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- Image223
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921 212
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-2149 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-2150 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-2151 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-2152 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-2153 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-2154 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-2155 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-2156 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-2157 1
- Train, Edgar H. 1
- Unidentified photographer 1
Show More - Subject...
- Geysers--Yellowstone National Park 223
- Upper Geyser Basin (Wyo.) 50
- Firehole River (Wyo.) 20
- Snow 14
- Winter--Yellowstone National Park 11
- Fountain Paint Pot (Wyo.) 10
- Yellowstone National Park 10
- Minnesota. National Guard 9
- Soldiers 9
- Old Faithful Geyser (Wyo.) 8
- Backcountry skiing 7
- Lakes--Yellowstone National Park 5
- Rock forming minerals 5
- Castle Geyser (Wyo.) 4
- Hot springs--Yellowstone National Park 4
- Hotels--Yellowstone National Park 4
- Hot Springs--Yellowstone National Park 3
- Winter 3
- Bridges--Yellowstone National Park 2
- Dirt roads--Yellowstone National Park 2
- Giant Geyser (Wyo.) 2
- Grotto Geyser (Wyo.) 2
- Stagecoaches--Yellowstone National Park 2
- Carriages and carts 1
- Carriages and carts--Yellowstone National Park 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921--Family 1
- Splendid Geyser (Wyo.) 1
- Springs--Yellowstone National Park 1
- Tents--Yellowstone National Park 1
- Tourists--Yellowstone National Park 1
- Wooden bridges--Yellowstone National Park 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Upper Geyser Basin, Wyoming 67
- Norris Geyser Basin, Wyoming 26
- Giant Geyser, Wyoming 18
- Castle Geyser, Wyoming 17
- Excelsior Geyser, Wyoming 16
- Old Faithful Geyser, Wyoming 15
- Lower Geyser Basin, Wyoming 13
- Grotto Geyser, Wyoming 12
- Lone Star Geyser, Wyoming 7
- Splendid Geyser, Wyoming 7
- Yellowstone National Park 7
- Black Sand Geyser Basin, Wyoming 4
- Excelsior Geyser, Wyoming 4
- Riverside Geyser, Wyoming 4
- Fountain Paint Pot, Wyoming 2
- Biscuit Basin, Wyoming 1
- Fountain Geyser, Wyoming 1
- Gibbon Geyser Basin, Wyoming 1
- Lower Geyser Basin (Wyo.) 1
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- PDF Document14
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Del Condon, David 13
- Joffe, Joseph 13
- Marler, George D. 11
- Rogers, Edmund B. 9
- Brown, Otto M. 7
- Lystrup, Herbert T. 7
- Beal, Merrill D., 1898-1990 5
- Elmore, Francis H. (Francis Hapgood) 3
- Garrison, Lemuel A., 1903-1984 3
- Tyers, John A. 3
- Alleman, Clarence C. 2
- Anderson, Frank H. 2
- Kittams, Walter H. 2
- Nash, Arthur 2
- Parkinson, Ted J. 2
- Watson 2
- Beal, Merril D. 1
- Good, Wallace M. 1
- Abbie, Jerry 1
- Allred, Karren 1
- Appling, William V. 1
- Armitage, Kenneth B., 1925- 1
- Arnold, E.L. (Ben Arnold) 1
- Arnold, E.S. 1
- Bauman, John 1
- Baxter, Marjorie 1
- Berg, L.Y. 1
- Breitenbach, Robert P. 1
- Chapman, W. Scott 1
- Davis, Elliot 1
- Driscoll, William B. 1
- Ela, Thomas F. 1
- Evans, W. Leon 1
- Freeman, Foster R. 1
- Good, Wallace M. 1
- Grimm, Rudolph L. 1
- Hennessy, Wallace J. 1
- Herbert, John 1
- Hirst, Frank T. 1
- Jacobson, Arthur 1
- Kurtz, Joe 1
- McHugh, Tom 1
- Murphy, Bob (Robert J.) 1
- Murphy, Joseph R. (Joseph Robison) 1
- Perkins Jr., Robert N. (Bob) 1
- Peterson, Delmar G. 1
- Rentchler, Frank D. 1
- Replogle, Wayne F. 1
- Simonian, Simon 1
- Skinner, Curtis K. 1
- Stevens, DeLyle R. 1
- Stewart, Donald C. (Donald Charles), 1930-1992 1
- Tierney, Joseph P. 1
- Turner, Frederick B. 1
- Watson, Verde 1
- Watson, W. Verde, 1903-1978 1
- Way, Joe 1
- Way, Joe J. 1
- Williams, Jack R. 1
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