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- Document2
- Image30
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- National parks and reserves 30
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 20
- Park lodging facilities 12
- Mountains 11
- Many Glacier Hotel (Glacier National Park, Mont.) 10
- Hotels 9
- Many Glacier (Glacier National Park, Mont.) 9
- Lakes 7
- Yellowstone National Park 7
- natural landscapes 7
- Glacial landforms 6
- Swiftcurrent Lake (Glacier County, Mont.) 6
- Geysers 5
- Mount Gould (Glacier County, Mont.) 5
- Granite Park Chalet (Glacier National Park, Mont.) 4
- Group portraits 4
- Landscape photographs 4
- Animals 3
- Automobiles 3
- Bears 3
- Black bear 3
- Cars 3
- Chalets 3
- Dirt roads 3
- Mount Grinnell (Glacier County, Mont.) 3
- Old Faithful Geyser (Wyo.) 3
- Waterfalls 3
- color photographs 3
- eye-level views 3
- landscape photographs 3
- oblique views 3
- Cabins 2
- Glaciers 2
- Horses 2
- Log buildings 2
- Persons 2
- Tourists 2
- Trees 2
- Wooden-frame buildings 2
- Anniversaries 1
- Blackfeet Indians 1
- Cliffs 1
- Dixon, Joseph M. (Joseph Moore), 1867-1934 1
- Ferguson, Mary Elrod, 1898-1975 1
- Folk singers 1
- Forest fires -- Environmental aspects 1
- Garden Wall, The (Mont.) 1
- Glacial crevasses 1
- Grand Teton National Park (Wyo.) 1
- Grinnell Glacier (Mont.) 1
- Grinnell Point (Glacier County, Mont.) 1
- Grinnell, George Bird, 1849-1938 1
- Grotto Geyser (Wyo.) 1
- Guitars 1
- Haystack Butte (Flathead County, Mont.) 1
- Hides and skins 1
- Horsemen and horsewomen 1
- Hotel guests 1
- Hotel lobbies 1
- Jentzsch, Heber C., 1935- 1
- Judges -- Montana 1
- Lake Josephine (Mont.) 1
- Lake McDonald (Mont.) 1
- Landscape photography 1
- Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River (Wyo.) 1
- McDonald, Lake (Mont.) 1
- Mountain goat 1
- National parks and reserves -- Employees 1
- Panoramic photographs 1
- Paper lanterns 1
- Parks 1
- Politicians 1
- Portrait photographs 1
- Postcards 1
- Pray, Charles Nelson, 1868-1963 1
- Reiss, Hans 1
- Rivers 1
- Rocks 1
- Siksika Indians 1
- Spectators 1
- Tents 1
- Water towers 1
- Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park (Mont. and Alta.) 1
- Wirth, Conrad Louis, 1899-1993 1
- Women 1
- Yellowstone River 1
- picture postcards 1
- staged photographs 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Glacier National Park (Montana) 21
- Yellowstone National Park 7
- Swiftcurrent Ridge Lake (Glacier county, Montana) 6
- Gould, Mount (Montana) 1
- Grinnell, Mount (Glacier county, Montana) 1
- Jenny Lake (Teton county, Wyoming) 1
- McDonald, Lake (Flathead county, Montana) 1
- Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park 1
- Yellowstone River 1
- Map13
- Digital Collection...
- Contributing Institution...
- Subject...
- National parks and reserves 13
- Park facilities 13
- Architecture 11
- Public utilities 11
- Roads 11
- Hotels 2
- Railroad travel 1
- Date...
- Geographic Coverage...
- PDF Document164
- Video2
- Creator...
- Subject...
- National parks and reserves 2
- Travel 2
- Bears 1
- Birds 1
- Mountains 1
- Trees 1
- Waterfalls 1
- Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
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