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- Image158
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Group portraits 42
- United States. Forest Service -- Employees 34
- Lodgepole pine 24
- Dirt roads 23
- Landscape photographs 22
- Wildfires -- Prevention and control 20
- Portrait photographs 16
- Forest fire fighters 15
- Safety hats 15
- Trees 14
- Bell 47 (Helicopter) 12
- Forest fires -- Equipment and supplies 12
- Rangelands 12
- Saddle Mountain Burn, 1960 12
- Smoke 12
- Timber -- Management 12
- Bell Aircraft Corporation 11
- Logging -- Equipment and supplies 11
- Roads -- Maintenance and repair 11
- Automobiles 10
- Bob Marshall Wilderness (Mont.) 10
- Bridges -- Maintenance and repair 10
- Cars 10
- Sleeping Child Burn, 1961 10
- Tango Creek Fire, 1953 10
- Calves 9
- Darby Ranger District (Mont.) 9
- Logging trucks 9
- Mountains 9
- Mudslides 9
- Cargo 8
- Outdoor cooking 8
- Tents 8
- Water sports 8
- Children 7
- Flathead River (B.C. and Mont.) 7
- Forest fires -- Prevention and control 7
- Forest roads -- Design and construction 7
- Grazing 7
- Motorboats 7
- Snow 7
- Timber stand improvement 7
- aerial views 7
- Big Prairie Ranger Station (Mont.) 6
- Cattle 6
- Clearcutting 6
- Dead trees 6
- Log buildings 6
- Magruder Ranger District (Idaho) 6
- Recreation areas 6
- Roads -- Design and construction 6
- Seeley Lake (Mont.) 6
- Seeley Lake Ranger District (Mont.) 6
- Swimmers 6
- Timber -- Harvesting -- Machinery 6
- Hereford cattle 5
- Livestock 5
- Pulpwood 5
- Railroad cars 5
- White Sulphur Springs Ranger District (Mont.) 5
- Wildfires 5
- Allotment of land 4
- Beaches 4
- Bitterroot Range (Idaho and Mont.) 4
- Boat trailers 4
- Camping trailers 4
- Helicopter pilots 4
- Trucks 4
- Water skiing 4
- West Fork Ranger District (Mont.) 4
- Axes 3
- Backpacks 3
- Bitterroot Mountains (Idaho and Mont.) 3
- Buildings 3
- Campers (Persons) 3
- Camping -- Equipment and Supplies 3
- Checks 3
- Circular saws 3
- Debris 3
- Fireline 3
- Fishing rods 3
- Flathead River, North Fork (B.C. and Mont.) 3
- Ford Three-engined Monoplane (Transport plane) 3
- Hand games 3
- Horseback riding 3
- Horses 3
- Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail 3
- Neth, Myron 3
- Pipe smoking 3
- Rombo Creek Campground (Mont.) 3
- Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness (Idaho and Mont.) 3
- Sheep 3
- Signs and signboards 3
- Slash (Logging) 3
- Sula Ranger Station (Mont.) -- Building, structures, etc. 3
- Trails 3
- Utility poles 3
- Western spruce budworm -- Control -- Environmental aspects -- Montana -- Bitterroot National Forest 3
- Wildlife photography 3
- Agriculture 2
- Airplanes 2
- Boat ramps 2
- Buses 2
- Canoes and canoeing 2
- Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) 2
- Cliffs 2
- Corrals 2
- Creels (Fishing) 2
- Electric lines 2
- Fences 2
- Fishermen 2
- Fishing 2
- Flathead River, South Fork (Mont.) 2
- Forest fires -- Environmental aspects 2
- Fuelwood 2
- Hells Half Acre Lookout (Idaho) 2
- Hickman, Jim 2
- Irrigation canals and flumes 2
- Iversen, Leslie E., 1905-1976 2
- Jack-leg fences 2
- Litters 2
- Logs 2
- Meadows 2
- Missoula County (Mont.) 2
- Mule deer 2
- Mules -- Transportation 2
- Nousianeu, Arne 2
- Pack animals (Transportation) 2
- Pack transportation 2
- Packtrains 2
- Patch cuts 2
- Plants -- Effect of grazing on 2
- Portrait photograph 2
- Range management 2
- Runways (Aeronautics) 2
- Sanders County (Mont.) 2
- Seeley Lake Campground (Missoula county, Mont.) 2
- Selway River (Idaho) 2
- Ski lifts 2
- Skiers 2
- Skis and skiing 2
- Snow Bowl (Mont.) 2
- Snowbowl (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 2
- Spruce 2
- Sula Ranger Station (Mont.) 2
- Waterfalls 2
- Winter sports 2
- Women 2
- Bitterroot Mountains (Idaho and Mont.) 1
- Bitterroot Valley (Mont.) 1
- Bitterroot Valley (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress 1
- Building construction 1
- Building materials 1
- Camps -- Food service 1
- Canyons 1
- Caruso, Dick (Richard Alan), 1917-2019 1
- Clearcutting -- Environmental aspects 1
- Construction equipment 1
- Construction workers 1
- Crawler tractors 1
- Cutover lands 1
- Douglas B-18 (Bomber) 1
- Earthmoving machinery 1
- Fawns 1
- Fire damage 1
- Fire hose 1
- Fire pits 1
- Forest fire fighters -- Training of 1
- Hanson, E. Arnold (Elbert Arnold), 1913-1988 1
- Hay 1
- Ice on rivers, lakes, etc. 1
- Ladders 1
- Landscape photogrpahs 1
- Lolo Creek Road (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Lumber 1
- Milodragovich, Bob (Robert), 1917-2004 1
- Motorola, Inc. 1
- Ninemile Remount Depot (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Nousianen, A. O. (Arne O.), 1913-1998 1
- Portrait photograhs 1
- Portrait photogrpahs 1
- Radio in fire prevention 1
- Ravalli County Airport (Mont.) 1
- Rehfeld, Bob (Robert O.), 1928-2016 1
- Reservoirs 1
- Rivers 1
- Rocky Mountain juniper -- Effect of grazing on 1
- School buses 1
- Skidders 1
- Smokejumpers 1
- Snowfields 1
- Snowpack 1
- Stoves 1
- Sula Ranger Station (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Telephone lines -- Design and construction 1
- Tree stumps 1
- United States Information Agency. Motion Picture and Television Service 1
- Westcott, Clarence B., 1905-1989 1
- White-tailed deer 1
- Women athletes 1
- Wooden fences -- Design and construction 1
- Zenith televisions 1
- oblique views 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Bitterroot National Forest (Mont. and Idaho) 57
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Mont.) 39
- Flathead National Forest, Montana 34
- Lolo National Forest 15
- Flathead National Forest (Mont.) 7
- Adams Creek (Meagher county, Montana) 6
- Deep Creek (Montana) 3
- Lolo National Forest (Mont.) 3
- Lolo National ForestLolo National Forest 3
- Lost Creek (Montana) 3
- Jumping Creek (Meagher county, Montana) 2
- Painted Rocks Lake (Ravalli county, Montana) 2
- Pend Oreille River 2
- Porphyry Peak (Meagher county, Montana) 2
- Rice Ridge (Mont.) 2
- Rombo Creek (Ravalli county, Montana) 2
- Skalkaho Creek (Ravalli county, Montana) 2
- Yogo Peak (Judith Basin county, Montana) 2
- Canyon Creek, Flathead county, Montana 1
- Castle Mountains (Meagher county, Montana) 1
- Chinese Wall (Montana) 1
- El Capitan (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- Gergen Creek, Flathead county, Montana 1
- Gibson Reservoir (Montana) 1
- Jumping Creek (Meagher county 1
- Lolo Hot Springs (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Lost Horse Creek (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- National Bison Range (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Newlan Creek (Meagher county, Montana) 1
- Salmon Lake (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Seeley Lake (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Tin Cup Creek (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- West Fork Lolo Creek (Missoula county, Montana) 1
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