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- Document8
- Digital Collection...
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- Browning (Mont.) 8
- Indians of North America 8
- Indians of North America -- Government relations 8
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation (Mont.) 6
- Cities and towns 4
- Homestead law 3
- Homesteading 2
- Affidavits 1
- Appropriations and expenditures 1
- Arnoux, Belle 1
- Arnoux, Marion H. 1
- Arnoux, Susan 1
- Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 1
- Community centers 1
- Contracts 1
- Divorce 1
- Fourth of July celebrations 1
- Housing 1
- Investigations 1
- Land grants 1
- Law and order 1
- Legislation 1
- Liquor laws 1
- Newspapers 1
- Petitions 1
- Photographs 1
- Physicians 1
- Plat maps 1
- Playgrounds 1
- Poplar (Mont.) 1
- Public schools 1
- Real property -- Maps 1
- Right of property 1
- School children 1
- Schools 1
- Survival and emergency rations 1
- Swingley, Belle 1
- Tax delinquency 1
- Tuition 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Montana 8
- Image33
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Browning (Mont.) 33
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation (Mont.) 15
- Blackfeet Indians 14
- Indians of North America 14
- Blackfoot Indians 13
- Indigenous peoples 13
- Native Americans 13
- Siksika Indians 13
- Teepees 11
- Group portraits 9
- Tipis 9
- Horses 8
- Indian men 8
- staged photographs 8
- Siksika Indians--Montana 6
- Indian women 4
- Portrait photographs 4
- Tipis--Montana 4
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 3
- Indian children 3
- Indian encampments 3
- Sun dance--Montana 3
- Traction-engines 3
- Tractors 3
- Agricultural machinery & implements 2
- Cranes, derricks, etc. 2
- Farm tractors 2
- Headdresses 2
- Headgear 2
- Indian art--Montana 2
- Men 2
- Picture-writing--Montana 2
- Piegan Indians 2
- Railroad bridges 2
- Steam tractors 2
- Steam-engines 2
- Sun dance 2
- Trestles 2
- Agricultural laborers 1
- Agriculture 1
- Babb (Mont.) 1
- Badger Creek Land & Livestock Co. 1
- Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana 1
- Carts & wagons 1
- Case tractors 1
- Classes (Groups of students) 1
- Cradleboards 1
- Dogs 1
- Dude ranches--Montana 1
- Eaton, Howard, 1851-1922 1
- Farm buildings 1
- Farm equipment 1
- General stores 1
- Holy Family Mission (Browning, Mont.) 1
- Horse-drawn vehicles 1
- Indian art 1
- Indian dance 1
- Indian dance lodges 1
- Indian decoration and ornament 1
- Indian featherwork 1
- Indians of North America--Montana 1
- Missionary settlements 1
- Missions 1
- Outdoor recreation--Montana 1
- People associated with agriculture 1
- Plows 1
- Russell, Charles M. (Charles Marion), 1864-1926 1
- Scheuerle, Joe, 1873-1948 1
- Schools 1
- Sherburne, Joseph H. (Joseph Herbert), 1851-1938 1
- Siksika Indians--Religion 1
- Stockades 1
- Storefronts 1
- Streets 1
- Tents 1
- Tourism--Montana 1
- Tribal chiefs 1
- Wagons 1
- War bonnets 1
- Wells 1
- profiles (figures) 1
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