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- Image99
- Digital Collection...
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- Electric railroads -- Pantograph 99
- Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company 88
- Milwaukee Road (Railroad) 87
- Electric railroads 67
- Electric locomotives 63
- Trains 58
- Locomotives 52
- Railroads 37
- Railroad trains 36
- EF-4 (Electric locomotives) 23
- Railroad yards 16
- Railroad tracks 14
- Railroad cars 10
- Railroad bridges 9
- Railroad stations 9
- Electric railroads -- Cars 7
- oblique views 7
- Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) 6
- Trestles 6
- Avery (Idaho) 5
- Butte, Anaconda, and Pacific Railway Company 5
- Electric railroad trains 5
- Freight cars 5
- Railroads -- Switching 5
- Steeplecab locomotives 5
- Box cars 4
- Deer Lodge (Mont.) 4
- EP-4 (Electric locomotives) 4
- Missoula County (Mont.) 4
- Railroad freight cars 4
- Railroads -- Employees 4
- Harlowton (Mont.) 3
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 3
- Ores -- Transportation 3
- Passenger trains 3
- Passengers 3
- People associated with transportation 3
- Railroad switches 3
- Railroad tunnels 3
- Alberton (Mont.) 2
- Automobiles 2
- Butte (Mont.) 2
- Butte (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 2
- Butte-Silver Bow (Mont.) 2
- Cars 2
- Diesel locomotives 2
- EP-2 (Electric locomotives) 2
- Group portraits 2
- Harlowton (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 2
- Jefferson County (Mont.) 2
- Martinsdale (Mont.) 2
- Missoula (Mont.) 2
- Pedestrians 2
- Persons 2
- Railyards 2
- Rivers 2
- Soudan (Mont.) 2
- Street railroads 2
- Street-railroads 2
- Streetcars 2
- Trucks 2
- Articulated locomotives 1
- Baltic Type (Steam locomotives) 1
- Banners 1
- Bonner (Mont.) 1
- Bridges 1
- California-Nevada Railroad Historical Society 1
- Catholic church buildings 1
- Clark Fork (Mont. And Idaho) 1
- Czech Republic -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Czechoslovakia 1
- Daly City (Calif.) 1
- Deer Lodge (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- EF-1 (Electric locomotives) 1
- EF-2 (Electric locomotives) 1
- EF-3 (Electric locomotives) 1
- Electric power transmission 1
- Electro-diesel locomotives 1
- Flags 1
- Gasoline locomotives 1
- General Electric Corporation 1
- Grace (Mont.) 1
- Headframes (Mining) 1
- Hudson Type (Steam locomotives) 1
- Immaculate Conception Parish (Butte, Mont.) 1
- Interurban railroads 1
- Market Street Railway 1
- Mercer Steel Company 1
- Milwaukee Depot (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Mineral County (Mont.) 1
- Missoula Street Railway Company 1
- Mount Sentinel (Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- Multnomah Battery Manufacturing Company 1
- Nez Perce County (Idaho) 1
- Northern Pacific Railway Company 1
- Northwestern Pacific Railroad Company 1
- Orphan Girl Mine (Mont.) 1
- Pennants 1
- Petaluma and Santa Rosa Railroad Company 1
- Piedmont (Mont.) 1
- Portland (Or.) 1
- Prairies 1
- Railroad employees 1
- Railroad motorcars 1
- Railroad passenger cars 1
- Railroad sidings 1
- Railroad yards 1
- Railway mail cars 1
- Saint Regis (Mont.) 1
- Silver Bow County (Mont.) 1
- Snow 1
- Spalding (Idaho) 1
- Steam locomotives 1
- Streets -- Czech Republic 1
- Switcher locomotives 1
- Trolleys 1
- Unit trains 1
- Utility poles 1
- Warm Springs (Mont.) 1
- eye-level views 1
- staged photographs 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Harlowton (Wheatland county, Montana) 19
- Butte (Silver Bow county, Montana) 18
- Missoula (Missoula county, Montana) 8
- Alberton (Mineral county, Montana) 6
- Avery (Shoshone county, Idaho) 5
- Deer Lodge (Powell county, Montana) 5
- Montana 5
- Soudan (Missoula county, Montana) 5
- Pend Oreille River 4
- Martinsdale (Meagher county, Montana) 3
- Missoula (county) 3
- Cyr (Mineral county, Montana) 2
- Jefferson (county) 2
- Newcomb (Silver Bow county, Montana) 2
- Vendome (Jefferson county, Montana) 2
- Big Butte (Silver Bow county, Montana) 1
- Bonner Junction (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Cedric (Jefferson county, Montana) 1
- Clinton (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Czechoslovakia (nation) 1
- Daly City (San Mateo county, California) 1
- Deerlodge (county) 1
- Goldcreek (Powell county, Montana) 1
- Janney (Silver Bow county, Montana) 1
- Mineral (county) 1
- Morel (Deerlodge county, Montana) 1
- Pipestone Pass (Silver Bow county, Montana) 1
- Portland (Multnomah county, Oregon) 1
- Primrose (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Rocker (Silver Bow county, Montana) 1
- Saint Regis (Mineral county, Montana) 1
- Saltese (Mineral county, Montana) 1
- Silver Bow (county) 1
- Sinclair (Powell county, Montana) 1
- Spalding (Nez Perce county, Idaho) 1
- Two Rock (Sonoma county, California) 1
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