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When you are looking for specific items of interest, use the search tools; enter keywords in the basic search on the landing page or in the header, or the Search page where you can enter keywords and define search parameters.
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- Image36
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Group portraits 23
- Trees 23
- Children 13
- Picnic tables 11
- Camp sites, facilities, etc. 9
- Campers (Persons) 7
- Progress photographs 7
- Seeley Lake (Mont.) 6
- Snow 6
- Snowbowl (Mont.) 6
- Forest Service -- Employees 5
- Missoula Ranger District (Mont.) 5
- Mountains 5
- Picnic grounds 5
- Portrait photographs 5
- Seeley Lake Campground (Mont.) 5
- Snow Bowl (Mont.) 5
- Tree stumps 5
- Automobiles 4
- Camping -- Equipment and Supplies 4
- Cars 4
- Construction workers 4
- Fire pits 4
- Seeley Lake Ranger District (Mont.) 4
- Ski lifts 4
- Skiers 4
- Skis and skiing 4
- Winter sports 4
- Conservation 3
- Fuelwood 3
- Grills 3
- Outdoor cooking 3
- Pattee Canyon (Missoula County, Mont.) 3
- Picnics 3
- Rattlesnake Elementary School (Missoula, Mont.) 3
- Recreation areas 3
- Signs and signboards 3
- Swimmers 3
- Teachers 3
- Tents 3
- Water sports 3
- Beaches 2
- Boulders 2
- Campfires 2
- Chairs 2
- Dead trees 2
- Dirt roads 2
- Electric lines 2
- Fishers 2
- Fishing rods 2
- Fly fishing 2
- Forests 2
- Motorboats 2
- Portrait photographs 2
- Rapids 2
- Safety hats 2
- School buses 2
- Seeley Lake Campground (Missoula county, Mont.) 2
- Shovels 2
- Timber -- Management 2
- Tools 2
- Tree planters (Persons) 2
- Tree planting 2
- United States. Forest Service -- Employees 2
- Utility poles 2
- Vandalism 2
- Waders (Fishing) 2
- Camp Paxson (Seeley Lake, Mont.) 1
- J & M Lumber (Seeley Lake, Mont.) 1
- Beer bottles 1
- Beer cans 1
- Camp Fire Girls 1
- Camping trailers 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.). -- Camp Paxson (Mont.) 1
- Clearcutting 1
- Clotheslines 1
- Copper King Campground (Mont.) 1
- Dibble bar 1
- Dogs 1
- Double Arrow Lookout (Mont.) 1
- Douglas fir -- Seedlings 1
- Fire damage 1
- Flagpoles 1
- Horseback riding 1
- Horses 1
- Kettles 1
- Landslides 1
- Litter (Trash) 1
- Log cabins 1
- Logs 1
- Lucky Lager 1
- Luggage 1
- Meadows 1
- Mountains 1
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company 1
- Pattee Canyon Recreation Area (Mont.) 1
- Picnic baskets 1
- Ponderosa pine 1
- Pyramid Mountain Lumber, Inc. (Seeley Lake, Mont.) 1
- Ski resorts 1
- Snags (Forestry) 1
- Snow Bowl (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Spigots 1
- Surveying -- Instruments 1
- Surveyors 1
- Tape measures 1
- Trails 1
- Travel trailers 1
- United States Alpine Ski Championships 1
- Water skiing 1
- Water-pipes--Valves 1
- Wheelbarrows 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Lolo National Forest 31
- Rice Ridge (Mont.) 4
- Lolo National Forest (Mont.) 3
- Chinese Wall (Montana) 1
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Mont.) 1
- Missoula (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Ranch Creek (Granite county, Montana) 1
- Rock Creek (Granite County and Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- Rock Creek (Granite County, Mont.) 1
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