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When you are looking for specific items of interest, use the search tools; enter keywords in the basic search on the landing page or in the header, or the Search page where you can enter keywords and define search parameters.
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- Image19
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
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- Emergency vehicles 19
- Fire engines 16
- Missoula (Mont.) 15
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 13
- Cars 12
- Automobiles 11
- Fire departments 8
- Fire prevention 7
- Parade floats 7
- Parades 7
- Streets 6
- Fire fighters 5
- Crowds 4
- Park Hotel (Missoula, Mont.) 4
- Hoses 3
- Parks 3
- Persons 3
- Rescue workers 3
- eye-level views 3
- Aerial ladders 2
- Atlantic Hotel (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Automobile repair shops -- Fires and fire prevention 2
- Bicycles 2
- Fire stations 2
- Fires 2
- Group portraits 2
- Larson Body & Fender Works (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- People associated with health & safety 2
- Central business districts 1
- Chairs 1
- Fort Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Gasoline pumps 1
- Greenough Mansion (Missoula, Mont.) -- Fire, 1965 1
- Men 1
- Mobile communication systems 1
- Motels 1
- Night photographs 1
- Phillips 66 (Firm) 1
- Radio -- Equipment and supplies 1
- Railroad stations 1
- Service stations -- Fires and fire prevention 1
- Snow 1
- Traffic congestion 1
- United States. Army -- Fire fighters 1
- Water trucks 1
- Women 1
- oblique views 1
- staged photographs 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
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