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- Document52
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
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- Complaint letters 52
- Indians of North America 52
- Indians of North America -- Government relations 52
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation (Mont.) 50
- Employees 6
- Investigations 6
- Indian allotments 5
- Indians of North America -- Social conditions 5
- McFatridge, Arthur E., 1867-1943 5
- Physicians 5
- Affidavits 4
- Boarding schools 4
- Hamilton, Robert J. 4
- Heirs 4
- Leases 4
- Whites -- Relations with Indians 4
- Appropriations and expenditures 3
- Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 3
- Debt 3
- Elections 3
- Grazing 3
- Survival and emergency rations 3
- Agriculture 2
- Alcohol and drug abuse 2
- Blackfeet Tribal Business Council 2
- Butler, Everett 2
- Cattle 2
- Employees -- Dismissal of 2
- Employees -- Resignation 2
- Fishing 2
- Game protection 2
- Great Northern Railway Company (U.S.) 2
- Hay 2
- Holy Family Mission (Mont.) 2
- Hospitals 2
- Hunting 2
- Indian councils 2
- Indian reservation police 2
- Indians of North America -- Public welfare 2
- Kipp, Dick 2
- Law and order 2
- Loans 2
- Petitions 2
- Trespass 2
- Tribal government 2
- Alcohol trafficking 1
- Arrest 1
- Assault and battery 1
- Auditors' reports 1
- Barnes, Fred H. 1
- Beach, R. S. (Bob) 1
- Bear Child, Louis 1
- Bearchild, Benjamin 1
- Bearchild, Dora 1
- Big Nose, Sam 1
- Black Bear, Birdie John 1
- Blackfeet Indians 1
- Blackfeet Tribal Council 1
- Bogy, Thomas 1
- Bonga, Simon 1
- Buck, Charles W. 1
- Buildings 1
- Bull Plume 1
- Burns, Mamie Henkel 1
- Butler Company 1
- Butler, A. 1
- Campbell, Fred C. (Fred Choteau), 1864- 1
- Catlett, J. Bland 1
- Cattle -- Losses 1
- Cattle -- Marking 1
- Cattle stealing 1
- Chewing Black Bones 1
- Cree Indians 1
- Crim, Arthur J. 1
- Delaney, Charles 1
- Delaney, Fred 1
- Delaney, George 1
- Delegations 1
- Education 1
- Ell, Louis 1
- Employment 1
- Farmers 1
- Flathead Indian Reservation (Mont.) 1
- Fort Bidwell Reservation (Calif.) 1
- Fourth of July celebrations 1
- Gambling 1
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 1
- Grant, Richard, Sr. 1
- Haskell Institute 1
- Health 1
- Heavyrunner, William 1
- Helm, Wesley D. 1
- Henault, Mose 1
- Henkel, Caroline 1
- Henkel, George 1
- Henkel, Henry 1
- Henkel, William 1
- Hogsed, Walter R. 1
- Hohnsbeen, Wilhemine K. 1
- Horn, John Gallagher 1
- Horn, Tom 1
- Housing 1
- Indian children -- Legal status, laws, etc. 1
- Indian dance 1
- Indian judges 1
- Indian school children 1
- Indians of North America -- Legal status, laws, etc. 1
- Indians of North America -- Mixed descent 1
- Jails 1
- Johnson, H. C. 1
- Kipp family 1
- Kipp, Mary 1
- Kittson, Jerry 1
- LaPlant, Louis 1
- Lamoose, Joseph, Mrs. 1
- Long-Cleary Stock Company 1
- Lynch, Mike 1
- Marceau, Margaret 1
- McDonald, Trephina Cobell 1
- McFatridge, Clara 1
- Mountain Chief 1
- Murphy, William D. 1
- Nelson, William G. 1
- Nurses 1
- Oil and gas leases 1
- Old Chief, John 1
- Per diem allowances 1
- Perrine, James A. 1
- Perrine, Mary 1
- Peterson, Lizzie 1
- Pollock, Irene Bull Shoe 1
- Pollock, John 1
- Prohibition 1
- Public schools 1
- Rationing 1
- Rattler, Elmer, Mrs. 1
- Religious education 1
- Rigney, Stephen J., 1882-1950 1
- Roads 1
- Running Wolf, Myles 1
- Ryan, R. J. 1
- Sanderville, Richard, 1866-1951 1
- Sanderville, Tom 1
- Scarlatina 1
- School attendance 1
- Schools 1
- Schrader, Herman F., 1881-1945 1
- Seifred, John 1
- Sellars, Charles W. 1
- Sheep 1
- Sherwood, Nellie M. 1
- Siksika Indians 1
- Spanish, Evelyn Marie 1
- Spanish, Margaret 1
- Spanish, Myrtle 1
- Spanish, William J. 1
- Spotted Eagle, Thomas 1
- Strikes in Front No Chief 1
- Theft 1
- Threats of violence 1
- Trachoma 1
- Tribal trust funds 1
- Tuberculosis 1
- Vision disorders 1
- Wades-in-Water, Julia 1
- Wages 1
- Walburger, Con 1
- Water-supply 1
- Whiteman, Dirtyface Bull Shoe 1
- Whiteman, John 1
- Wilson, Donald 1
- Wolf Eagle 1
- Woodchiefwoman 1
- Yellow Owl, Louie 1
- Yellow Owl, Peter 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Montana 52
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