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- Audio2
- Geographic Coverage...
- Digital Collection...
- Subject...
- Hay 2
- Winter 2
- Barn 1
- Bud Biography 1
- Cities 1
- Elk 1
- Family 1
- Farming 1
- Game Range 1
- Government Administration Site 1
- Grass 1
- Horses 1
- Lochsa Powell Ranger District 1
- Missoula 1
- Ranching 1
- Snow, Ice 1
- Wildlife 1
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- Document37
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- United States. Department of the Interior. Office of Indian Affairs 20
- Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1835-1909 5
- Ryan, Thomas J. 5
- Teller, Henry Moore, 1830-1914 2
- Acting Secretary of the Interior. 1
- Bliss, Cornelius Newton, 1833-1911 1
- Chandler, George 1
- Goode, George W. 1
- Harris, Moses, 1839- 1
- Henderson, Helen L. 1
- Henderson, Walter J. 1
- Sandy, Erwin Clark 1
- United States. Department of the Interior 1
- Vilas, William F. (William Freeman), 1840-1908 1
Show More - Subject...
- Hay 37
- Indians of North America 20
- Indians of North America -- Government relations 20
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation (Mont.) 11
- Appropriations and expenditures 10
- Cattle 7
- Indian councils 7
- Tribal government 7
- Animals 6
- Indian allotments 6
- Leased departments, concessions, etc. 6
- Law enforcement 5
- Oil and gas leases 5
- Yellowstone Park Transportation Company 5
- Leases 4
- Loans 4
- Tribal trust funds 4
- Agriculture 3
- Budget 3
- Flathead Indian Reservation (Mont.) 3
- Horses 3
- Indians in the Armed Forces 3
- Per capita payments 3
- Sheep 3
- Trespass 3
- Wildlife conservation 3
- Camping 2
- Complaint letters 2
- Complaints (Administrative procedure) 2
- Deer 2
- Elk 2
- Employee selection 2
- Employees 2
- Grazing 2
- Grazing leases 2
- Housing 2
- Indian allottees 2
- Indians of North America -- Economic aspects 2
- Investigations 2
- Legal assistance to Indians 2
- Livestock 2
- Medical care 2
- Oats 2
- Pronghorn 2
- Receipts (Acknowledgments) 2
- Repayment cattle 2
- Resolutions 2
- Roads -- Design and construction 2
- Sawmills 2
- Snow 2
- Survival and emergency rations 2
- Tourists 2
- Trust patents 2
- Whites -- Relations with Indians 2
- Actions and defenses 1
- Affidavits 1
- Agricultural exhibitions 1
- Alcohol and drug abuse 1
- Bassett Brothers (Idaho) 1
- Big Lake, Rachel 1
- Blackfeet Irrigation Project (Mont.) 1
- Boarding schools 1
- Bridges 1
- Cattle -- Marking 1
- Chalwain, Cooloostpooh, 1837-1925 1
- Chalwain, Henry, 1878-1946 1
- Chalwain, Martin 1
- Chalwain, Peter 1
- Chalwain, Susan, 1843-1929 1
- Chewing Black Bones 1
- Chouquette, Maggie Jackson 1
- Coal 1
- Concessions (Amusements, etc.) 1
- Crops 1
- Crow Indian Reservation (Mont.) 1
- Crow Indians -- Treaties 1
- Delegations 1
- Discrimination 1
- Droughts 1
- Dunbar, Mary 1
- Elections 1
- Employees -- Dismissal of 1
- Employment 1
- Fire extinction 1
- Fishing 1
- Forage 1
- Fort Totten Indian School (Fort Totten, N.D.) 1
- Fourth of July celebrations 1
- Full-blood Indians 1
- Game wardens 1
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 1
- Grant, Richard, Sr. 1
- Grazing rights 1
- Hamby, Tom 1
- Hannah-Porter Company 1
- Harris, Moses, 1839- 1
- Hazlett, Stuart I. 1
- Health 1
- Heinrich, Frank Michael, 1869-1928 1
- Heirs 1
- Helm, Wesley D. 1
- Henault, Mose 1
- Holy Family Mission (Mont.) 1
- Hotels 1
- Indian judges 1
- Indian school children 1
- Indian soldiers 1
- Indians of North America -- Employment 1
- Indians of North America -- Legal status, laws, etc. 1
- Indians of North America -- Mixed descent 1
- Indians of North America -- Public welfare 1
- Irrigation 1
- LaPlant, Louis 1
- Land exchange 1
- Landscape protection 1
- Letter carriers 1
- Letting of contracts -- Competitive bidding 1
- Letting of contracts -- competitive bidding 1
- Long-Cleary Stock Company 1
- McFatridge, Arthur E., 1867-1943 1
- Mines and mineral resources 1
- Mining leases 1
- Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation (Mont.) 1
- Oil fields -- Montana 1
- Oil well drilling 1
- Old Chief, John 1
- Phemister, Mary Jane 1
- Physicians 1
- Reservoirs 1
- Right of way 1
- Roads 1
- Schools 1
- Surveying 1
- Taxation 1
- Timber 1
- Trails -- Design and construction 1
- Treaties -- Ratification 1
- Tribal timber reserves 1
- United States. Indian Reorganization Act 1
- Vilas, William F. (William Freeman), 1840-1908 1
- Wagons 1
- Water-supply 1
- Wildlife management 1
- Wilson, Donald 1
- Wylie Permanent Camping Co. 1
- Yellowstone Park Association 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Image38
- Digital Collection...
- Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site Photographs 18
- Archival Photographs from the University of Montana 6
- United States Forest Service, Region One Photographs 4
- Bud Moore Photographs and Sound Recordings 3
- Rosebud County Historical Images 2
- Billings - Historic Photo Collection 1
- Central Montana Historical Photographs 1
- Charles E. Morris Collection 1
- Early Agriculture and Homesteading in Judith Basin County 1
- Grant-Kohrs National Historic Site Photographs 1
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Hay 38
- Pastures 10
- Horses 8
- Tractors 5
- Deer Lodge Valley (Mont.) 4
- Hereford cattle 4
- Men 4
- Electric lines 3
- Group portraits 3
- Horse teams 3
- Ranches 3
- Ranching 3
- Utility poles 3
- Winter 3
- Bud Biography 2
- Buildings 2
- Burnt Cabin (Mont.) 2
- Elk 2
- Game Range 2
- Gardiner (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 2
- Government Administration Site 2
- Haystacks 2
- Horse-drawn vehicles 2
- Lochsa Powell Ranger District 2
- Lord, Herbert Watson, 1870-1963 2
- Mountains 2
- Range management 2
- Ravalli County (Mont.) 2
- Sheep 2
- Sheepfolds 2
- Trees 2
- Wagons 2
- Wildlife 2
- Wooden fences 2
- Wooden-frame buildings 2
- Agricultural implements 1
- Agricultural machinery & implements 1
- Agriculture 1
- American Forestry Association 1
- Asbridge, Joseph L., 1860-1935 1
- Asbridge, Vern S., 1895-1976 1
- Barn 1
- Cattle--Montana 1
- Cities 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) -- Officials and employees 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.). -- Camp Nine Mile (Mont.) 1
- Corral 1
- Cowboys 1
- Crops 1
- Deer Lodge (Mont.) 1
- Dogs 1
- Draft animals 1
- Family 1
- Farmers 1
- Farming 1
- Forest Service Barn 1
- Frontier and pioneer life 1
- Grass 1
- Hay--Storage 1
- Haying Equipment 1
- Haying equipment--Montana 1
- Horses -- Equipment and supplies 1
- Judith Basin (Mont.) 1
- Land capability for agriculture 1
- Landscape photographs 1
- Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail 1
- Log buildings 1
- Log cabins 1
- Lolo National Forest (Mont.) 1
- Meadows 1
- Missoula 1
- Missoula County (Mont.) 1
- Montana 1
- Moon 1
- Ninemile Ranger District (Mont.) 1
- Powell Ranger Station 1
- Public service employment 1
- Railroad cars 1
- Ranchers 1
- Ranching--Montana 1
- Roundup (Mont.) 1
- Snow 1
- Snow, Ice 1
- Stacks (Hay, grain, etc.) 1
- Stockyards 1
- Trail Riders of the National Forests 1
- Wire fencing 1
- Working animals 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Deer Lodge, Montana 19
- Powell County, Montana 18
- Montana 3
- Gardiner (Park county, Montana) 2
- Idaho 2
- Lolo National Forest 2
- Lolo National Forest (Mont.) 2
- Ravalli (county) 2
- Rosebud County, Montana 2
- Golden Valley County, Montana; 1
- Judith Basin, Montana 1
- Lewistown, Montana 1
- Monture Creek (Powell county, Montana) 1
- Ninemile (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Powell County, Montana 1
- Roundup (Musselshell county, Montana) 1
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- Digital Collection...
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