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- Document7
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Fishes 7
- Law enforcement 4
- Fishing 3
- Hotels 3
- Leased departments, concessions, etc. 3
- Camping 2
- Receipts (Acknowledgments) 2
- Tourists 2
- Wagons 2
- Anderson, George Smith 1
- Anderson, Ole (Ole Adolf), 1857-1915 1
- Bison 1
- Buildings 1
- Employees 1
- Erwin, James Brailsford, 1856-1924 1
- Goode, George W. 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921 1
- Landscape protection 1
- Noble, John W. (John Willcock), 1831-1912 1
- Wilder, Wilbur Elliott, 1856-1952 1
- Wildlife conservation 1
- Yancy, John F. 1
- Yellowstone Lake Boat Co. 1
- Yellowstone Park Association 1
- Yellowstone Park Transportation Company 1
- Young, S. B. M. (Samuel Baldwin Marks), 1840-1924 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Image21
- Digital Collection...
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- United States. Forest Service 7
- Steuerwald, Winston E. 4
- Swan, Kenneth D. (Kenneth Dupee), 1887-1970 2
- Elrod, Morton J. (Morton John), 1863-1953 1
- Grant, George Alexander, 1891-1964 1
- Haynes Studios Inc. 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921 1
- Linthacum, Victor T. 1
- Marble, Ray 1
- McKay, R. H. (Rollin H.) 1
- Schlamp, Philip G. 1
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- Fishes 21
- Portrait photographs 9
- Fishers 8
- Fishing rods 7
- Bonner (Mont.) -- Photographs 6
- Montana -- History 6
- Trout 5
- Backpacks 4
- Fishing 4
- Ice fishing 4
- Snow 4
- Wolstad, George R. 4
- Chairs 3
- Fish 3
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 3
- Group portraits 3
- United States. Forest Service -- Employees 3
- Fishermen 2
- Fishers -- Montana -- Photographs 2
- Fishing -- Montana 2
- Fishing huts 2
- Forests 2
- Lakes 2
- Men -- Montana -- Photographs 2
- Photography of women 2
- Saint Mary Lake (Mont.) 2
- Tents 2
- Trees 2
- Women's hats 2
- Blackfoot River (Mont.) 1
- Boileau, Joe 1
- Boots 1
- Bull trout 1
- Camping--Yellowstone National Park 1
- Cliffs 1
- Creels (Fishing) 1
- Dogs 1
- Dolly Varden (Fish) 1
- Dubbels, Glenn L. (Glenn Lowell), 1935-2020 1
- Fishermen -- Montana 1
- Fishing--Glacier National Park 1
- Game and game birds 1
- Halme, David 1
- Karkanen, Albert 1
- Karkanen, Eino F. 1
- LaVoie, Ernest 1
- Lake trout 1
- Levesque, Ivan 1
- Log cabins 1
- Men 1
- Mountains 1
- Plank buildings 1
- Rafts 1
- Rainbow trout 1
- Ranta, Arne 1
- Ranta, Ernest 1
- Recreation areas 1
- Smith River (Mont.) 1
- Smith River State Recreational Waterway (Mont.) 1
- Sowre, Julius 1
- Sowre, Kenneth 1
- Stritch, Hollis G. (Hollis Grant), 1903-1973 1
- Tents-Yellowstone National Park 1
- Tourists--Glacier National Park 1
- Wold, Stanley 1
- Women 1
- staged photographs 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Montana 7
- Lolo National Forest 6
- Lake Inez (Missoula county, Montana) 4
- Missoula (county) 4
- Glacier National Park (Montana) 3
- Hoodoo Lake (Mineral county, Montana) 2
- Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness (Idaho and Mont.) 2
- Bonner (Missoula, Montana) 1
- Clearwater Lake (Missoula, Montana) 1
- Glacier National Park, Montana 1
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Mont.) 1
- Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming 1
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- Video2
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Fishes 2
- Park Rangers 2
- Algae 1
- Animals 1
- Bears 1
- Birds 1
- Bison 1
- Cyanobacteria 1
- Elk 1
- History 1
- Moose 1
- Trees 1
- Waterfalls 1
- Wildfires 1
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