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- Image104
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- United States. Forest Service 82
- Steuerwald, W.E. (Winston E.) 43
- Swan, Kenneth D. (Kenneth Dupee), 1887-1970 10
- Croskrey, Bob 2
- Halm, Joseph B. (Joseph Baldwin), 1884-1965 2
- Koch, Elers, 1880-1954 2
- Longpre, Daniel F. 2
- Moncure, Peyton, 1916-1987 2
- Poulson, W.L. 2
- Flint, H. R. (Howard R.) 1
- Perusich 1
- Swan, Kenneth D. (Kenneth Dupee), 1877-1970 1
- Temple, Paul 1
Show More - Subject...
- Lolo National Forest (Mont.) 104
- Roads -- Design and construction 50
- Forest roads 48
- Dirt roads 45
- Ninemile Ranger District (Mont.) 26
- Portrait photographs 24
- Bulldozers 20
- Men 20
- Group portraits 19
- Road construction workers 17
- Rivers 16
- Road machinery 16
- General Construction Company (Firm) 14
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 12
- Montana 12
- Trucks 12
- Mountains 11
- Trees 11
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.). -- Camp Nine Mile (Mont.) 9
- Logging 8
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) -- Officials and employees 7
- Horses 7
- Pack animals (Transportation) 7
- Progress photographs 7
- Public service employment 6
- Snow 6
- Union Construction Company (Firm) 6
- Wildfires -- Prevention and control 6
- Bridges 5
- Fire lookout stations 5
- Ninemile Remount Depot (Mont.) 5
- Surveyors 5
- United States. Forest Service. Northern Region 5
- Water diversion 5
- Work camps 5
- Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) 4
- Forest fires 4
- Logs 4
- Trestles 4
- Trout Creek (Mont.) 4
- Wooden bridges 4
- Animals -- Transportation 3
- Automobile repair shops 3
- Camps 3
- Crushing machinery 3
- Dump trucks 3
- Horseback riding 3
- Horsemanship 3
- Mules 3
- Mules -- Transportation 3
- Railroad bridges 3
- River engineering 3
- Utility poles 3
- Bitterroot Range (Idaho and Mont.) 2
- Bridges -- Design and construction 2
- Culverts 2
- Fences -- Design and construction 2
- Fire damage 2
- Flame 2
- Forest fires -- Prevention and control 2
- Forest roads -- Design and construction 2
- Forests 2
- Forests and forestry 2
- Horse teams 2
- Horse-drawn vehicles 2
- Irrigation canals and flumes 2
- Lolo Trail (Idaho) 2
- Smoke 2
- Streams 2
- Thompson Falls Ranger District (Mont.) 2
- Tractors 2
- Tree stumps 2
- United States. Forest Service -- Employees 2
- Working animals 2
- staged photographs 2
- Aerial Fire Depot (U.S.) 1
- Agriculture 1
- Airdrop 1
- Airplanes 1
- Alberton Gorge (Mont.) 1
- Anaconda Forest Products Company 1
- Benches 1
- Bonner (Mont.) -- Photographs 1
- Building construction 1
- Cabins 1
- Camps -- Food service 1
- Carts & wagons 1
- Christmas 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.). -- Camp Nine Mile (Mont.) 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.). -- Company 952 (Mont.) 1
- Clearwater National Forest (Idaho) 1
- Clouds 1
- Construction workers 1
- Cooks 1
- Dead trees 1
- Dinners and dining 1
- Employees 1
- Farming 1
- Fences 1
- Fire fighting equipment 1
- Flags -- United States 1
- Flood damage 1
- Ford Three-engined Monoplane (Transport plane) 1
- Ford trucks 1
- Forest Roads -- Design and construction 1
- Forest fire fighters 1
- Forest rangers 1
- Gillespie Creek (Granite county, Montana) 1
- Gymnasiums 1
- Hay 1
- Hills 1
- Irrigation 1
- Lakes & ponds -- Montana 1
- Log buildings 1
- Logging Trucks 1
- Lolo Creek (Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- Microphone 1
- Missoula County (Mont.) 1
- Montana -- History 1
- Nickerson, Paul 1
- Ninemile Remount Depot (Mont.) 1
- Packtrains 1
- Parachutes 1
- Persons 1
- Picnics 1
- Ponderosa pine -- Seedlings 1
- Ponds 1
- Ranger stations 1
- Ranger stations -- Montana 1
- Reservoirs -- Linings 1
- Road drainage 1
- Roads -- Snow and ice control 1
- Rock Creek (Granite County, Mont.) 1
- Saint Regis River (Mont.) 1
- Sand 1
- Shoemaker, Theodore, 1876- 1
- Soil erosion 1
- Stacks (Hay, grain, etc.) 1
- Stoney Creek (Missoula county, Mont.) 1
- Stritch, Dortha 1
- Suspension bridges 1
- Tables 1
- Transport planes 1
- Tree planters (Persons) 1
- Tree planting 1
- Water pumps 1
- Winter 1
- Women fire lookouts 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Mineral (county) 25
- Montana 25
- Missoula (county) 17
- Ninemile (Missoula county, Montana) 17
- Trout Creek (Mineral county, Montana) 8
- Pend Oreille River 4
- Clinton (Missoula county, Montana) 3
- Edith Peak (Montana) 3
- Granite (county) 3
- Missoula (Missoula county, Montana) 3
- Ellis Mountain (Missoula county, Montana) 2
- Rainy Creek (Mineral county, Montana) 2
- Saint Regis (Mineral county, Montana) 2
- Tin Cup Creek (Mineral county, Montana) 2
- Alberton (Mineral county, Montana) 1
- Butler Creek (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Cedar Creek (Mineral county, Montana) 1
- Clearwater River (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Gillispie Creek (Granite county, Montana) 1
- Mormon Peak (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Ninemile (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Seeley Lake (Missoula, Montana) 1
- Stark Mountain (Mineral county, Montana) 1
- Stony Creek (Missoula county, Montana) 1
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