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- Audio1410
- Geographic Coverage...
- Idaho 638
- Montana 598
- Virginia 37
- West Virginia 30
- Utah 20
- Washington, D.C. 9
- California 6
- Alaska 3
- Massachusetts 2
- New York City, New York 2
- Washington 2
- Wyoming 1
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- Subject...
- Lochsa Powell Ranger District 569
- Summer 464
- Historic Value 436
- Winter 380
- Family 376
- Snow, Ice 330
- Bud Biography 313
- Wildlife 306
- Government Administration Site 279
- Fall 263
- Rural Activities 249
- Trapping 224
- Riparian 222
- Public Administration 202
- Outdoor Recreation 156
- Bud Moore 148
- Hunting 143
- Marten 142
- Wilderness 135
- Bill Moore 127
- Watersheds 126
- Roads, Trails and Communications 122
- Swan Valley 115
- Forest 112
- Lolo National Forest 105
- Ecology 104
- Lolo Creek 102
- Elk 100
- Soil, Rocks, Geology 100
- Spring 88
- Coyote Forest 83
- Fire 79
- Pristine 77
- Fire Protection 74
- Bob Marshall Wilderness 72
- Spruce 71
- Subalpine Forest 69
- Valley Bottom Ecosystem 65
- Vicki Moore 60
- Pests, Diseases 56
- Mink 51
- Building, Construction, Manufacturing 50
- Landscapes 50
- Snowshoes 49
- Little Salmon 48
- Selway Bitterroot Wilderness 48
- Trapper Cabin 47
- Jane Moore 46
- Ermine 45
- Private Administration 45
- Lynx 44
- Logging 43
- Spruce Bark Beetle 43
- Powell Ranger Station 40
- Forest Products 39
- Fishing 38
- Forest Service Cabin 38
- Missoula 38
- Cities 37
- Janet Moore 37
- Game Range 35
- Lookout Site 35
- Mule Deer 35
- Horses 34
- Mules 34
- Lolo Pass 32
- Western Conifer Forest 30
- Appalachia 29
- Swan Range 29
- Sandy Ridge Woods 28
- Research 27
- Weather 26
- Woodsmanship 26
- Avalanche 25
- Lochsa River 25
- Residential 25
- Seeley Lake Ranger District 25
- Alpine Fir 24
- Jay Turner 24
- The Lochsa Story 24
- Eastern Hardwood Forest 23
- Ed Mackay 23
- Mining 23
- Prospecting 23
- Beaver 22
- Palisade Creek 22
- Research Education 22
- Small Towns 22
- Bitterroot Mountains 21
- Horace Godfrey 21
- Missoula area 21
- Pets 21
- Ethics 20
- Horse 20
- Log Cabin 20
- North River Mills 20
- Wildflowers 20
- Canoe 18
- Lodgepole Pine 18
- Mid-elevation Forest 17
- Mission Mountains Wilderness 17
- Moose 17
- Sign 17
- Trap 17
- Whitebark Pine 17
- Backpack 16
- Browse 16
- David Ellen 16
- Deer 16
- Eastern United States 16
- Kenai 16
- Native Americans 16
- Rifle 16
- Coyote 15
- Douglas Fir 15
- Western Red Cedar (thugia Placata) 15
- Andrew Erickson 14
- Bobcat 14
- Creative Writing 14
- Hot Springs 14
- Ky 14
- Pack String 14
- Whitetail Deer 14
- Army Weasel 13
- Ecosystem Restoration 13
- Grazing 13
- Lion Creek 13
- Ponderosa Pine 13
- Herb Erickson 12
- McFarland 12
- McFarland Creek 12
- Mike Stevenson 12
- Muskrat 12
- Tent 12
- Tom Barker 12
- Brushy Fork 11
- Forestry 11
- Joe Fitzgerald 11
- Les Hostetler 11
- Log Buildings 11
- Milo Herbert 11
- Steve Russell 11
- Warm Springs Creek 11
- Whitefish 11
- Big Sand Lake 10
- Dick Walker 10
- Ed Domer 10
- Frank Bustard 10
- Grave Creek Range 10
- Grizzly 10
- Heinie Williams 10
- Mule 10
- Saddle 10
- Sapphire Range 10
- Shrubs 10
- Spruce Bark Beetles 10
- Steelhead Trout 10
- Tent Camp 10
- Washington, D.C. 10
- Western Larch 10
- Wolverine 10
- Ax 9
- Bears 9
- Bert Wendover 9
- Buildings 9
- Cold Creek 9
- Cutthroat Trout 9
- Dogs 9
- Eastern United States (location unknown) 9
- Elk Creek 9
- Freeman Mann 9
- Lewis and Clark 9
- Lolo Trail 9
- Pack Sack 9
- Saddles 9
- Snuffy 9
- Tents 9
- Thor Ness 9
- Urban Activities 9
- Bill Bell 8
- Billy Rhodes 8
- Butch Harmon 8
- Jane Buckhouse Moore 8
- Les Pengelly 8
- Lodgepole 8
- Lookout 8
- Meat Pole 8
- Moab area 8
- Multiple Use 8
- Odgen Region 4 8
- Pine Marten 8
- Saddle Horse 8
- Signs 8
- Smith Pass 8
- Storm Creek 8
- Subsistance gathering 8
- Airplane 7
- Bear 7
- Bitterroot River 7
- Bob Mutch 7
- Bud Portrait 7
- Camas 7
- Camping Equipment 7
- Cedar 7
- Chinook Salmon 7
- Clarine Moore 7
- Crooked Fork 7
- Cross Country Skis 7
- Dog 7
- Dozer 7
- Fish Lake 7
- Fox 7
- Frank Smith 7
- Gin Pole 7
- Jerry Johnson 7
- Jim Papke 7
- Johnny Breazeal 7
- Lion Pass 7
- Louie Normand 7
- Norman Maclean 7
- Pacific Theater 7
- Packer Meadow 7
- Porcupine 7
- Round Top Lookout 7
- Tripod 7
- Weir Creek 7
- Anderson Gulch 6
- Beargrass 6
- Beaver Jack 6
- Beaver Ridge 6
- Bill Holman 6
- Bitterroot Valley 6
- Bob Byers 6
- Bridge 6
- David Moore 6
- Elk Meadows 6
- Elk Summit 6
- Elk Summit Ranger Station 6
- Farming 6
- Grizzly Bear 6
- Guadalcanal Historic Value 6
- Hazel Moore 6
- Hy Lyman 6
- Jeep 6
- Koyak 6
- Logging Truck 6
- Lolo Hot Springs 6
- Magali 6
- Malemutes 6
- McConnell Lookout 6
- Ocean Coastlines 6
- Pack Horses 6
- Pack Stock 6
- Peg Set 6
- Ranching 6
- Rapahannock River 6
- Saddle Horses 6
- Skis 6
- Steelhead 6
- Watermelon 6
- Winter Backpacking 6
- 1910 Fire Regeneration 5
- Blackfoot Valley 5
- Blacklead Mining District 5
- Bob Newman 5
- Cabin 5
- Carl Erickson 5
- Dennis Miller 5
- Elk Flats 5
- Fence 5
- Fish 5
- Forest Service Buildings 5
- Frank Gummer 5
- Fred Schott 5
- Gary Kohler 5
- Grassland 5
- Johnny Wilson 5
- Kaniksu National Forest 5
- Keith Rudd 5
- Mill Creek 5
- Mountain Meadow 5
- Nutrient Recycling 5
- Otter 5
- Pack Dogs 5
- Pine Grass 5
- Placid Lake 5
- Rifles 5
- Roger Norgaard 5
- Sarah Walker 5
- Station Wagon 5
- Tex Baker 5
- Transportation 5
- Traveler 5
- Wes Fales 5
- William Monroe 'Bill' Moore 5
- 1910 Fire 4
- Agriculture 4
- Andy Anderson 4
- Andy Arvish 4
- Backpacks 4
- Beagle 4
- Black Bear 4
- Blue Grouse 4
- Bob Stiner 4
- Bulldozer 4
- Camp Creek Wildlife 4
- Campfire 4
- Canadian Lynx 4
- Casey Streed 4
- Clark Fork River 4
- Dismal Swamp 4
- Ducks 4
- Earl Malone 4
- Ed Moore 4
- Elk Point 4
- Fishing Pole 4
- Fred Wilkinson 4
- Grouse 4
- Indian Post Office Creek 4
- Jack Clack 4
- Jane Buckhouse 4
- Jay Ridge 4
- Jim Habeck 4
- Jim Jay 4
- Joe Petran 4
- John Bachman 4
- Lewis & Clark Hwy 4
- Log Cabins 4
- Lolo Creek Lolo 4
- Mattson Meadows 4
- McConnell Mountain 4
- Missoula Ranger District 4
- Nancy Fitzgerald 4
- National Forest 4
- Nez Perce 4
- Notch Set Trap 4
- Pack 4
- Pack Saddles 4
- Raccoon 4
- Ray Bond 4
- Retardant Plane 4
- Riding Equipment 4
- Rocky Point Lookout 4
- Sawmill 4
- Shovel 4
- Snowmobile 4
- Snowshoe Hare 4
- Squaw Creek 4
- Sylvia Moore 4
- Tom Parker 4
- Traps 4
- Trout 4
- Welcome Creek Wilderness 4
- Wendover Creek 4
- William Moore 4
- .22 Long Caliber Youth Rifle 3
- 1929 Fire 3
- Al Demott 3
- Alder 3
- Badger 3
- Barney Jette 3
- Beth Buckhouse 3
- Bitterroot Valley between Miller Creek and Lolo 3
- Blackfoot River 3
- Blodgett Pass 3
- Bridges 3
- Brook Trout 3
- Brooks McKinney 3
- Bud 3
- Burned Cedar Bar 3
- Cables 3
- California 3
- Camp 3
- Camp Trailer 3
- Cane Pole For Catching Whitefish 3
- Car 3
- Cedar Shakes 3
- Charlie Powell 3
- Coffee Pot 3
- Conibear 3
- Corrals 3
- Cottonwood 3
- Cottonwood Bottomlands 3
- Dad McCann 3
- Dave Scott 3
- Double Bit Ax 3
- Draw Knife 3
- Eldon Myrick 3
- Emory Kapp 3
- Equipment 3
- Fairfax 3
- Firefighters 3
- Fisher 3
- Forest Service Kitchen 3
- Forest Service Sign 3
- Grandma Buckhouse 3
- Grandma Wright 3
- Grave Creek 3
- Grave Peak 3
- Grizzlies 3
- Grizzly Story Brief 3
- Grumman Aluminum Canoe 3
- Hanson brothers 3
- Highway 12 3
- Hitch Rack 3
- Huckleberry 3
- Hudson Bay Ax 3
- Hunting Gear 3
- Indian Post Office 3
- Indians 3
- Jack Dietrich 3
- Jack Puckett 3
- Jack Rose 3
- Janet Fitzgerald Moore 3
- Joe Eberle 3
- John Murname 3
- Knife 3
- Kootenai Creek 3
- Lennie Smith 3
- Libby or Troy, Montana 3
- Logging Equipment 3
- Mantis 3
- Mocus Point 3
- Moose, Jumbo 3
- Muggins Gilman 3
- New York City 3
- Northern Region One 3
- Notch Set 3
- Number 9 Wire 3
- Owen Johnson 3
- Pack Creek 3
- Pack Strings 3
- Pack Train 3
- Papoose Creek 3
- Ray Beach 3
- Ray Millard 3
- Ray Schill 3
- Road Grader 3
- Rope 3
- Roy Daniels 3
- Savage Pass 3
- Selway Bitterrot Wilderness 3
- Shed 3
- Sheep 3
- Shotgun 3
- Sierra Cup 3
- Skookum Bill Woodman 3
- South Cold Creek 3
- Spanish Windlass 3
- Split Creek 3
- State Line Cabin 3
- Storm Creek Basin 3
- Tobaggan 3
- Turkey 3
- Uno Strom 3
- Vic Parent 3
- Wag Dodge 3
- Walking Stick 3
- Wayne A. 'Butch' Harmon 3
- Weasel 3
- Western Conifer Forest, Mid-elevation 3
- Whitetailed Deer 3
- William Monroe Moore 3
- Willows 3
- Winter Tent Camp 3
- .22 Single Shot Rifle 2
- .25-.35 Model 94 Winchester Carbine 2
- 10th Street 2
- 1910 Burn 2
- Aerial View 2
- Airedale Dogs 2
- Albino Basin 2
- Alpine Forest 2
- Alpine Larch 2
- Antennae 2
- Arvid Larch 2
- Ashley Roche 2
- Backcountry Camp 2
- Backpacking Equipment 2
- Bass Lake 2
- Bb Hoist 2
- Bear Hides 2
- Bear Mountain Lookout 2
- Beaver Ridge Lake 2
- Beaver Skinning Knife 2
- Big Sand Creek 2
- Bill Evers 2
- Bill Logue 2
- Bill Samsel 2
- Blue Mountain 2
- Blue Mountain area 2
- Bonnie Lyman 2
- Bridle 2
- Bull Trout 2
- Burro 2
- Butch Harmon Valley Bottom Ecosystem 2
- Camera 2
- Cargo Pack 2
- Carrielee Parker 2
- Cars 2
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Document1
- Image4589
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Summer 1668
- Lochsa Powell Ranger District 1314
- Historic Value 1152
- Family 1073
- Winter 992
- Rural Activities 893
- Bud Biography 869
- Snow, Ice 867
- Fall 770
- Wildlife 755
- Outdoor Recreation 735
- Government Administration Site 688
- Riparian 682
- Trapping 642
- Public Administration 613
- Watersheds 465
- Wilderness 465
- Forest 401
- Bud Moore 400
- Bill Moore 378
- Spring 362
- Marten 359
- Swan Valley 327
- Ecology 326
- Pristine 321
- Fire 318
- Bob Marshall Wilderness 295
- Hunting 276
- Fire Protection 275
- Soil, Rocks, Geology 271
- Roads, Trails and Communications 263
- Landscapes 255
- Coyote Forest 234
- Residential 215
- Small Towns 215
- Elk 214
- Missoula 210
- Bitterroot Mountains 207
- Spruce 204
- Private Administration 199
- McFarland 182
- Little Salmon 180
- McFarland Creek 178
- Cities 171
- Lolo Creek 165
- Lolo National Forest 163
- Subalpine Forest 160
- Vicki Moore 158
- Valley Bottom Ecosystem 156
- Mink 155
- Missoula area 145
- Selway Bitterroot Wilderness 145
- Logging 135
- Ermine 133
- 10th Street 132
- Lynx 132
- Wildflowers 123
- Jane Moore 121
- Eastern United States 119
- Pests, Diseases 119
- Building, Construction, Manufacturing 117
- Snowshoes 112
- Mid-elevation Forest 108
- Game Range 107
- Swan Range 100
- Sapphire Range 99
- Weather 98
- Forest Products 97
- Appalachia 92
- Forest Service Cabin 85
- Canoe 83
- Fishing 83
- Urban Activities 83
- Eastern Hardwood Forest 72
- Lolo Pass 72
- Pets 71
- Janet Moore 70
- Lookout Site 70
- Sandy Ridge Woods 70
- Alpine Fir 67
- Trapper Cabin 67
- Western Conifer Forest 67
- Horses 65
- Mule Deer 65
- Palisade Creek 64
- Lodgepole 63
- Powell Ranger Station 63
- Multiple Use 62
- Beaver 61
- Spruce Bark Beetle 61
- Mules 60
- Washington, D.C. 59
- Lolo Trail 57
- Avalanche 56
- Browse 56
- Lodgepole Pine 55
- Creative Writing 54
- Subsistance gathering 54
- Kenai 53
- The Lochsa Story 53
- Backpack 51
- Log Cabin 51
- Sign 51
- Forestry 50
- Lochsa River 50
- Research 49
- Joe Fitzgerald 48
- Moose 48
- Research Education 48
- Welcome Creek Wilderness 48
- Bud Portrait 47
- Mining 46
- Muskrat 46
- Nez Perce 46
- Prospecting 46
- Lion Creek 45
- Horse 44
- Rifle 44
- Douglas Fir 43
- Ky 43
- New York City 43
- Ponderosa Pine 42
- Bob Tribble 41
- Deer 41
- Ecosystem Restoration 41
- Steve Armstrong 41
- Woodsmanship 41
- unidentified writer 41
- Ethics 40
- California 38
- North River Mills 38
- Jane Buckhouse Moore 37
- Whitebark Pine 37
- Trap 36
- Airplane 35
- Coyote 35
- Mission Mountains Wilderness 34
- Ocean Coastlines 33
- Cedar 32
- Northern Region One 32
- Wolverine 32
- Bitterroot Valley 31
- Seeley Lake Ranger District 31
- Skalkaho north 31
- Snuffy 31
- Hot Springs 30
- Shrubs 30
- Skis 30
- Spruce Bark Beetles 30
- Horace Godfrey 29
- Traps 29
- Army Weasel 28
- Mike Stevenson 28
- Camp Deluce 27
- Ed Mackay 27
- Fish Lake 27
- Freeman Mann 27
- Jay Turner 27
- Native Americans 27
- Tent Camp 27
- Western Larch 26
- Cabin 25
- Whitefish 25
- Whitetail Deer 25
- David Ellen 24
- Grave Creek Range 24
- Grazing 24
- High Alpine 24
- Janet Fitzgerald Moore 24
- Pack String 24
- Pins 24
- Brushy Fork 23
- Clark Fork River 23
- Crooked Fork 23
- Dick Walker 23
- Survey Posts 23
- Lookout 22
- Mission Mountains 22
- Nancy Fitzgerald 22
- Sadie Buckhouse 22
- Shovel 22
- Dogs 21
- Nutrient Recycling 21
- Tent 21
- Bitterroot River 20
- Cold Creek 20
- Elk Creek 20
- Farming 20
- Kaniksu National Forest 20
- Magali 20
- Mule 20
- Ranching 20
- Western Red Cedar (thugia Placata) 20
- Andrew Erickson 19
- Bobcat 19
- Dog Packs 19
- Lolo Hot Springs 19
- Sapphire Mountains 19
- Tents 19
- Black Bear 18
- Conibear 18
- Elk Summit 18
- Lion Pass 18
- Peg Set Trap 18
- Personal 18
- Big Sand Lake 17
- Bill Bell 17
- Fish 17
- Forest Service Buildings 17
- George Regan 17
- Grizzly Bear 17
- Hazel Moore 17
- Koyak 17
- Notch Set Trap 17
- Sarah Walker 17
- Steelhead Trout 17
- Tongass National Forest 17
- Cross Country Skis 16
- Dog 16
- Fox 16
- Frank Bustard 16
- Les Hostetler 16
- Lewis and Clark 16
- Logging Truck 16
- Saddle Horse 16
- Saddles 16
- South Fork of the Flathead River 16
- Steve Russell 16
- Agriculture 15
- Bridge 15
- Cutthroat Trout 15
- David Moore 15
- Dozer 15
- Hamilton 15
- Kubota 15
- Mixed Species 15
- Moab area 15
- Rapahannock River 15
- Saddle 15
- Storm Creek 15
- Welcome Creek 15
- Beargrass 14
- Blackfoot Valley 14
- Buildings 14
- Butch Harmon 14
- Elk Flats 14
- Log Buildings 14
- Savage Pass 14
- Signs 14
- Smith Pass 14
- Tom Barker 14
- Warm Springs Creek 14
- Ax 13
- Bear 13
- Casey Streed 13
- Clarine Moore 13
- Milo Herbert 13
- Bert Wendover 12
- Ed Domer 12
- Elk Meadows 12
- Frank Smith 12
- Gin Pole 12
- Grassland 12
- Grizzly 12
- Herb Erickson 12
- Jeep 12
- Pack Sack 12
- Pack Stock 12
- Porcupine 12
- Winter Backpacking 12
- Andy Arvish 11
- Backpacks 11
- Camping Equipment 11
- Clearwater River 11
- Glacier National Park 11
- Heinie Williams 11
- Johnny Breazeal 11
- Logging Equipment 11
- McConnell Mountain 11
- Packer Meadow 11
- Ray Bond 11
- Rock Creek 11
- Rocky Point 11
- Snow Measuring Tools 11
- Subalpine Fir 11
- Thor Ness 11
- Tripod 11
- Weir Creek 11
- Billy Rhodes 10
- Blackfoot River 10
- Bob Newman 10
- Camas 10
- Dismal Swamp 10
- Dog Pack 10
- Ed Moore 10
- Firefighters 10
- Fishing Pole 10
- Forest Service Sign 10
- Grave Peak 10
- Jerry Johnson 10
- Mountain Meadow 10
- Pack Horses 10
- Papoose Creek 10
- Sawmill 10
- Anderson Gulch 9
- Beagle 9
- Bears 9
- Blue Grouse 9
- Bulldozer 9
- Camp Trailer 9
- Eastern United States (location unknown) 9
- Elk Summit Ranger Station 9
- Fay Burrell 9
- Grouse 9
- Hank Viche 9
- Huckleberry 9
- Johnny Wilson 9
- Lochsa Lodge 9
- Round Top Lookout 9
- Saddle Horses 9
- Selway Bitterrot Wilderness 9
- Snowshoe Hare 9
- Spokane 9
- Survey Stakes 9
- Beaver Jack 8
- Beaver Skinning Knife 8
- Big Creek Lake 8
- Bill Holman 8
- Blacklead Mining District 8
- Bob Mutch 8
- Chinook Salmon 8
- Conko Lake 8
- Cottonwood Bottomlands 8
- Cross-country Skis 8
- Dennis Miller 8
- Eastern Wildflower 8
- Elk Point 8
- Fairfax 8
- Fritz Krieger 8
- Gary Kohler 8
- Jim Papke 8
- McConnell Lookout 8
- Meat Pole 8
- Odgen Region 4 8
- Pack Dogs 8
- Pine Marten 8
- Snowmobile 8
- Wendover Creek 8
- Western Conifer Forest, Mid-elevation 8
- Windlass 8
- near Missoula 8
- Barney Jette 7
- Beaver Ridge 7
- Big Hole Valley 7
- Brooks McKinney 7
- David Ash 7
- Fence 7
- Grave Creek 7
- Hy Lyman 7
- Indian Post Office Creek 7
- Jerry Johnson Lick 7
- Les Pengelly 7
- Log Cabins 7
- Louie Normand 7
- Necklace basin 7
- Pine Grass 7
- Placid Lake 7
- Roger Norgaard 7
- Roy Daniels 7
- Shed 7
- Snowmobiles 7
- Station Wagon 7
- Susan Fitzgerald 7
- Trout 7
- Virginia 7
- Warren Miller 7
- West Coast Forest 7
- Woodard 7
- 1910 Fire 6
- Aircraft 6
- Alder 6
- Aunt Phelfia 6
- Bob Morgan 6
- Camp Creek Wildlife 6
- Campfire 6
- Canadian Lynx 6
- Chaps 6
- Donald Kinney 6
- Dry Creek 6
- Frank Gummer 6
- Franklin Grouse 6
- Fred Schott 6
- Fred Wilkinson 6
- Gill Creek 6
- Grand Fir 6
- Gyda Newman 6
- Hudson Bay Ax 6
- Jane Buckhouse 6
- Johnny Trotter 6
- Log Working 6
- Map 6
- Maude Erickson 6
- Missoula Ranger District 6
- Mountain Goat 6
- Norman Maclean 6
- Owl Peak 6
- Pack Saddles 6
- Railing 6
- Sapling 6
- Snow Measuring Equipment 6
- Spalding 6
- Split Rail Fence 6
- Spotted Bear River 6
- Spruce Bud Worm 6
- Squatters' Cabins 6
- Wayne A. 'Butch' Harmon 6
- 1910 Fire Regeneration 5
- 1929 Fire 5
- Andy Anderson 5
- Badger 5
- Bakersfield 5
- Beaver Ridge Lake 5
- Beth Buckhouse 5
- Blodgett Creek 5
- Bob Byers 5
- Brook Trout 5
- Cables 5
- Carl Erickson 5
- Cenex crew 5
- Charlie Snook 5
- Cletrac 5
- Colgate Lick 5
- Corrals 5
- Cottonwood 5
- Coyotes 5
- Culvert 5
- Day Pack 5
- Dick Creek 5
- Ducks 5
- Earl Malone 5
- Eldon Myrick 5
- Ferns 5
- Fire Fighter Task Force 5
- Flathead Lake 5
- Fly Rod 5
- Footlog 5
- Forest Service Kitchen 5
- Forest Service Station 5
- Grandma Wright 5
- Granite Lake 5
- Henry Bond 5
- Hunting Camp 5
- Hunting Gear 5
- Huson 5
- Ice Saw 5
- Ice Tongs 5
- Indian Paintbrush 5
- Jay Ridge 5
- Jim Jay 5
- Joe Petran 5
- John Murname 5
- Keith Rudd 5
- Lolo Ranger Station 5
- Malemutes 5
- Margaret Gorski 5
- Otter 5
- Peg Set 5
- Petty Mountain 5
- Road Grader 5
- Saddle Bags 5
- Squaw Creek 5
- Steelhead 5
- Stove 5
- Vic Parent 5
- West Coast 5
- 1910 Burn 4
- Al DeMott 4
- Al Demott 4
- Alpine Larch 4
- Asparagus 4
- Aspen 4
- Backcountry Camp 4
- Bannack State Park 4
- Barn 4
- Big Creek 4
- Blodgett Pass 4
- Blue Mountain 4
- Blue Ridge Parkway Historic Value 4
- Bob Stiner 4
- Buc Moore 4
- Buck Creek 4
- Burned Cedar Bar 4
- Burned Forest 4
- Camp 4
- Camp Kitchen 4
- Campground 4
- Cars 4
- Caterpillar D7 Bulldozer 4
- Cedar Shakes 4
- Chainsaw 4
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Montana 2057
- Idaho 1560
- Virginia 136
- West Virginia 80
- Washington, D.C. 65
- California 46
- Utah 42
- New York City 40
- Alaska 34
- Washington 10
- Wyoming 9
- Massachusetts 3
- New York City, New York 2
- Oregon 1
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