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- Image18
- Digital Collection...
- Archival Photographs from the University of Montana 10
- Haynes Foundation Photograph Collection 4
- Billings - Historic Photo Collection 1
- Central Montana Historical Photographs 1
- Early Agriculture and Homesteading in Judith Basin County 1
- Polson Area Historical Photographs - The Paul Fugleberg Collection 1
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Grain elevators 18
- Railroad cars 6
- Trains 4
- Horses 3
- Railroad freight cars 3
- Railroad stations 3
- Steam locomotives 3
- Automobiles 2
- Cars 2
- Colfax (Wash.) 2
- Malt 2
- Manhattan (Mont.) 2
- Pacific Type (Steam locomotives) 2
- Polson (Mont.) 2
- Railroad signal towers 2
- Railroad signals 2
- Railroad tracks 2
- Railroads -- Employees 2
- Union Pacific Railroad Company 2
- eye-level views 2
- Agriculture 1
- American Locomotive Company 1
- American bison 1
- Boatyards 1
- Bones 1
- Box cars 1
- Camas Prairie Railroad Co. 1
- Carriages and carts 1
- Carriages and carts--1880-1890 1
- Cities and towns 1
- Commercial buildings 1
- Community churches 1
- Culdesac (Idaho) 1
- Dakota Territory 1
- Diesel locomotives 1
- Docks 1
- Dogs--North Dakota 1
- Flathead Indian Reservation (Mont.) 1
- Flour & meal industry 1
- Flour mills 1
- Flouring mills 1
- Freight cars 1
- Grain -- Milling 1
- Great Northern Railway Company (U.S.) 1
- Horse-drawn vehicles 1
- Hotels 1
- Indians--Mixed descent 1
- Judith Basin (Mont.) 1
- Lake County (Mont.) 1
- Mikado Type (Steam locomotives) 1
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Montana 1
- Montana Railroad 1
- Northern Pacific Railroad Compay--Depots 1
- Northern Pacific Railway Company 1
- Railroad motorcars 1
- Railroad passenger cars 1
- Railroad stations--Montana 1
- Railroads 1
- Ravalli Cereal & Flour Mill Co. (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Ravalli Mills (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Theaters 1
- Wagons 1
- Waterfronts 1
- Western Montana Flour Mill (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Wooden buildings 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Colfax (Whitman county, Washington) 2
- Manhattan (Gallatin county, Montana) 2
- McHenry, North Dakota 2
- Montana 2
- Bonners Ferry (Boundary county, Idaho) 1
- Culdesac (Nez Perce county, Idaho) 1
- Fargo, North Dakota 1
- Judith Basin, Montana 1
- Lewistown, Montana 1
- Minnewaukan, North Dakota 1
- Missoula (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Polson (Lake county, Montana) 1
- Ryegate, Montana; Golden Valley County, Montana; 1
- Western Montana 1
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- Digital Collection...
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