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- Image72
- Digital Collection...
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- Indians of North America -- Clothing 72
- Indians of North America 46
- Salish Indians 31
- Group portraits 29
- Portrait photographs 29
- Indian men 26
- Headdresses 23
- Tipis 18
- Horses 17
- Native Americans 17
- Indian beadwork 15
- Indigenous peoples 15
- Indian decoration and ornament 13
- staged photographs 13
- Headgear 11
- Indian featherwork 11
- Indian women 11
- Flathead Indians 9
- Tribal chiefs 7
- Teepees 6
- Indian children 5
- Indian dancers 5
- Mission Valley (Lake County, Mont.) 5
- Montana 5
- Indian blankets 4
- Indian encampments 4
- Indians of North America -- Kings and rulers 4
- Indians of North America -- Rites and ceremonies 4
- Indians of North America -- Social life and customs 4
- Nez Perce Indians 4
- Rocky Boy's Reservation (Mont.) 4
- studio portraits 4
- Dogs 3
- Indian dance 3
- Indian dancers -- Clothing 3
- Kalispel Indians 3
- Parades 3
- Portraits 3
- Resurrection, Sam K. (Sam Kaltomee), 1857-1941 3
- Siksika Indians 3
- Tellier family 3
- profiles (figures) 3
- Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana 2
- Cheyenne Indians 2
- Chief Louison 2
- Chippewa-Cree Indians of the Rocky Boy's Reservation, Montana 2
- Cree Indians 2
- Crow Indians 2
- Estorga, Christine Tellier, 1905-1984 2
- Girls 2
- Indian pipes 2
- Indian youth 2
- Missoula (Mont.) 2
- Missoula Stampede (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Mountains 2
- Native American life 2
- Pipe smoking 2
- Pipes (Smoking) 2
- Rivers 2
- Sun dance 2
- Vandenburg, Mose 2
- Vanderburg, Mose 2
- American bison 1
- Arkinson, Edward 1
- Arlee (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Atoem Elem Wh Skil Em Me (Chief Eagle) 1
- Big Pielle 1
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation (Mont.) 1
- Boulders 1
- Brule Indians 1
- Brule women 1
- Buckskin 1
- Buffalo 1
- Calumets 1
- Catholic Church -- Clergy 1
- Charlo, Salish chief, 1831-1910 1
- Children 1
- Chippewa Indians 1
- Coombs, Louie 1
- Coombs, Mary 1
- Curley, Therese, approximately 1873-approximately 1921 1
- Dead Horse, Francois 1
- Eagleman, Edward 1
- Eneas, John 1
- Feathers 1
- Finley, John 1
- Finley, Patrick 1
- Finley, Sam 1
- Flags -- United States 1
- Flathead Indian Reservation (Mont.) 1
- Freight cars 1
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 1
- Hell Gate (Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- Horseback riding 1
- Indian councils 1
- Indians -- Mixed descent 1
- Indians of North America -- Great Plains 1
- Kai-Kai-She (Salish chief) 1
- Kaiser, Antoine 1
- Kennewash, Peter (Chippewa Cree chief), approximately 1855-1931 1
- Kes-Kah-Yo 1
- Kiser, Michael 1
- Kootenai Indians 1
- Lakes 1
- Lamoose, Joseph 1
- Left Hand Boy 1
- Little Bear (Cree chief), 1851-1921 1
- Magee, Emma, 1866-1950 1
- Mass 1
- McDonald, Duncan 1
- Men 1
- Mission Mountains (Mont.) 1
- Moody, Sam 1
- Ojibwa Indians 1
- Quivers (Archery) 1
- Railroad cars 1
- Rosebud (Mont.) 1
- Running Wolf 1
- Saddlery 1
- Saddles 1
- Saint Ignatius (Mont.) 1
- Samatt, Baptiste 1
- Smallboy, Bob 1
- Snots-ee (earings) 1
- Spears 1
- Spectators 1
- St. Ignatius Mission (Lake County, Mont.) 1
- Standing Bear, Lo-Me 1
- Stevens, Cecille Magpie Vanderburg 1
- Taelman, Louis 1
- Tellier, Cecille, 1864-1938 1
- Tellier, Violet, 1916-1993 1
- Travois 1
- Two Guns White Calf, 1872-1934 1
- Vanderburg, Victor, approximately 1868- 1
- War bonnets 1
- Waterfalls 1
- Watson, George 1
- White Bear Claws 1
- White Head 1
- Women 1
- Woodcock, Isadore 1
- Yellow Mountain, Martin 1
- Yellowtail, Maggie Pickett (1894-1956) 1
- hand coloring 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Montana 47
- Lake (county) 6
- Rocky Boys Indian Reservation (Choteau county, Montana) 5
- Rocky Boys Indian Reservation (Hill county, Montana) 5
- Mission Range (Lake county, Montana) 4
- Missoula (Missoula county, Montana) 4
- Saint Ignatius (Lake county, Montana) 3
- Arlee (Lake county, Montana) 2
- Mission Valley (Lake county, Montana) 2
- Western United States (United States) 2
- Browning (Glacier county, Montana) 1
- Butte (Silver Bow county, Montana) 1
- Flathead Indian Reservation (Lake county, Montana) 1
- Glacier National Park (Montana) 1
- Rosebud (Rosebud county, Montana) 1
- Rosebud Indian Reservation (Todd county, South Dakota) 1
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