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- Image62
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Johnson, Philip C. (Philip Cornwell), 1907-1990 8
- Schmidt, Otto, 1866- 6
- Reich, W. J. 5
- Charles E. Morris 4
- McKay, R. H. (Rollin H.) 4
- Detroit Publishing Co. 3
- Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 3
- United States. Forest Service 3
- Calvert, W. R. 2
- Hoblitzell, William A., 1864- 2
- Walcott, Charles D. (Charles Doolittle), 1850-1927 2
- Wall, R. F. 2
- Acmegraph Co. 1
- Alden, William C. (William Clinton), 1871- 1
- Elrod, Morton J. (Morton John), 1863-1953 1
- Gruell, George E. 1
- J. E. Haynes Photo Co. 1
- Sterret, D. B. 1
- Steuerwald, W. E. (Winston E.) 1
- Swan, Kenneth D. (Kenneth Dupee), 1887-1970 1
- The Acmegraph Co. 1
Show More - Subject...
- Canyons 62
- Landscape photographs 37
- Rivers 20
- Mountains 16
- oblique views 13
- Douglas fir 12
- Yellowstone National Park 8
- natural landscapes 7
- Cityscapes 6
- Hellgate Canyon (Mont.) 6
- Landscapes 6
- Locomotives 6
- Trees 6
- Big Belt Mountains (Mont.) 5
- Helena National Forest (Mont.) 5
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 5
- Ponderosa pine 5
- Shrubs 5
- Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company 4
- Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) 4
- Fergus County (Mont.) 4
- Forests and forestry 4
- Grasses 4
- Juniperus scopulorum 4
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Mont.) 4
- Limber pine 4
- Milwaukee Road (Railroad) 4
- Rocky Mountain juniper 4
- Willows 4
- aerial views 4
- Aspen 3
- Cercocarpus ledifolius 3
- Common chokecherry 3
- Conifers 3
- Missoula (Mont.) 3
- Outcrops (Geology) 3
- Roads 3
- Sagebrush 3
- Trains 3
- Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area (Mont. and Wyo.) 2
- Bitterroot Mountains (Idaho and Mont.) 2
- Bitterroot Range (Idaho and Mont.) 2
- Blacktail Deer Creek (Beaverhead County, Mont.) 2
- Blacktail Mountains (Mont.) 2
- Blossburg (Mont.) 2
- Bonner (Mont.) 2
- Carbon County (Mont.) 2
- Cities and towns 2
- Clearwater River (Idaho) 2
- Coeur d'Alene Mining District (Idaho) 2
- Cottonwood 2
- Curlleaf mountain mahogany 2
- Custer National Forest (Mont. and S.D.) 2
- Flumes 2
- Golden Gate (Wyo) 2
- Jumbo, Mount (Mont.) 2
- Little Belt Mountains (Mont.) 2
- Mines and mineral resources 2
- Mining 2
- Price's Creek (Beaverhead County, Mont.) 2
- Railroad cars 2
- Railroad tracks 2
- Red Lodge (Mont.) 2
- Rocky Mountains 2
- Sandstone 2
- Sapphire mines and mining 2
- Sentinel, Mount (Missoula County, Mont.) 2
- Stagecoaches 2
- Trout Creek (Mont.) 2
- Yogo Creek (Mont.) 2
- cultural landscapes 2
- Acer glabrum 1
- Alder 1
- Autumn 1
- Baseball fields 1
- Basin wildrye 1
- Black cottonwood 1
- Bridges 1
- Burke (Idaho) 1
- California Zephyr (Express train) 1
- Cattle 1
- Cliffs 1
- Cody,Wyoming 1
- Cowboys 1
- Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Company 1
- Dogwoods 1
- Electric lines 1
- Electric power distribution 1
- Electric railroads 1
- Gallatin County (Mont.) 1
- Gem (Idaho) 1
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 1
- Glenwood Springs (Colo.) 1
- Golf courses 1
- Gorges 1
- Great basin wild rye 1
- Horses 1
- Jefferson River (Mont.) 1
- Livingston,Montana 1
- Marysville,Montana 1
- Montana 1
- Prunus virginiana 1
- Railroad bridges 1
- Railroad trains 1
- Railroads 1
- Rapids 1
- Rocky Mountain maple 1
- School buildings 1
- Schools 1
- Shoshone River 1
- Skagit River (B.C. and Wash.) 1
- Skagit River Valley (B.C. and Wash.) 1
- Spruce 1
- Student housing 1
- Trestles 1
- Truss bridges 1
- University of Montana -- Missoula 1
- Viaducts 1
- Yellowstone River 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Missoula (Missoula county, Montana) 8
- Montana 7
- Yellowstone National Park; Montana; Wyoming 6
- Big Belt Mountains (Montana) 5
- Helena National Forest (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 5
- Big Snowy Mountains (Montana) 4
- Blake Creek (Montana) 4
- Fergus (county) 4
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Fergus county, Montana) 4
- Bitterroot National Forest (Mont. and Idaho) 3
- Hellgate Canyon (Missoula county, Montana) 3
- Little Belt Mountains (Montana) 3
- Beartooth Mountains (United States) 2
- Big Horn (county) 2
- Black Canyon (Idaho) 2
- Blacktail Deer Creek (Beaverhead county, Montana) 2
- Blacktail Mountains (Beaverhead county, Montana) 2
- Carbon (county) 2
- Clearwater River (Idaho) 2
- Custer National Forest - Beartooth Division (Montana) 2
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Wheatland county, Montana) 2
- Pend Oreille River 2
- Red Lodge (Carbon county, Montana) 2
- Silver Bow (county) 2
- Soup Creek (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 2
- Stillwater (county) 2
- Teddy Creek (Beaverhead county, Montana) 2
- Tin Cup Creek (Ravalli county, Montana) 2
- Trout Creek (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 2
- Wheatland (county) 2
- Yellowstone National Park 2
- Yogo Creek (Fergus county, Montana) 2
- York (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 2
- Blodgett Canyon (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- Blossburg (Powell county, Montana) 1
- Burke (Shoshone county, Idaho) 1
- Cody, Montana 1
- East Fork Ninemile Creek (Shoshone county, Idaho) 1
- Fergus County, Montana 1
- Finlen (Silver Bow county, Montana) 1
- Fish Creek (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Florence (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- Gem (Shoshone county, Idaho) 1
- Glacier National Park (Montana) 1
- Gore Canyon (Grand county, Colorado) 1
- Jefferson (river) 1
- Lewis River (Teton county, Wyoming) 1
- Livingston, Montana 1
- Marysville, Montana 1
- Nine Mile Canyon (Shoshone county, Idaho) 1
- Sappington (Gallatin county, Montana) 1
- Skagit River (Washington) 1
- Waterworks Hill (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- White Cap Creek (Idaho county, Idaho) 1
- White Gulch (Broadwater county, Montana) 1
- Wyoming 1
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