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- Image32
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Clouds 32
- Trees 13
- Mountains 12
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 10
- Landscape photographs 10
- color photographs 10
- Aeronautics in forest fire control 8
- United States. Forest Service -- Employees 8
- Wildfires -- Prevention and control 8
- Forest fire fighters 7
- Parachutes 7
- Smokejumpers 7
- natural landscapes 7
- Portrait photographs 6
- Group portraits 5
- Lakes 5
- Abies lasiocarpa 4
- Fire weather 4
- Forest fires -- Research 4
- Project Skyfire 4
- Airplanes 3
- Ford Three-engined Monoplane (Transport plane) 3
- Meteorological instruments 3
- Meteorological stations 3
- Sunrises & sunsets 3
- Cattle 2
- Flathead Lake (Mont.) 2
- Forests 2
- Grazing 2
- Lakes & ponds 2
- Landscape photography 2
- Mission Mountains (Mont.) 2
- Mission Mountains Wilderness (Mont.) 2
- Munitalp Foundation 2
- Range management 2
- Rangelands 2
- Schaefer, Vincent J. 2
- Walters, C. H. -- Homes and haunts 2
- Aerial Fire Depot (U.S.) 1
- Airdrop 1
- Barrows, Jack S. 1
- Blackfoot River (Mont.) 1
- Buildings 1
- Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) 1
- Dwellings 1
- Flooding 1
- Floodplains 1
- Flowers 1
- Forest fire fighters -- Training of 1
- Forest fires -- Prevention and control 1
- Fuquay, Donald M. 1
- Glacial landforms 1
- Ham radio 1
- Highways 1
- Jumbo, Mount (Mont.) 1
- Lolo National Forest (Mont.) 1
- Meteorological stations, Radar 1
- Meteorology--Maps. 1
- Mission Valley (Lake County, Mont.) 1
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Moonlight 1
- Motorola, Inc. 1
- Night photographs 1
- Ninemile Ranger District 1
- Ninemile Ranger District (Mont.) – Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Physical fitness. 1
- Radio in fire prevention 1
- Reflections 1
- Rivers 1
- Rope 1
- Seeley Lake Ranger District (Mont.) 1
- Shorelines 1
- Snow 1
- Sun -- Rising and setting 1
- Transport planes 1
- United States. Forest Service. Northern Region 1
- Wild flowers 1
- landscape photographs 1
- landscapes 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Glacier National Park (Montana) 10
- Lolo National Forest 8
- Lolo National Forest (forest) 4
- Big Spring Creek (Granite county, Montana) 2
- Flathead Lake (Lake county, Montana) 2
- Mission Range (Lake county, Montana) 2
- Holland Lake (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Missoula (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- North Fork Blackfoot River 1
- Ovando (Powell county, Montana) 1
- Sherman Gulch (Missoula county, Montana) 1
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