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- Image80
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
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- State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.) 80
- University of Montana -- Missoula 38
- Group portraits 24
- Track and field -- Tournaments 13
- Portrait photographs 11
- staged photographs 11
- Football players 10
- College campuses 9
- Track and field athletes 8
- College students 7
- University Hall (Missoula, Mont.) 7
- oblique views 7
- Athletic fields 6
- College buildings 6
- Football teams 6
- Men 6
- Spectators 6
- College athletes 5
- College presidents 5
- Grandstands 5
- Main Hall (Missoula, Mont.) 5
- Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) 5
- Mount Sentinel (Missoula County, Mont.) 5
- Team photographs 5
- University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. 5
- Academic libraries 4
- Basketball players 4
- College football players 4
- College sports 4
- Football 4
- Missoula (Mont.) 4
- People associated with education & communication 4
- Sentinel, Mount (Missoula County, Mont.) 4
- Sports tournaments 4
- Universities and colleges -- Administration 4
- cultural landscapes 4
- eye-level views 4
- studio portraits 4
- Basketball teams 3
- College administrators 3
- Costume 3
- Sisson, Edward O. (Edward Octavius), 1869-1949 3
- University of Montana -- Missoula -- Football 3
- University of Montana -- Missoula -- History 3
- Women college athletes 3
- Band musicians 2
- Bands (Music) 2
- Baseball players 2
- Bridges 2
- Cities and towns 2
- Cityscapes 2
- Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) 2
- College fraternity members 2
- Crowds 2
- Dancers 2
- Football Equipment and supplies 2
- Football uniforms 2
- Fraternities & sororities 2
- Greenough Park (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Ground breaking ceremonies 2
- Islands 2
- Jeannette Rankin Hall (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Aerial photographs 2
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 2
- Mount Jumbo (Missoula County, Mont.) 2
- Popovich, Milton 2
- Portraits 2
- Rattlesnake Creek (Missoula County, Mont.) 2
- Rattlesnake Valley (Missoula County, Mont.) 2
- Rites and ceremonies 2
- Rivers 2
- Softball 2
- Softball players 2
- Soldiers 2
- Students 2
- Tents 2
- Women college students 2
- aerial views 2
- panoramas 2
- Aber, William, 1848-1919 1
- Academic costume 1
- Academic processions 1
- Adams, Harry F. 1895-1977 1
- Athletic directors 1
- Baseball teams 1
- Blastic, Hank 1
- Bolton, Thaddeus L. (Thaddeus Lincoln), 1865-1948 1
- Broad jump 1
- Campus buildings 1
- Caps and gowns 1
- Catchers (Baseball) 1
- Clapp, C. H. (Charles Horace), 1883-1935 1
- Classrooms 1
- Coaches (Athletics) 1
- College Sports 1
- College graduates 1
- College sorority members 1
- College students -- Societies, etc. 1
- College teachers 1
- Cooking -- Study and teaching 1
- Cooks 1
- Craig Hall (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Craighead, Edwin Boone, 1861-1920 1
- Dance 1
- Davis, Thomas C. (Thomas Charles), 1906-2003 1
- Dormitories 1
- Ekegren, Waldo A. (Waldo Amos), 1908-1991 1
- Festivals 1
- Flags -- United States 1
- Flowers 1
- Football fans 1
- Garden tools 1
- Graduation (School) 1
- Greek letter societies 1
- Greek letter societies -- Dwellings 1
- Greek letter societies -- Montana -- Missoula 1
- Guthrie, A. B., Jr. (Alfred Bertram), 1901-1991 1
- Gymnasiums 1
- High jumping 1
- Interior architecture 1
- Jumping 1
- Kelly, William C., 1905-1931 1
- Kirkwood, J. E. (Joseph Edward), 1872-1928 -- Monuments 1
- Libraries 1
- Library buildings 1
- Marching bands 1
- Math Building (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- McKay, R. H. (Rollin H.) 1
- Memorials 1
- Military bands 1
- Military uniforms 1
- Musical instruments 1
- Nets 1
- Outdoor learning laboratories 1
- People associated with military activities 1
- Phi Delta Theta Fraternity 1
- Plants 1
- Portraits, Group 1
- Prescott House (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Psychology students 1
- Rakes 1
- Rhinehart, Naseby, 1911-1991 1
- Science Hall (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Shackleton, Maybelle 1
- Shot putting 1
- Sigma Chi Fraternity. Beta Delta Chapter (State University of Montana) 1
- Snow 1
- Social Sciences Building (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Softball fields 1
- Sorority houses 1
- Stansberry, Robert 1
- State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.) -- Aquamaids 1
- State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Students' Army Training Corps 1
- State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Students' Army Training Corps -- Housing 1
- Study environment 1
- Synchronized swimming 1
- University of Montana--Missoula. School of Law 1
- Vaudeville 1
- Veterans -- Societies, etc. 1
- Water ballet 1
- Waterworks Hill (Mont.) 1
- Women -- Societies and clubs 1
- Women basketball players 1
- Women's Hall (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- World War, 1914-1918 1
- Young men 1
- Zoology -- Study and teaching 1
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