow Indian Reservation, Montana 8
- Qu'Appelle River Valley, Saskatchewan and Manitoba 8
- Traill County, North Dakota 8
- Upper Falls of the Yellowstone River, Wyoming 8
- Black Sand Geyser Basin, Wyoming 7
- Fort Berthold, North Dakota 7
- Fort Totten, North Dakota 7
- Gibbon Falls, Wyoming 7
- Gibbon River, Wyoming 7
- Multnomah Falls, Oregon 7
- Saint Ignatius, Montana 7
- Sanders County, Montana 7
- Soda Butte Creek, Wyoming 7
- Splendid Geyser, Wyoming 7
- Thompson Falls, Montana 7
- Bridal Veil Falls, Oregon 6
- Cass County, North Dakota 6
- Chehalis River Valley, Washington 6
- Clark Fork, Montana 6
- Hood River County, Oregon 6
- Manhattan, Montana 6
- Minnesota 6
- Pend Oreille, Lake, Idaho 6
- Snake River, Wyoming 6
- Snoqualmie Falls, Washington 6
- Wickes, Montana 6
- Wyoming 6
- Amenia, North Dakota 5
- Coeur d'Alene Lake, Idaho 5
- Cowlitz River Valley, Washington 5
- Emigrant Gulch, Montana 5
- Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana 5
- Glyndon, Minnesota 5
- Little Missouri River, North Dakota 5
- Livingston, Montana 5
- Marysville, Montana 5
- Mount Hood, Oregon 5
- Pompeys Pillar National Monument, Montana 5
- Spiritwood, North Dakota 5
- Taku Glacier, Alaska 5
- Townsend, Montana 5
- Treasure County, Montana 5
- Wind River Valley, Wyoming 5
- Yakima River, Washington 5
- Bear Butte, South Dakota 4
- Bearmouth, Montana 4
- Cinnabar, Montana 4
- Clay County, Minnesota 4
- Crazy Mountains, Montana 4
- Emigrant, Montana 4
- Excelsior Geyser, Wyoming 4
- Flathead River Valley, Montana 4
- Fort Benton, Montana 4
- Fort Totten Indian Reservation, North Dakota 4
- Fountain Paint Pot, Wyoming 4
- Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone (Wyo.) 4
- Grand Forks, North Dakota 4
- Huntley, Montana 4
- Jardine, Montana 4
- Keewatin, Ontario 4
- Lawrence County, South Dakota 4
- Meagher County, Montana 4
- Morton County, North Dakota 4
- Oregon 4
- Puyallup, Washington 4
- Rainbow Dam, Montana 4
- Astoria, Oregon 3
- Berens River, Manitoba 3
- Big Snowy Mountains, Montana 3
- Biscuit Basin, Wyoming 3
- Cascade Creek, Park County, Wyoming 3
- Central City, South Dakota 3
- Chouteau County, Montana 3
- Cooke City, Montana 3
- Corbin, Montana 3
- Dickinson, North Dakota 3
- Ellensburg, Washington 3
- Gardiner, Montana 3
- Gibbon Falls, Wyoming 3
- Grand Rapids, North Dakota 3
- Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming 3
- Granite, Montana 3
- Gull River, Minnesota 3
- Hell Gate, Missoula County, Montana 3
- Hood, Mount, Oregon 3
- King County, Washington 3
- Lake Wallula, Washington 3
- Lombard, Montana 3
- Minnewaukan, North Dakota 3
- Missouri River Headwaters State Park. Montana 3
- Missouri River, Montana 3
- Missouri River, North Dakota 3
- Mowich Lake (Pierce County, Washington) 3
- Paradise Valley, Montana 3
- Plains, Montana 3
- Rimini, Montana 3
- Ryan Dam, Cascade County, Montana 3
- Sandpoint, Idaho 3
- Soda Butte Creek, Montana and Wyoming 3
- West Thumb Geyser Basin, Wyoming 3
- Wolf Point, Montana 3
- Yakima, Washington 3
- Yellowstone River, Montana 3
- Big Timber, Montana 2
- Buffalo, North Dakota 2
- Carbonado, Washington 2
- Cass County, Minnesota 2
- Chilkat River Valley, Alaska 2
- Columbia River 2
- Crow Agency, Montana 2
- Deer Lodge County, Montana 2
- Flathead Lake, Montana 2
- Forsyth, Montana 2
- Fort Yates, North Dakota 2
- Fort Yellowstone, Wyoming 2
- Frederick Sound, Alaska 2
- Gibbon River, Wyoming 2
- Gogebic Range, Wisconsin 2
- Grant County, North Dakota 2
- Gros Ventre River, Wyoming 2
- Heron, Montana 2
- Jackson Hole, Wyoming 2
- James River (North Dakota and South Dakota.) 2
- Jefferson City, Montana 2
- Judith River, Montana 2
- Jupiter Terrace, Wyoming 2
- Liberty Cap, Wyoming 2
- Mammoth, Wyoming 2
- Miles City, Montana 2
- Mission Valley, Lake County, Montana 2
- Missouri River 2
- Monida, Montana 2
- Montana, Eastern 2
- Morning Glory Pool, Wyoming 2
- Mount Rainier National Park, Washington 2
- Murray, Idaho 2
- Nelson River Watershed, Manitoba 2
- Pioneer, Montana 2
- Polson, Montana 2
- Red River (Minnesota and North Dakota-Manitoba) 2
- Red River Valley, Minnesota and North Dakota-Manitoba 2
- Redfield, South Dakota 2
- Riverside Geyser, Wyoming 2
- Saskatchewan River Watershed, Saskatchewan and Manitoba 2
- Sentinel Butte, North Dakota 2
- Sulphur Mountain, Wyoming 2
- Teton County, Wyoming 2
- Thomas Bay, Alaska 2
- Wahpeton, North Dakota 2
- West Thumb, Wyoming 2
- Wibaux, Montana 2
- Wisconsin 2
- Wrangell Narrows, Alaska 2
- Absarokee, Montana 1
- Alaska 1
- Alaska, Southeast 1
- Assiniboine River Watershed (Saskatchewan and Manitoba) 1
- Berens River Valley, Manitoba 1
- Beryl Spring (Park county, Wyoming) 1
- Bighorn River, Montana 1
- Bonner County, Idaho 1
- Burleigh County, North Dakota 1
- Cabinet Gorge, Idaho 1
- Camp Sheridan, Wyoming 1
- Casselton, North Dakota 1
- Cataldo, Idaho 1
- Cedar Canyon, North Dakota 1
- Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan), Alaska 1
- Chilkoot River Watershed, Alaska 1
- Cinnabar (Park county, Montana) 1
- Cinnabar Basin (Park county, Montana) 1
- Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 1
- Crow Indian Agency, Montana 1
- Crow Wing County, Minnesota 1
- Dalles, Oregon 1
- Dawson County, Montana 1
- Edgeley, North Dakota 1
- Fergus County, Montana 1
- Fort Peck, Montana 1
- Fountain Geyser, Wyoming 1
- Gallatin City, Montana 1
- Gallatin County, Montana Territory 1
- Gardiner (Park county, Montana) 1
- Gayville, South Dakota 1
- Gibbon Geyser Basin, Wyoming 1
- Grand Teton National Park (Wyo.) 1
- Gros Ventre River Valley, Wyoming 1
- Hope, Idaho 1
- Jocko River, Montana 1
- La Moure County, North Dakota 1
- LaMoure, North Dakota 1
- Lindstrom, Minnesota 1
- Lower Geyser Basin (Wyo.) 1
- Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyo.) 1
- Manitoba 1
- McHenry, North Dakota 1
- Meade County, South Dakota 1
- Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska 1
- Mission Range (Lake county, Montana) 1
- Missouri Breaks, Montana 1
- Montana, Western 1
- Mount Moriah (Cemetery 1
- Mount Rainier, Washington 1
- Pennington County, South Dakota 1
- Playgreen Lake (Man.) 1
- Poplar, Montana 1
- Popo Agie River, Wyoming 1
- Puget Sound, Washington 1
- Red Lake, Minnesota 1
- Red River Valley (Minnesota and North Dakota-Manitoba) 1
- Rosalia, Washington 1
- Sanborn, North Dakota 1
- Sitka Sound, Alaska 1
- Sleeping Giant Wilderness, Montana 1
- Snake River Valley, Wyoming 1
- South Cross Lake, Manitoba 1
- Steele, North Dakota 1
- Stevensville, Montana 1
- Sweet Grass County, Montana 1
- Terry, Montana 1
- Teton Range, Wyoming 1
- Three Forks, Montana 1
- Toston, Montana 1
- Twin Lakes, Wisconsin 1
- Valley City, North Dakota 1
- Valley County, Montana 1
- Victor, Montana 1
- Wasco County, Oregon 1
- West, United States 1
- Wickes , Montana 1
- Wilbur, Washington 1
- Yellowstone River 1
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