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- Image77
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- United States. Forest Service 60
- Steuerwald, W. E. (Winston E.) 24
- Swan, Kenneth D. (Kenneth Dupee), 1887-1970 12
- Gordon, W. W. 7
- Gruell, George E. 6
- Beatty, D.L. 5
- Peterson, Ernie (Ernst Conrad) 1912-1991 4
- Hanson, E. Arnold (Elbert Arnold), 1913-1988 2
- McKay, R. H. (Rollin H.) 2
- On, Danny 2
- Reich, W. J. 2
- Calkins, Frank C. 1
- Gordon, W. E. 1
- Kramer, Richard S. (Richard Scott), 1916-2002 1
- McGee, W. R. 1
- Steuerwald, Winston Ezra (Curly), 1915-1998 1
- Wall, R. F. 1
Show More - Subject...
- Lodgepole pine 77
- Landscape photographs 22
- Timber -- Management 19
- Smoke 17
- Pulpwood 14
- Sleeping Child Burn, 1961 14
- Group portraits 11
- Logging -- Equipment and supplies 11
- Wildfires -- Prevention and control 11
- Dirt roads 10
- Douglas fir 10
- Portrait photographs 10
- Forest fires -- Environmental aspects 9
- Logging trucks 9
- Dead trees 7
- Aspen 6
- Darby Ranger District (Mont.) 6
- Debris 6
- Forests and forestry 6
- United States. Forest Service -- Employees 6
- White Sulphur Springs Ranger District (Mont.) 6
- Hay Creek Fire, 1926 5
- Railroad cars 5
- Timber -- Harvesting -- Machinery 5
- Wildfires 5
- Safety hats 4
- eye-level views 4
- Belt Creek Ranger District (Mont.) 3
- Clearcutting -- Environmental aspects 3
- Logging 3
- Logs 3
- Ponderosa pine 3
- Sheep 3
- Shrubs 3
- Slash (Logging) 3
- Tree stumps 3
- Abies lasiocarpa 2
- Automobiles 2
- Axes 2
- Conifers 2
- Corrals 2
- Fires -- Environmental aspects 2
- Forest fire fighters 2
- Grazing 2
- Jack-leg fences 2
- Juniperus scopulorum 2
- Landscape photography 2
- Larches 2
- Log buildings 2
- Logging -- Environmental aspects 2
- Men 2
- Mountains 2
- Patch cuts 2
- Philipsburg (Mont.) 2
- Railroad trains 2
- Reforestation 2
- Rocky Mountain juniper 2
- Subalpine fir 2
- Timber stand improvement 2
- Tree felling 2
- Trees 2
- Wildfires -- Environmental aspects 2
- natural landscapes 2
- Allis-Chalmers Company 1
- Allis-Chalmers Corporation 1
- Barns 1
- Belt (Mont.) 1
- Cabins 1
- Carriages and carts 1
- Cars 1
- Cattle 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 1
- Clearcutting 1
- Common snowberry 1
- Crawler tractors 1
- Cutover lands 1
- Derrick cars (Railroads) 1
- Dwarf mistletoes 1
- East Glacier Park (Mont.) 1
- Evaro Hill (Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- Fir 1
- Flathead River (B.C. and Mont.) 1
- Flint Creek Range (Mont.) 1
- Forest roads 1
- Grasses 1
- Grasslands 1
- Henrys Lake (Idaho) 1
- Hoisting machinery 1
- Horses 1
- Jocko Mountains (Mont.) 1
- Jocko Valley (Mont.) 1
- Laird's Lodge (Lindbergh Lake, Mont.) 1
- Lakes 1
- Landscape Photography 1
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Mont.) 1
- Lindbergh Lake (Mont.) 1
- Little Belt Mountains (Mont.) 1
- Loaders (Machines) 1
- Locomotives 1
- Loggers 1
- Lumber -- Measurement 1
- Lumber industry 1
- Miller Creek (Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- Moraines 1
- Mules -- Transportation 1
- Muleteers 1
- Ninemile Historic Remount Depot (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Polleys Lumber Company (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Railroad freight cars 1
- Railroad ties 1
- Railroad tracks 1
- Range management 1
- Ranger stations 1
- Resorts 1
- Rivers 1
- Roads 1
- Roads -- Design and construction 1
- Scaling (Forestry) 1
- Snags (Forestry) 1
- Spruce 1
- Sula (Mont.) 1
- Symphoricarpos albus 1
- Targhee National Forest (Idaho and Wyo.) 1
- Trains 1
- Tree cookies 1
- Tree-rings 1
- United States Highway 93 1
- Western larch 1
- Whitebark pine 1
- Wind damage 1
- Wooden fences -- Design and construction 1
- oblique views 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Mont.) 39
- Bitterroot National Forest (Mont. and Idaho) 15
- Flathead National Forest, Montana 5
- Adams Creek (Meagher county, Montana) 3
- Fremont (county) 2
- Idaho 2
- Kaniksu National Forest (Idaho) 2
- Kaniksu National Forest (Washington) 2
- Kings Hill (Montana) 2
- Philipsburg (Granite county, Montana) 2
- Sheep Creek (Meagher county, Montana) 2
- Apgar Mountains (Flathead county, Montana) 1
- Beaver Creek (Lewis and Clark County, Mont.) 1
- Belt (Cascade county, Montana) 1
- Cameron Creek (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- Elkhorn (Jefferson county, Montana) 1
- Evaro (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Flathead River (Montana) 1
- Granite (county) 1
- Jefferson Creek (Teton county, Montana) 1
- Lindbergh Lake (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Little Belt Mountains (Montana) 1
- Lolo National Forest 1
- Mission Valley (Lake county, Montana) 1
- Montana 1
- Seeley Lake (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Straight Creek (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 1
- Two Medicine Lake (Glacier county, Montana) 1
- Yellowstone National Park 1
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