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- Image181
- Digital Collection...
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- Fort Missoula 181
- Concentration camps 176
- Italian detainees 127
- Forestry 34
- Agriculture 22
- Japanese detainees 19
- Sports 17
- Italian detainees 14
- Railroad construction & maintenance 12
- Construction 11
- Mess halls 9
- Theatrical productions 9
- Food 6
- Midori Shimoda 6
- Soccer 6
- Golf 5
- Japanese Detainees 5
- Maintenance & repair 5
- Art 4
- Catholicism 4
- Government employees 4
- Kitchens 4
- Military facilities 4
- Bathing 3
- Chickens 3
- INS agents 3
- Raking (Sweeping) 3
- Concentration camps 2
- Baseball 2
- Bathrooms 2
- Boats 2
- Boccie (Game) 2
- Educational facilities 2
- Fences 2
- Furnaces 2
- Laundries (Rooms & spaces) 2
- Luggage 2
- Paintings 2
- Shooting galleries 2
- Snow 2
- Barbering 1
- Barracks 1
- Basketball 1
- Bunk beds 1
- Cats 1
- Checkers 1
- Children 1
- Chipmunks 1
- Christianity 1
- Civilian Military Training 1
- Coal 1
- Concentration camps 1
- Cooks 1
- Crucifixions 1
- Dogs 1
- Drawing 1
- Fencing 1
- Fire prevention 1
- Funeral rites & ceremonies 1
- Games 1
- Gardening 1
- Hiroshi Motoshige 1
- Hospital wards 1
- Japanes detainees 1
- Leisure 1
- Libraries 1
- Lino Ferrari 1
- Mathematics 1
- Menus 1
- Military personnel 1
- Military service 1
- Military vehicles 1
- Model houses 1
- Musical instruments 1
- Musicians 1
- Post offices 1
- Postal service 1
- Postcards 1
- Preachers 1
- Railroad dining cars 1
- Railroad freight cars 1
- Religious services 1
- Rock gardens 1
- Signs (Notices) 1
- Soda fountains 1
- Tailor shops 1
- Telecommunication cables 1
- Trumpets 1
- US Army 1
- Warehouses 1
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