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- Artwork2
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Bronc riding 2
- Cowboys - Costumes - West (U.S.) 2
- Cowboys in art 2
- Crowds 2
- Western riding 2
- Western saddles 2
- Automobiles in art 1
- Bridles 1
- English saddles 1
- Fences in art 1
- Flags in art 1
- Horses in art 1
- Persons 1
- Rodeos in art 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Image153
- Digital Collection...
- Archival Photographs from the University of Montana 115
- United States Forest Service, Region One Photographs 23
- Going-to-the-Sun Road Construction and Dedication (1924-1934) 10
- Haynes Foundation Photograph Collection 2
- Glacier National Park Historical Photographs 1
- Jack L. Demmons' Photographs of Bonner, Montana 1
- Photographs from the Montana Historical Society 1
- Creator...
- Healy, Stan, 1918-1996 39
- United States. Forest Service 23
- Elrod, Morton J. (Morton John), 1863-1953 11
- Forssen, John A., 1916-1995 6
- Grant, George Alexander, 1891-1964 5
- McKay, R. H. (Rollin H.) 4
- Johnson, Philip C. (Philip Cornwell), 1907-1990 3
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921 2
- Hoblitzell, William A., 1864- 2
- Boos, Edward H. 1
- C. Owen Smithers & Son Photography (Butte, Mont.) 1
- Campbell, George H. 1
- Catlin, Robert 1
- Forsyth, N. A. (Norman A.), 1869-1949 1
- Hungry Horse Project, Mont. (U.S.) 1
- Karkanen, John 1
- Keeler 1
- Keller 1
- Marble, R. E. (Ray Elmer "Ted"), 1883-1938 1
- Schmidt, Otto, 1866- 1
- Smithers, C. Owen, 1893-1973 1
- Thompson, Pearl 1
Show More - Subject...
- Crowds 153
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 66
- Parades 64
- Group portraits 61
- Missoula (Mont.) 54
- Automobiles 41
- Cars 37
- Timberjack (Motion picture) 30
- Motion picture premieres 29
- Central business districts 28
- Streets 22
- oblique views 20
- Missoula Mercantile Company 16
- Business districts 14
- Dedications 13
- Floats (Parades) 13
- Aber Day Kegger (Missoula, Mont.) 12
- Beer festivals 12
- Florence Hotel (Missoula, Mont.) 12
- Parade floats 12
- Brick roads 11
- First National Bank of Missoula 11
- Fund raising 11
- Horse-drawn vehicles 11
- Horses 11
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 10
- Logan Pass (Mont.) 10
- Mountains 10
- Portrait photographs 9
- Trains 9
- University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. 9
- Going-to-the-Sun Road (Mont.) 8
- Railroad stations 8
- Circus 7
- Concerts 7
- Parking lots 7
- Steam locomotives 7
- Trucks 7
- Wagons 7
- Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine for North America 6
- Going-to-the-Sun Mountain (Mont.) 6
- Grandstands 6
- Horseback riding 6
- Men 6
- Northern Pacific Railway Company. Missoula Division 6
- Railroad tracks 6
- Shrine Circus 6
- Shriners 6
- Circus parades 5
- College athletes 5
- Festivals 5
- Horse teams 5
- Logging trucks 5
- Lumber 5
- Motion picture actors and actresses 5
- Mules 5
- Park Hotel (Missoula, Mont.) 5
- Railroad cars 5
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 5
- Spectators 5
- Track and field athletes 5
- Baldwin locomotives 4
- Bridges 4
- C. R. Dragstedt Co. (Missoula, Mont.) 4
- College campuses 4
- Downtowns 4
- Emergency vehicles 4
- Fire engines 4
- Fire prevention 4
- Flatbed trucks 4
- Horsemanship 4
- Logs 4
- Main Hall (Missoula, Mont.) 4
- Police 4
- Politicians 4
- Sports tournaments 4
- eye-level views 4
- Aber Day (Missoula, Mont.) 3
- Anaconda Company. Lumber Department 3
- Band musicians 3
- Bicycles 3
- Butte (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 3
- Children 3
- Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) 3
- Clowns 3
- College sports 3
- Cornerstone laying 3
- Fans (Persons) 3
- Flathead Lake (Mont.) 3
- J.C. Penney Co. 3
- Marching bands 3
- Musicians 3
- Overcoats 3
- Presidents 3
- Railroad trains 3
- Straddle trucks 3
- Tipis 3
- Track and field -- Tournaments 3
- University Hall (Missoula, Mont.) 3
- University of Montana -- Missoula 3
- University of Montana -- Missoula -- History 3
- Western Montana National Bank (Missoula, Mont.) 3
- staged photographs 3
- Axes 2
- Car accidents 2
- Carriages & coaches 2
- Celebrations 2
- College buildings 2
- College students 2
- Costume 2
- Crosscut saws 2
- Department stores 2
- Ex-presidents 2
- Fairs 2
- Flags 2
- Forklift trucks 2
- Gerlinger Carrier Company 2
- Hammond Building (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Hayden, Sterling, 1916-1986 2
- Helicopters 2
- Hotels 2
- Jumping 2
- Lakes & ponds 2
- Landscape photographs 2
- Legislators -- Montana 2
- Log buildings 2
- Log transportation 2
- Mansfield, Mike, 1903-2001 2
- Missoula County Fair (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Missoula Drug Company (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Montana Building (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). School of Forestry 2
- Packtrains 2
- Palace Hotel (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Parties 2
- People associated with politics and government 2
- Podiums 2
- Police vehicles 2
- Railroads -- Employees 2
- Rites and ceremonies 2
- River steamers 2
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 -- Political activity 2
- Seaplanes 2
- Soldiers 2
- St. Patrick's Hospital (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Steamboats--Montana 2
- Student clubs 2
- Track and field 2
- Traffic accidents 2
- Union Pacific Railroad Company 2
- University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. 2
- University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. 2
- University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. 2
- Vaulting 2
- Western Montana Building & Loan (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Women 2
- Yellowstone National Park 2
- ACM Mill (Bonner, Mont.) 1
- Actors 1
- Adam Forepaugh & Sells Bros. Circus 1
- African American soldiers 1
- Agricultural exhibitions 1
- Airplanes 1
- Akerson, Betty Jo 1
- Akerson, Mary 1
- American bison 1
- Amish 1
- Anaconda Copper Mining Company 1
- Animal carcasses 1
- Apgar (Mont.) 1
- Articulated locomotives 1
- Atlantic Hotel (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Automobiles--Montana 1
- Bag punching 1
- Band Musicians 1
- Bands (Music) 1
- Baton twirling 1
- Beards 1
- Bell helicopters 1
- Bell ringing 1
- Bells 1
- Big Boys (Steam locomotives) 1
- Bishop, Elvin 1
- Bison 1
- Bleachers 1
- Bonner (Mont.) -- Photographs 1
- Boulder (Mont.) 1
- Boxers (Sports) 1
- Boxing 1
- Boxing matches 1
- Boxing rings 1
- Boys 1
- Brass bands 1
- Buffalo 1
- Buick Special automobile 1
- Buses 1
- Butte (Mont.) 1
- Carousels 1
- Caterpillar tractors 1
- Cattle 1
- Challenger Type (Steam locomotives) 1
- Chevrolet Advance Design trucks 1
- Cheyenne (Wyo.) 1
- Choirs (Music) 1
- Chrysler automobile 1
- Circuses & shows 1
- Cities and towns 1
- Cityscapes 1
- College Students 1
- Commercial buildings 1
- Communities -- Montana 1
- Contests 1
- Couples 1
- Cowboy hats. 1
- Cowboys 1
- Crabtree, Dawn 1
- Crawler tractors 1
- Cushman, Dan 1
- Dancers 1
- DeWit, Gertrude 1
- Debris 1
- Demmons, Aafje 1
- Demmons, Aafje deWit 1
- Demmons, Donna 1
- Dempsey, Jack, 1895-1983 1
- Displays in education 1
- Docks 1
- Dogs 1
- Drum and bugle corps 1
- Drummers (Musicians) 1
- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 1
- Entertainers 1
- Erickson, John Edward, 1863-1946 1
- Fairgrounds 1
- Fences 1
- Fiddlers 1
- Finlen Hotel (Butte, Mont.) 1
- Fire fighters 1
- Fire wagons 1
- Fires 1
- Flags -- United States 1
- Flathead Lake Biological Station 1
- Ford automobile 1
- Ford trucks 1
- Forest fires -- Research -- Equipment and supplies 1
- Fort Missoula (Mont.) 1
- Fort Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Fox Theater (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Freemasons -- Buildings 1
- Front-end loaders 1
- Funeral rites and ceremonies--Montana 1
- Garden Wall, The (Mont.) 1
- Glacier National Park (Mont.)Dedications 1
- Goldman, Stuart 1
- Granite (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Grant Creek School 1
- H.O. Bell Company (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923 1
- Hawaiian guitar 1
- Haystack Butte (Mont.) 1
- Hazelhurst, Alvina 1
- Hazelhurst, Thelma 1
- Hides and skins 1
- High jumping 1
- Highlander Beer 1
- Hintz, Elva 1
- Hintz, Ethel 1
- Hintz, Ruth 1
- Historic buildings 1
- Horse racing 1
- Hot air balloons 1
- Indian dance 1
- Indians--Montana 1
- Intermountain Lumber Company 1
- Interstate 90 1
- J.M. Lucy & Sons (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Jockeys 1
- Johnson Flying Service 1
- Karr, Donna 1
- Karr, Donna Demmons 1
- Keim, F. M. 1
- Kershaw, Doug 1
- Knights of Columbus 1
- Koford, Mabel 1
- LaCombe 1
- LaForge, Mary Newport 1
- Labor unions -- Buildings 1
- Lang, Jennie Peterson 1
- Legislators -- United States 1
- Lien, Helen 1
- Lien, Ruth 1
- Log stacker 1
- Madsen, Clara 1
- Madsen, Clara Peterson 1
- McKay Art Company (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- McPhail, Roy D. 1
- Mercury automobile 1
- Merry-go-round 1
- Microphone 1
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc 1
- Missoula Community Theater (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Missoula County Fairgrounds (Mont.) 1
- Missoula Electric Supply Company (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Missouri River 1
- Montana 1
- Montana -- History 1
- Montana -- Social life and customs 1
- Montana Centennial Train of 1964-1965 1
- Montana Hotel (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Montana Power Company 1
- Montgomery Ward 1
- Motion picture theaters 1
- Motorcycles 1
- Mounted police 1
- Mullan, John, 1830-1909 -- Statues 1
- Musical instruments 1
- New York World's Fair 1964-1965 Corporation 1
- Night photographs 1
- Northern Pacific Railway Company 1
- Northern Type (Steam locomotives) 1
- Officers' quarters 1
- Otterson, Helen 1
- Otterson, Helen Lien 1
- Passengers 1
- Persons 1
- Peterson, Belle 1
- Peterson, Clara 1
- Photographers 1
- Piano 1
- Picnics 1
- Piegan Indians 1
- Police horses 1
- Polleys Lumber Company (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Power shovels 1
- Presidential campaigns 1
- Presidential candidates 1
- Progress photographs 1
- Race horses 1
- Racetracks (Horse racing) 1
- Railroad employees 1
- Railroad engineers 1
- Railroad passenger cars 1
- Railroad signal towers 1
- Railroad signals 1
- Railroads 1
- Railroads -- Livestock transportation 1
- Ralston, Vera, 1921-2003 1
- Ravalli (Mont.) 1
- Representatives in Congress (United States) 1
- Ribbon cutting ceremonies 1
- Ritchie, Goldie 1
- Rivers 1
- Royal Neighbors of America 1
- Running races 1
- Russell, Charles M. (Charles Marion), 1864-1926 1
- Saddles 1
- Sailors 1
- Salish Indians 1
- Savon Drug (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- School buildings 1
- Scoyen, Eivind T., 1896-1973 1
- Sentinel, Mount (Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- Shelby (Mont.) 1
- Sheriffs 1
- Shovels 1
- Show tents 1
- Siksika Indians 1
- Singers 1
- Singing 1
- Skydivers 1
- Snow 1
- Somers (Mont.) 1
- Special Events 1
- Speeches, addresses, etc. 1
- Stagecoaches 1
- Stages (Platforms) 1
- Steel guitars 1
- Stone buildings 1
- Stores, Retail 1
- Street vendors 1
- Students 1
- Teague, Ethel Hintz 1
- Teepees 1
- Thompson Falls High School (Mont.). Marching band 1
- Timber 1
- Tourists 1
- Tow trucks 1
- Tree Farmers Inc. (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Tree cookies 1
- Trees 1
- Truck trailers 1
- United Mine Workers of America 1
- United States. Army -- Housing 1
- United States. Army. Infantry Regiment, 25th. Bicycle Corps 1
- United States. Forest Service -- Employees 1
- Vandalism 1
- Veterans 1
- Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States 1
- Volkswagen Beetle automobile 1
- Walford Electric (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Walker, Sally 1
- Water trucks 1
- Western films 1
- Westerner's Inc. 1
- Weston Davis Group (Musical group) 1
- Weston, Harry W., 1895-1970 1
- Wheeler, Burton K. (Burton Kendall), 1882-1975 1
- Wills, Chill, 1902-1978 1
- Wilma Theatre (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Wreckers (Vehicles) 1
- Young women 1
- deWit, Aafje 1
- stereoscopic photographs 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Missoula (Missoula county, Montana) 105
- Glacier National Park (Montana) 11
- Missoula County, Montana 10
- Missoula, Montana 10
- Butte (Silver Bow county, Montana) 5
- Boulder (Jefferson county, Montana) 2
- Flathead Lake (Lake county, Montana) 2
- Pend Oreille River 2
- Yellowstone National Park 2
- Alberton (Mineral county, Montana) 1
- Albin (Laramie county, Wyoming) 1
- Bonner (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Bozeman (Gallatin county, Montana) 1
- Cheyenne (Laramie county, Wyoming) 1
- Granite (Granite county, Montana) 1
- Great Falls, Montana 1
- Missouri River 1
- Montana 1
- Mount Sentinel (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Piltzville (Missoula, Montana) 1
- Ravalli (Lake county, Montana) 1
- Saint Regis (Mineral county, Montana) 1
- Shelby (Toole county, Montana) 1
- Somers (Flathead county, Montana) 1
- Wolf Point, Montana 1
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- Digital Collection...
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