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- Image77
- Digital Collection...
- Haynes Foundation Photograph Collection 43
- Photographs from the Montana Historical Society 13
- Archival Photographs from the University of Montana 9
- Northwest Montana History Museum Photographs 6
- Polson Area Historical Photographs - The Paul Fugleberg Collection 4
- Billings - Historic Photo Collection 1
- Early Photographs of Lincoln County, 1890-1940 1
- Creator...
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921 31
- Unidentified photographer 8
- Morrow, Stanley J. 4
- Elrod, Morton J. (Morton John), 1863-1953 2
- Thiri, Al 2
- unknown 2
- Barry, D. F. (David Francis), 1854-1934 1
- Calfee, A.B. 1
- Dutro, Dan 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1983 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1984 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1986 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1988 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1989 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1990 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-2012 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-2160 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-2161 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-2188 1
- Herrig, Inez Ratekin 1
- McKay, R. H. (Rollin H.) 1
- Paris, James 1
- Schmidt, Otto, 1866- 1
- Swan, Kenneth D. (Kenneth Dupee), 1887-1970 1
- Woodworth, Chauncey Erasmus, 1856-1941 1
Show More - Subject...
- Steamboats 77
- River steamers 11
- Wharves 10
- Piers 8
- Flathead Lake (Mont.) 7
- Ice calving--Alaska 7
- Missouri River 6
- Paddle steamers 6
- Sailing ships 6
- Docks 5
- Harbors--Washington--Seattle 5
- Totem poles--Alaska--Wrangell 5
- Boats and boating 4
- Canoes 4
- Cities and towns 4
- Flathead County (Mont.) 4
- Glaciers--Alaska 4
- Polson (Mont.) 4
- Ice on rivers, lakes, etc. 3
- Minnesota. National Guard 3
- Newspapers 3
- Passenger ships 3
- Soldiers 3
- Yellowstone National Park 3
- Cities and towns 2
- Elliott Bay (Wash.) 2
- Flathead Indian Reservation (Mont.) 2
- Flathead Lake Biological Station 2
- Flathead River (B.C. and Mont.) 2
- Glacial crevasses 2
- Harbors--Washington--Tacoma 2
- Ice 2
- Indian reservations 2
- Josephine (Steamboat) 2
- Lakes & ponds 2
- Landscape photographs 2
- Lumberyards 2
- natural landscapes 2
- African Americans 1
- Bays (Bodies of water) 1
- Coal 1
- Coeur d'Alene Lake (Idaho) 1
- Coeur d'Alene River (Idaho) 1
- Demersville (Mont.) 1
- Dormitories 1
- Douglas (Juneau, Alaska) 1
- Ferry terminals--Washington, Lake (Wash.) 1
- Floods 1
- George Oakes (Ship) 1
- Granaries 1
- Helena (Steamboat) 1
- Kootenai National Forest (Mont. and Idaho) 1
- Kootenai River 1
- Lake steamers 1
- Lakes and ponds 1
- Lakes and ponds 1
- Levees 1
- Lower Yellowstone Project (U.S.) 1
- Lumber trade 1
- Marias River (Mont.) 1
- Men--Clothing--1880-1890 1
- Missouri River--Dakota Territory--Bismarck 1
- Missouri River. 1
- Montana 1
- Montana (steamer) 1
- Montana--Cabinet Mountains Wilderness 1
- Montana--Libby 1
- Native Americans 1
- Norway House (Man.) 1
- Paddleboats 1
- Passenger trains 1
- Photographers 1
- Queen (Boat) 1
- Railroad companies 1
- Railroads 1
- River boats 1
- River steamers--Missouri River 1
- River steamers. 1
- Riverboats 1
- Rivers 1
- Rosebud (Steamboat) 1
- Seaplanes 1
- Shipping 1
- Somers (Mont.) 1
- Steamship passengers 1
- Stern wheelers 1
- T.C. Power and Bro. 1
- Tlingit Tribe of Alaska--Dwellings 1
- Truss bridges--Montana 1
- United States. Army. Corps of Engineers 1
- Waterfronts--Washington--Seattle 1
- Women--Clothing--1880-1890 1
- Yellowstone Lake (Wyo.) 1
- Yellowstone River 1
- eye-level views 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Seattle, Washington 10
- Missouri River 9
- Glacier Bay, Alaska 7
- Juneau, Alaska 6
- Wrangell, Alaska 5
- Western Montana 4
- Bismarck, North Dakota 3
- Coeur d'Alene Lake, Idaho 3
- Demersville, Montana 2
- Flathead Lake (Lake county, Montana) 2
- Flathead Lake, MT 2
- Flathead River (Montana) 2
- Fort Benton, Montana 2
- Montana 2
- Rollins, Montana 2
- Somers (Flathead county, Montana) 2
- Tacoma, Washington 2
- West Thumb, Wyoming 2
- Choteau (county) 1
- Coeur d'Alene River (Idaho) 1
- Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 1
- Fort Benton (Choteau county, Montana) 1
- Glendive, Montana 1
- Lake Hotel, Yellowstone National Park 1
- Lake Washington, Washington 1
- Libby, Montana 1
- Muir Glacier, Alaska 1
- Playgreen Lake (Man.) 1
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- Digital Collection...
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