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- Image29
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- Great Northern Railway Company (U.S.). Public Relations Department 12
- Hileman, T. J. (Tomar Jacob), 1882-1945 9
- Spring, Bob, 1918- 5
- Spring, Ira 5
- Kiser, Fred H., 1878-1955 4
- Haynes Studios Inc. 3
- Dyke, Walt 2
- Grant, George Alexander, 1891-1964 2
- Bell, Ray 1
- Bull, Russell 1
- Elrod, Morton J. (Morton John), 1863-1953 1
- Hawkes, Joseph 1
- Kabel, John 1
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- Angel Wing (Mont.) 29
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 29
- Gould, Mount (Mont.) 27
- Mountains 25
- Lakes 23
- Gem Glacier (Mont.) 14
- Grinnell Glacier (Mont.) 12
- Josephine, Lake (Mont.) 10
- Swiftcurrent Lake (Mont.) 10
- Garden Wall, The (Mont.) 9
- Glaciers 9
- Horsemanship 9
- Horses 9
- Historic hotels 8
- Park lodging facilities 8
- Tourists 7
- Trail riding 6
- Grinnell Lake (Mont.) 5
- Grinnell Point (Mont.) 5
- Boats and boating 4
- Glacial landforms 4
- Wooden boats 4
- Tour buses 3
- Waterfalls 3
- Mountains 2
- Fishing 2
- Women 2
- Tourists 1
- Bighorn sheep 1
- Bridges 1
- Children 1
- Glacial lakes 1
- Grinnell, Mount (Mont.) 1
- Hikers 1
- Mountaineering 1
- Mountaineers 1
- Pilley, Dorothy, 1893-1986 1
- Richards, I. A. (Ivor Armstrong), 1893-1979 1
- Swiftcurrent Falls (Mont.) 1
- Women mountaineers 1
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