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- Image58
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- United States. Forest Service 33
- Healy, Stan, 1918-1996 6
- Pogue, Robert Joe 6
- Linthacum, Victor T., 1900-1987 4
- Nousianen, A. O. (Arne O.), 1913-1998 4
- Poulson, William L. 3
- Steuerwald, W. E. (Winston E.) 3
- Steuerwald, W.E. (Winston E.) 3
- Johnson, Philip C. (Philip Cornwell), 1907-1990 2
- Pulver, Ray E. (Ray Emanuel), 1925-1964 2
- Steuerwald, Winston E. 2
- Cogley, H. David (Herbert David), 1945- 1
- Fickes, Clyde P. (Clyde Phillips), 1884-1987 1
- Fugleberg, Paul 1
- Hamre, Verne 1
- Hanson, A.E. 1
- Hoblitzell, William A., 1864- 1
- Ingalls, F. M. (Frank M.), 1861-1934 1
- Mrs. Perry Oakley 1
- On, Danny 1
- Polson, Bill 1
- Prater, Leland J. 1
- Shipp, E. S. 1
- Swan, Kenneth D. (Kenneth Dupee), 1887-1970 1
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- Signs and signboards 58
- Cars 15
- Automobiles 14
- Group portraits 10
- Cattle 7
- Highways 7
- Portrait photographs 7
- Range management 7
- Snow 7
- Trees 7
- Grazing 6
- McCafferty, G. E. -- Homes and haunts 6
- Rangelands 6
- Sederholm, Bill (William Charles), 1913-2003 -- Homes and haunts 6
- Dirt roads 5
- Ski resorts 5
- Horseback riding 4
- Horses 4
- staged photographs 4
- Men 3
- Missoula (Mont.) 3
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 3
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company 3
- Salmon National Forest (Idaho) 3
- Snowbowl (Mont.) 3
- Trains 3
- Vandalism 3
- Automobile dealers 2
- Big Sky Resort (Mont.) 2
- Bonner (Mont.) -- Photographs 2
- Boundaries 2
- Bridges 2
- Bullet holes. 2
- Camp sites, facilities, etc. 2
- Electric lines 2
- Employees 2
- Ford Model T automobile 2
- Forests 2
- Huntley, Chet, 1911-1974 2
- Idaho -- Boundaries 2
- Kootenai National Forest (Mont. and Idaho) 2
- Laborers 2
- Ladders 2
- Log buildings 2
- Lolo Springs Lookout (Mont.) 2
- Lost Trail Pass (United States) 2
- Military bases 2
- Montana -- Boundaries 2
- Montana -- History 2
- Mountain resorts 2
- Mountains 2
- Neon Signs 2
- Northern Pacific Railway Company 2
- Oldsmobile automobile 2
- People associated with manual labor 2
- Progress photographs 2
- Railroad cars 2
- School buses 2
- Shells (Ammunition) 2
- Signs and signboards -- Installation 2
- Snow Bowl (Mont.) 2
- Trucks 2
- United States. Forest Service -- Employees 2
- Vietnam War, 1961-1975 2
- Walford Neon Signs (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- West Fork Ranger Station (Mont.) 2
- Winter 2
- Wooden fences 2
- eye-level views 2
- Forest plants 1
- ACM Mill (Bonner, Mont.) 1
- Advertising -- Forest fire prevention 1
- Anaconda Copper Mining Company 1
- Anaconda Forest Products Company 1
- Automobile equipment & supplies stores 1
- Automobiles -- Equipment & supplies 1
- Barbershops 1
- Beaches 1
- Beer bottles 1
- Beer cans 1
- Bicycles 1
- Bitterroot Valley (Mont.) 1
- Blossburg (Mont.) 1
- Boat trailers 1
- Bonner (Mont.) 1
- Boys 1
- Breweries 1
- Brick roads 1
- Buildings 1
- Buildings -- Photographs 1
- Cafes 1
- Campers (Persons) 1
- Campfires 1
- Camping trailers 1
- Children 1
- Chrome mining 1
- Cityscapes 1
- Clinker brick 1
- Clinkers (Rock) 1
- Congress of Industrial Organizations (U.S.) 1
- Continental Divide 1
- Cook's Flat (Mont.) 1
- Copper King Campground (Mont.) 1
- Darby Ranger Station (Mont.) 1
- Dead trees 1
- Display cases 1
- Flagpoles 1
- Flags -- American 1
- Flathead Indian Reservation (Mont.) 1
- Ford automobile 1
- Ford trucks 1
- Forest fires -- Prevention and control 1
- Forest rangers 1
- Forest roads 1
- Fox Theater (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Gasoline pumps 1
- Goldcreek (Mont.) 1
- Group portrait 1
- Hardware stores -- Czech Republic -- Prague 1
- High school students 1
- High schools 1
- Hoover's Garage (Florence, Mont.) 1
- International Workers Association 1
- Jaqueth & Charnholm (Libby, Mont.) 1
- Jumping Creek Campground (Mont.) 1
- Labor unions 1
- Lake County (Mont.) 1
- Larches 1
- Lee Creek Campground 1
- Lewis-Clark Highway (Idaho and Mont.) 1
- Litter (Trash) 1
- Little Belt Mountains (Mont.) 1
- Lolo Pass (Mont. and Idaho) 1
- Lookout Pass Ski and Recreation Area (Idaho and Mont.) 1
- Milestones 1
- Milodragovich, Bob (Robert), 1917-2004 1
- Mission Valley (Lake County (Mont.) 1
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Missoula Brewery (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Missoula County (Mont.) 1
- Missoula County High School 1
- Missoula Ranger District (Mont.) 1
- Motorboats 1
- Mountain roads 1
- Mountains -- Montana -- Bonner 1
- Mules 1
- Old Creamery (Florence, Mont.) 1
- Operation Outdoors, 1957-1960 1
- Pack animals (Transportation) 1
- Parking meters 1
- Passenger trains 1
- Passengers 1
- Pattee Canyon Recreation Area (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Pedestrians 1
- People associated with commercial & service activities 1
- People associated with health & safety 1
- Ponderosa pine 1
- Portrait photograhs 1
- Prague (Czech Republic) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Railroad passenger cars 1
- Railroad signal towers 1
- Railroad tunnels 1
- Railroads 1
- Recreation areas 1
- Restaurants -- Czech Republic -- Prague 1
- Roads 1
- Roads -- Interchanges and intersections -- Photographs 1
- Rock Creek (Granite County, Mont.) 1
- Sawmills 1
- Seeley Lake (Mont.) 1
- Seeley Lake Ranger District (Mont.) 1
- Service stations 1
- Shop signs 1
- Sidewalks 1
- Ski lifts 1
- Skiers 1
- Smokey Bear 1
- Snags (Forestry) 1
- Snow Bowl (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Soldiers -- United States 1
- Sowing 1
- Standard Oil Company of California 1
- Steam locomotives 1
- Stores & shops 1
- Streets -- Czech Republic -- Prague 1
- Stuffed animals (Toys) 1
- Swimmers 1
- Theaters 1
- Tourists 1
- Trails 1
- Travel trailers 1
- Tree felling 1
- Tree stumps 1
- United Service Organizations (U.S.) 1
- United States. Army. Airborne Division, 101st 1
- Utility poles 1
- Vehicles, Military 1
- Water sports 1
- West Fork Ranger District (Mont.) 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Mont.) 11
- Bitterroot National Forest (Mont. and Idaho) 9
- Lolo National Forest 9
- Missoula (Missoula county, Montana) 7
- Montana 7
- Lolo National Forest (Mont.) 3
- Salmon-Challis National Forest (Idaho) 3
- Alta (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- Blossburg (Powell county, Montana) 1
- Bonner (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Bonner (Missoula, Montana) 1
- Bonner Mountain (Missoula, Montana) 1
- Continental Divide (United States) 1
- Czechoslovakia (nation) 1
- Da Nang (Da Nang, Viet Nam) 1
- Florence (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- Gallatin (county) 1
- Goldcreek (Powell county, Montana) 1
- Hell Roaring Creek (Gallatin county, Montana) 1
- Idaho 1
- Lee Creek (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Lolo National ForestLolo National Forest 1
- Milltown (Missoula, Montana) 1
- Painted Canyon (Billings county, North Dakota) 1
- Praha, Czech Republic 1
- Red Lodge (Carbon county, Montana) 1
- Rice Ridge (Mont.) 1
- Theodore Roosevelt National Park (North Dakota) 1
- Viet Nam (nation) 1
- Washington (state) 1
- Western Montana 1
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