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- Document1
- Image22
- Digital Collection...
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- Freight and freightage 22
- Wagons 6
- Horses 4
- Horse-drawn vehicles 3
- North Western Express, Stage, and Transportation Company 3
- Commercial buildings--Dakota Territory--Deadwood 2
- Mining camps--Dakota Territory 2
- Mules 2
- Northern Pacific Railway Company 2
- Railroad cars 2
- Trains 2
- Wagon trains - Montana 2
- Wagons--Dakota Territory 2
- Aspen 1
- Beer 1
- Butte (Mont.) 1
- Camas Prairie Railroad Co. 1
- Carts & wagons 1
- Cities and towns 1
- Clearwater River (Idaho) 1
- Commercial buildings--Dakota Territory--Bismarck 1
- Covered wagons 1
- Craigmont (Idaho) 1
- Dogs 1
- Draft animals 1
- Drawbridges 1
- Dwellings--Dakota Territory--Deadwood 1
- Dynamite 1
- Fort Abraham Lincoln--Dakota Territory 1
- Group portraits 1
- Helena (Mont.) 1
- Judith Basin (Mont.) 1
- Juniperus scopulorum 1
- Kirkendall and Brown (Butte, Mont.) 1
- Limber pine 1
- Locomotives 1
- Men 1
- Mining engineering 1
- Muleteers 1
- Norris (Mont.) 1
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Railroad stations 1
- Pack animals (Transportation) 1
- Railroad accidents 1
- Railroad freight cars 1
- Railroad stations 1
- Railroad stations--Montana--Miles City 1
- Rocky Mountain juniper 1
- Steam locomotives 1
- Steamboats--Missouri River 1
- Streets--Dakota Territory--Bismarck 1
- Streets--Dakota Territory--Deadwood 1
- Tenders 1
- Willows 1
- Women 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Bismarck, North Dakota 2
- Black Hills (South Dakota and Wyoming) 2
- Butte (Silver Bow county, Montana) 2
- Deadwood, South Dakota 2
- Montana 2
- Craigmont (Lewis county, Idaho) 1
- Fort Abraham Lincoln, North Dakota 1
- Fort Benton, Montana 1
- Helena, Montana 1
- Judith Basin, Montana 1
- Kamiah (Lewis county, Idaho) 1
- Madison (county) 1
- Miles City, Montana 1
- Musselshell County, Montana 1
- New Chicago (Granite county, Montana) 1
- Valier, Montana 1
- Virginia City, Montana 1
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