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- Document95
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- United States. Department of the Interior. Office of Indian Affairs 47
- Teller, Henry Moore, 1830-1914 15
- Joslyn, M. L. 7
- Muldrow, H. L. (Henry Lowndes), 1837-1905 5
- Noble, John W. (John Willcock), 1831-1912 5
- Lamar, L. Q. C. (Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus), 1825-1893 4
- Bliss, Cornelius Newton, 1833-1911 2
- Chandler, George 2
- Ryan, Thomas J. 2
- Smith, Hoke, 1855-1931. 2
- United States. Department of the Interior 2
- Anderson, George Smith 1
- Durham, M. J. 1
- Erret, S. S. 1
- Garrison, J. R. 1
- Michel, Fred, 1914- 1
- Smith, Hoke, 1855-1931 1
- Stephens, C. M. 1
- Thompson, E. S. 1
Show More - Subject...
- Employees 95
- Indians of North America 47
- Indians of North America -- Government relations 47
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation (Mont.) 38
- Appropriations and expenditures 20
- Investigations 20
- Conger, Patrick Henry, 1819-1903 15
- Housing 13
- Indian allotments 11
- Leases 10
- Payrolls 10
- Department of the Interior 8
- Indian councils 8
- Survival and emergency rations 8
- Law and order 7
- Schools 7
- Tribal government 7
- Boarding schools 6
- Buildings 6
- Complaint letters 6
- Complaints (Administrative procedure) 6
- Irrigation 6
- Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 5
- Health 5
- Wildlife conservation 5
- Agricultural industries 4
- Cattle 4
- Erret, S. S. 4
- Hamilton, Robert J. 4
- Holy Family Mission (Mont.) 4
- Indian school children 4
- Kingman, Dan Christie, 1852-1916 4
- Montana 4
- Oil and gas leases 4
- Receipts (Acknowledgments) 4
- Salaries 4
- Trachoma 4
- Tribal trust funds 4
- Water-supply 4
- Wear, David Walker 4
- Agriculture 3
- Boutelle, Frazier Augustus, 1840-1924 3
- Buildings -- Repair and reconstruction 3
- Campbell, Fred C. (Fred Choteau), 1864- 3
- Carpenter, Robert E. 3
- Delegations 3
- Employees -- Resignation 3
- Farmers 3
- Fort Peck 3
- Hogsed, Walter R. 3
- Horses 3
- Hospitals 3
- Hotels 3
- Indian interpreters 3
- Leased departments, concessions, etc. 3
- Livestock 3
- Loans 3
- Petitions 3
- Tuberculosis 3
- United States. Office of Indian Affairs. Blackfeet Agency 3
- Waters, E. C. (Ela Collins) 3
- Yellowstone Park Association 3
- Affidavits 2
- Anderson, George Smith 2
- Asbury, C. H. (Calvin H.), -1935 2
- Bison 2
- Budget 2
- Education 2
- Employee morale 2
- Employee selection 2
- Employees -- Dismissal of 2
- Family life 2
- Fish and game licenses 2
- Forests and forestry 2
- Hale, William, 1837-1885 2
- Hay 2
- Heirs 2
- Helm, Wesley D. 2
- Henderson, G. L. (George L.), -1905 2
- Indians of North America -- Public welfare 2
- Indians of North America -- Social conditions 2
- Law enforcement 2
- McFatridge, Arthur E., 1867-1943 2
- Park facilities 2
- Per capita payments 2
- Roads 2
- Sanderville, Richard, 1866-1951 2
- Sanitation 2
- Sheep 2
- Stephens, C. M. 2
- Trespass 2
- Upper Geyser Basin (Wyo.) 2
- Vocational education 2
- Whites -- Relations with Indians 2
- Yellowstone Lake Boat Co. 2
- Alcohol and drug abuse 1
- Alcohol trafficking 1
- Allotting agents (Indian allotments) 1
- Animals 1
- Badger-Fisher Water Users Association (Mont.) 1
- Barnes, Ethel M. Shively 1
- Bentley, Martin J. 1
- Blackfeet Five-Year Industrial Program 1
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation (Mont.) -- Climate 1
- Blackfeet Irrigation Project (Mont.) 1
- Bridges 1
- Camping 1
- Carter Oil Company 1
- Cattle stealing 1
- Chattel mortgages 1
- Concessions (Amusements, etc.) 1
- Conflicts of interest 1
- Constitutional amendments 1
- Crawford, Samuel R. 1
- Croff, John P. 1
- Crow Indian Reservation (Mont.) 1
- Curley Bear, 1852-1926 1
- Cut Bank Boarding School 1
- Divorce 1
- Dry farming 1
- Eaglehead, Rose 1
- Eaglehead, Thomas 1
- Elections 1
- Equipment 1
- Erwin, James Brailsford, 1856-1924 1
- Fire extinction 1
- Fire fighting 1
- Fishes 1
- Flathead Indian Reservation (Mont.) 1
- Flathead Tribal Council of the Flathead Confederated Tribe of Indians -- Resolutions 1
- Flour mills 1
- Forest guards 1
- Fort Assinniboine (Mont.) 1
- Fort Peck. 1
- Fourth of July celebrations 1
- Gold 1
- Grazing 1
- Grazing rights 1
- Grocery trade 1
- Guardipee, Francis X., 1885-1970 1
- Hannah-Porter Company 1
- Hannifan, Michael L. 1
- Hansen, Simeon 1
- Haynes Picture Shops 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921 1
- Hazlett, Stuart I. 1
- Hohnsbeen, Wilhemine K. 1
- Homesteading 1
- Housing -- Design and construction 1
- Humphries, W. E. G., 1864-1948 1
- Hunsberger, Mary 1
- Indian agents 1
- Indian children -- Legal status, laws, etc. 1
- Indians -- Mixed descent 1
- Indians in the Armed Forces 1
- Indians of North America -- Alcohol use 1
- Indians of North America -- Education 1
- Indians of North America -- Finance 1
- Indians of North America -- Legal status, laws, etc. 1
- Indians of North America -- Mixed descent 1
- Industries 1
- Intellectual disability 1
- Interviews. 1
- Joslyn, M. L. 1
- Kipp family 1
- Kipp, Dick 1
- Kuka, Frank, 1903-1975 1
- LaBreche, David D. 1
- Lamar, L. Q. C. (Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus), 1825-1893 1
- Land titles 1
- Legal assistance to Indians 1
- Little Bighorn, Battle of the, Mont., 1876 1
- Lynch, Mike 1
- McCartney J. C. (James C.) 1
- McFatridge, Clara 1
- Murphy, William D. 1
- Nelson, William G. 1
- New Deal, 1933-1939 1
- Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation (Mont.) 1
- Nurses 1
- Office management 1
- Oil well drilling 1
- Ojibwa Indians 1
- Oscar, Peter 1
- Per diem allowances 1
- Personal narratives. 1
- Physicians 1
- Piegan Indians 1
- Poaching 1
- Police chiefs 1
- Public schools 1
- Real property -- Maps 1
- Recreation 1
- Repayment cattle 1
- Roblin, Charles E. (Charles Ernest), 1870-1953 1
- Rodeos 1
- Sanderville, Oliver 1
- Sawmills 1
- School attendance 1
- School employees 1
- School enrollment 1
- School facilities 1
- School facilities -- Finance 1
- Science 1
- Seismic prospecting 1
- Shively, Esther T. 1
- Smallpox 1
- Soap Creek Oil Field 1
- Social aspects 1
- Stockmen 1
- Stone, Forrest R. 1
- Strang, Melvin D. 1
- Tax delinquency 1
- Teachers 1
- Timber 1
- Tourists 1
- Tribal timber reserves 1
- United States -- Officials and employees -- Transfer 1
- Vaccination 1
- Water -- Pollution potential 1
- Water rights 1
- Water supply 1
- Wheat, Thralls W. 1
- Wheelwrights 1
- Wiley Permanent Camping Co. 1
- Wolf Tail 1
- Wren, George 1
- Yates, C. E. 1
- Young, S. B. M. (Samuel Baldwin Marks), 1840-1924 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Montana 48
- Yellowstone National Park 28
- Yellowsone National Park 6
- Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyo.) 3
- Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Wyoming 2
- Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming 2
- Gardner River, Wyoming and Montana 1
- Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, Wyoming 1
- Lower Geyser Basin, Wyoming 1
- Norris Geyser Basin, Wyoming 1
- Upper Geyser Basin, Wyoming 1
- Yellowstone Lake (Wyoming) 1
- Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming 1
Show More
- Image16
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Employees 16
- Group portraits 7
- Bonner (Mont.) -- Photographs 6
- Montana -- History 6
- Portrait photographs 6
- Lumber industry -- Montana -- Photographs 5
- Lumber industry -- Employees -- Photographs 4
- Missoula (Mont.) 4
- People associated with manual labor 4
- Lumber industry -- Montana -- History 3
- Offices 3
- Progress photographs 3
- Trucks 3
- Automobile dealers 2
- Automobiles 2
- Employees -- Photographs 2
- Laborers 2
- Ladders 2
- Lumber industry -- Montana 2
- Lumber trade -- Montana -- History 2
- Men 2
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 2
- Neon Signs 2
- Office workers 2
- Oldsmobile automobile 2
- Signs and signboards 2
- Signs and signboards -- Installation 2
- Streets -- Maintenance and repair 2
- Walford Neon Signs (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- ACM Company Store (Bonner, Mont.) 1
- Aerial tramways 1
- Anaconda Copper Mining Company 1
- Beams 1
- Boehme-Cummings Trout Fly Factory (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Bookkeepers 1
- Buildings 1
- Camino (Calif.) 1
- Cars 1
- Carts & wagons 1
- Clerks 1
- Company stores -- Montana -- Photographs 1
- Delivery of goods 1
- Fly fishing 1
- Girls 1
- Greyhound Cafe (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Horse teams 1
- Horse-drawn vehicles 1
- Horse-drawn vehicles -- Photographs 1
- Horses 1
- Hotels 1
- Knopp, Louie 1
- Laminated wood 1
- Logging -- Montana -- History 1
- Logging -- Montana -- Photographs 1
- Lolo National Forest (Mont.) 1
- Lumber 1
- Lumber -- Transportation 1
- Lumber industry 1
- Lumber trade -- Montana -- Photographs 1
- Machinery 1
- Michigan-California Lumber Company 1
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Nagle, John 1
- Office buildings 1
- Office buildings -- Montana -- Photographs 1
- Offices -- Photographs 1
- Palace Hotel (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Ponds 1
- Posthouse Fine Foods (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Railroads, Cable 1
- Reservoirs -- Linings 1
- Restaurants 1
- Road construction workers 1
- Road machinery 1
- Roxy Theater (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Safeway Stores, Inc. 1
- Sawmills -- Equipment and supplies -- Photographs 1
- Sawmills -- Montana 1
- Sawmills -- Montana -- Photographs 1
- Stores & shops -- Montana 1
- Theaters 1
- Time keeper 1
- Town Talk Cafe (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Tripp and Dragstedt Company (Anaconda, Mont.) 1
- Tripp and Dragstedt Company (Butte, Mont.) 1
- Water pumps 1
- Women 1
- eye-level views 1
- side views 1
- staged photographs 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Video2
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