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- Artwork10
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Cliffs 10
- Cowboys - Costumes - West (U.S.) 6
- Cowboys in art 6
- Horses in art 6
- Sagebrush 5
- Western riding 5
- Western saddles 5
- Cattle in art 4
- Firearms in art 3
- Mountain life in art 2
- Pumas 2
- Rocks in art 2
- Serpents in art 2
- Pistols 1
- Ravines 1
- Rope in art 1
- Santan Mountains (Ariz.) 1
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- Image106
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- United States. Forest Service 50
- Swan, Kenneth D. (Kenneth Dupee), 1887-1970 18
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921 17
- Elrod, Morton J. (Morton John), 1863-1953 13
- Rush, William Marshall, 1887- 7
- Schlamp, Philip G. 6
- Wolstad, George R. 6
- Roskie, George Frederick, 1912-1998 4
- Eide, Ingvard Henry 3
- Johnson, Philip C. (Philip Cornwell), 1907-1990 3
- McDonald, C. H. (Charles Haskin), 1900-1981 3
- Slusher, Edward C., 1917-2003 3
- Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 2
- McKay, R. H. (Rollin H.) 2
- Steuerwald, W. E. (Winston E.) 2
- Acmegraph Co. 1
- Flint, H. R. (Howard R.) 1
- Flock, Kester D., 1901-1995 1
- Grinnell, George Bird, 1849-1938 1
- Gruell, George E. 1
- J. E. Haynes Photo Co. 1
- Rapraeger, Elmer F., 1903-1982 1
- Reich, W. J. 1
- Rush, R. F. 1
- Unidentified photographer 1
- Van Gieson, Bob 1
Show More - Subject...
- Cliffs 106
- Landscape photographs 57
- Mountains 22
- Bob Marshall Wilderness (Mont.) 14
- natural landscapes 13
- Outcrops (Geology) 11
- Portrait photographs 10
- Trees 9
- United States. Forest Service -- Employees 8
- Fairview to Willow Creek Trail (Mont.) 7
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 7
- Teton Ranger District (Mont.) 7
- Trails -- Design and construction 7
- Elevated highways--Yellowstone National Park 6
- Fishing 6
- Glacial landforms 6
- Horses 6
- Landscapes 6
- Recreation areas 6
- Rivers 6
- Smith River (Mont.) 6
- Smith River State Recreational Waterway (Mont.) 6
- Horseback riding 5
- Landscape photography 5
- Missouri River 5
- Boats and boating 4
- Columbia River 4
- Dubbels, Glenn L. (Glenn Lowell), 1935-2020 4
- Group portraits 4
- Lakes 4
- Limestone 4
- Rafts 4
- Waterfalls 4
- Blackfoot River (Mont.) 3
- Bonner (Mont.) 3
- Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) 3
- Cottonwood 3
- Douglas fir 3
- Geology, Stratigraphic -- Precambrian 3
- Glaciers 3
- Gorges 3
- Haller, Frederick B., 1915-1979 3
- Rosetta, Noel Eugene, 1917-2008 3
- Trails 3
- Wildfires -- Environmental aspects 3
- color photographs 3
- oblique views 3
- Aspen 2
- Automobiles 2
- Backhoes 2
- Cascade (Mont.) 2
- Clark Fork Valley (Mont. and Idaho) 2
- Continental Divide 2
- Dillon (Mont.) 2
- Dirt roads--Yellowstone National Park 2
- Fences 2
- Fishing rods 2
- Going-to-the-Sun Road (Mont.) 2
- Grasslands 2
- Grinnell Glacier (Mont.) 2
- Irrigation 2
- Lewis Thrust Fault (Alta. and Mont.) 2
- Lewis overthrust 2
- Logs 2
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Handcars 2
- Oregon Railway and Navigation Company--Railroad tracks 2
- Pastures 2
- Railroad tracks 2
- Rattlesnake Cliffs (Beaverhead County, Mont.) 2
- Sagebrush 2
- Sanders County (Mont.) 2
- Saw horses 2
- Shrubs 2
- Talus (Geology) 2
- Waders (Fishing) 2
- Yellowstone National Park 2
- American Forestry Association 1
- Arches, Natural 1
- Backpacks 1
- Beaverhead River (Mont.) 1
- Blackfoot River 1
- Blacktail Deer Creek (Beaverhead County, Mont.) 1
- Bluffs (Landforms) 1
- Bonner (Mont.) -- Photographs 1
- Bridges 1
- Buick automobile 1
- Buildings 1
- Cabinet Gorge (Idaho) 1
- Cabinet National Forest (Mont. and Idaho) 1
- Cameras 1
- Canyons 1
- Cars 1
- Chief Cliff (Lake county, Montana) 1
- Children 1
- Cities and towns 1
- Cliff, Edward P. (Edward Parley), 1909-1987 1
- Conifers 1
- Custer National Forest (Mont. and S.D.) 1
- Dayton (Mont.) 1
- Dirt roads 1
- Dwellings 1
- Firefighting equipment 1
- Fishes 1
- Flathead River (B.C. and Mont.) 1
- Forest fire fighters 1
- Gates of the Mountains Wilderness (Mont.) 1
- Gem Glacier (Glacier County, Mont.) 1
- Geology, Stratigraphic -- Cambrian 1
- Geology, Stratigraphic -- CambrianThrust faults (Geology) 1
- Glacier Peak (Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- Greene, Geoffrey Edward, 1919-2001 1
- Hikers 1
- Junipers 1
- Lake Como (Mont.) 1
- Lake County (Mont.) 1
- Landscape photogrpahs 1
- Lanscape photographs 1
- Little Belt Mountains (Mont.) 1
- McKay, R. H. (Rollin H.) 1
- Men 1
- Mission Mountains Wilderness (Mont.) 1
- Montana 1
- Montana -- History 1
- Moraines 1
- Morrell Falls (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Mount Gould (Glacier County, Mont.) 1
- Mules 1
- National parks and reserves 1
- Natural bridges 1
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Railroad tracks 1
- Pack animals (Transportation) 1
- Photographers 1
- Photography -- Equipment and supplies 1
- Pine 1
- Ponderosa pine 1
- Portrait photograph 1
- Portrait photogrpahs 1
- Potrait photographs 1
- Ranches--Montana--Powell County 1
- Rattlesnake Wilderness (Mont.) 1
- Roads 1
- Rocks 1
- Saddles 1
- Seeley Lake Ranger District (Mont.) 1
- Snowfields 1
- Snowpack 1
- South Dakota 1
- Stone walls 1
- Sun River (Mont. 1
- Sun River (Mont. 1
- Sun River Canyon (Mont.) 1
- Sun River Ranger District (Mont.) 1
- Thrust faults (Geology) 1
- Touring cars 1
- Trail Riders of the National Forests 1
- United States Highway 12 1
- Valleys 1
- Watersheds 1
- Willows 1
- Women 1
- Wooden-frame buildings 1
- Yoho National Park (B.C.) 1
- cultural landscapes 1
- eye-level views 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Mont.) 34
- Montana 16
- Bitterroot National Forest (Mont. and Idaho) 10
- Glacier National Park (Montana) 8
- Golden Gate, Wyoming 8
- Blodgett Canyon (Ravalli county, Montana) 6
- Headquarters Creek Pass (Teton county, Montana) 6
- Multnomah County, Oregon 6
- Chinese Wall (Montana) 5
- Missoula (county) 5
- Willow Creek Falls (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 4
- Lolo National Forest 3
- Pend Oreille River 3
- Bearmouth, Montana 2
- Beaverhead River (Montana) 2
- Blackfoot River (Montana) 2
- Blodgett Creek (Ravalli county, Montana) 2
- Cascade (county) 2
- Dillon (Beaverhead county, Montana) 2
- Gallatin Canyon (Madison county, Montana) 2
- Grinnell Glacier (Glacier county, Montana) 2
- Kootenai Creek (Ravalli county, Montana) 2
- Lake (county) 2
- Little Belt Mountains (Montana) 2
- Moose Creek (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 2
- Yellowstone National Park; Montana; Wyoming 2
- Angle Point (Montana) 1
- Baldy Bear Creek (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 1
- Beaverhead (county) 1
- Big Snowy Mountains (Montana) 1
- Blackfoot (river) 1
- Cliff Mountain (Montana) 1
- Crystal Lake (Fergus county, Montana) 1
- Dry Wolf Creek (Montana) 1
- Flathead Alps (Powell county, Montana) 1
- Gates of the Mountains Wilderness (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 1
- Kevan Mountain (Montana) 1
- Kings Hill (Montana) 1
- Lake Levale (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 1
- Larch Hill (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 1
- Lewis and Clark (county) 1
- Lick Creek (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 1
- Lolo National ForestLolo National Forest 1
- Lombard (Broadwater county, Montana) 1
- Mission Range (Lake county, Montana) 1
- Missoula County, Montana 1
- Missouri River 1
- North Fork Blackfoot River (Montana) 1
- Powell County, Montana 1
- Rock Creek (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 1
- South Dakota 1
- Sweathouse Creek (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- Switchback Pass (Flathead county, Montana) 1
- Takakkaw Falls (British Columbia, Canada) 1
- Three Sisters (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 1
- Wendover Ridge (Idaho county, Idaho) 1
- West Fork South Fork Sun River (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 1
- Yoho National Park (British Columbia, Canada) 1
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