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- Book9
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- Pioneers 9
- homesteading 8
- Business 5
- Golden Valley County 5
- Culbertson 1
- Fort Benton 1
- Ghost towns 1
- Lavina 1
- Roosevelt County 1
- Roundup 1
- Sanders Lumber Company 1
- Schools 1
- Slayton Mercantile 1
- homesteaders 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Document1
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- Indian agents 1
- Miners 1
- Mining 1
- Newspaper editors 1
- Newspapers 1
- Pioneers 1
- Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Image447
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Pioneers 447
- Billings, MT 154
- Northern Pacific Railroad 13
- Salsbury, Van Jackson 5
- Summers, John 5
- Tompkins, Arthur Clark 5
- Tompkins, Mrs. A.C. 5
- Allen, Harry Mortimer 4
- Fraser, Janet 4
- Fraser, Nettie 4
- Tompkins, Benjamin A. 4
- Tompkins, Nettie 4
- Walk, Emmaline 4
- Walk, John J. 4
- Tompkins, Janet 3
- "Adventures with Indians and Games, or Twenty Years in the Rockies" 3
- "Black Feathers" 3
- "Blankets and Moccasins" 3
- "The Sheep Eaters" 3
- "Trail Blazers of the Yellowstone" 3
- Allen, Dr. W.A. 3
- Allen, Lelah Corrine 3
- Allen, Marie Finkelnburg 3
- Allen, Maurine 3
- Allen, Rachel Guiler 3
- Allen, Robert Thomas 3
- Allen, William Alonzo 3
- Allen, William Orwin 3
- Bozeman, MT 3
- Buesch, Mary 3
- Daughters of the American Revolution 3
- Delfoss, Matilda 3
- Elks Lodge 3
- Finkelnburg, August 3
- Finkelnburg, Marie Francesco 3
- Guiler, Rachel 3
- Gwendolyn, Mrs. 3
- Hughes 3
- Huston, Josephine 3
- Kansas City Dental College 3
- Kasia 3
- Kezia 3
- Kezic 3
- Kezih 3
- Knights of Pythias 3
- Prohibition Party 3
- Rotary Club 3
- Salsbury, James 3
- Salsbury, Lewis Ryan 3
- Salsbury, Samuel Ross 3
- Salsbury, Winfield Scott 3
- Sayer, Edith 3
- Spear, Charles 3
- Spear, Willis 3
- Summers, Harriet 3
- Walk, Alice 3
- Walk, Edith 3
- Wheeler 3
- Yager, Lelah 3
- studio portraits 3
- Billings, MT 2
- "They Gazed on the Beartooths, Volume 2" 2
- 209 North Broadway 2
- 209 South 35th Street 2
- 230 Yellowstone Avenue 2
- Adams, Abbie Lord 2
- Allard, Dr. Louis W. 2
- Allen, Colonel J. I. 2
- Allen, Edwin 2
- Allen, Edwin Gray 2
- Allen, Frank Herbert 2
- Allen, Harriet L. 2
- Allen, Henry Clay 2
- Allen, Ike 2
- Allen, J. I. 2
- Allen, Jirah Isam 2
- Allen, John Henry 2
- Allen, Lillian 2
- Allen, Lillian Stevens 2
- Barney, Charles Wheeler 2
- Barney, Dorothy Wheeler 2
- Barrett, Susan 2
- Brown, Ann 2
- Choteau Women's Club 2
- Chubb, Elizabeth 2
- Columbus, MT 2
- Commerce Club 2
- Communal Club of Billings 2
- Congregational Church 2
- Davis, Emmaline 2
- Durfin, Lydia Mildred 2
- Fort Benton 2
- Golder, Hazel Myrtle 2
- Golder, William Alfred 2
- Golder, William Vernon 2
- Gray, Harriet L. 2
- Grischott, Margaret 2
- Group portraits 2
- Herford, Helen Brooke 2
- Herford, John Brooke 2
- Herford, Whitney Brooke 2
- Lane, Richard 2
- Lindberg, Mary 2
- Loughead, Harriet J. 2
- Mayor 2
- Millner, Harriet 2
- Orthopedic Guild 2
- Peckham, Alice 2
- Postmasters 2
- Rathbone Lodge 2
- Red Cross 2
- Salsbury, Arthur Frank 2
- Salsbury, Cathrine M. 2
- Salsbury, George W. 2
- Salsbury, Ira Scott 2
- Salsbury, Mary Lindberg 2
- Salsbury, Van Henry 2
- Scally, Margaret Catherine 2
- Scally, Thomas 2
- Slayton, Dalon F. 2
- Slayton, Gardner Pierce 2
- Slayton, Katherine Elizabeth 2
- Slayton, Laverne Carter 2
- Slayton, Max Elwin 2
- Sleeper, Joseph 2
- Smith, Peter Herman 2
- Sommerville, Louis Peter 2
- Soule, Agnes Young 2
- Soule, Frances Agnes 2
- Soule, Lillian Velza 2
- Soule, Sheridan W. 2
- Summers, Frank L. 2
- Swim, Frances Alberta 2
- Swim, Frank Harold, Jr. 2
- Swim, Irene Rose 2
- Talcott, Allen Gray 2
- Talcott, Carlin Martin 2
- Talcott, Lillian 2
- Thompson, Ann Lane Golder 2
- Thompson, Eva Millitte 2
- Thompson, Evan Lane 2
- Thompson, George Evans 2
- Thusen, Jens J. 2
- Tompkins, Janet 2
- Tompkins, William Manson 2
- Truscott, Emily Kennedy 2
- Truscott, Harry Walter 2
- Truscott, John Kennedy 2
- Tupp, David 2
- U.S. scout 2
- University Guild 2
- Van Dyke, Edward Earl 2
- Walsh, Senator Thomas J. 2
- Westbrook, Charles Edward 2
- Whitney, Clara Louise 2
- Whitney, Gertrude Lawrence 2
- Whitney, Harriet 2
- Whitney, Isaac 2
- Whitney, Lucius 2
- Whitney, Susan 2
- Whitney, Susan Hamline 2
- Woman's Century Club 2
- Yakima, WA 2
- Yegen, Dave C. 2
- Yegen, Elizabeth M. Beurket 2
- Yegen, Margaret 2
- Yegen, Mrs. Peter 2
- Yegen, Peter 2
- Yegen, Peter, Jr. 2
- Young Men's Christian Association 2
- Catholic Women's League 1
- Fraser, Janet 1
- 214 North 30th 1
- 410 South 31st Street 1
- 503 North 31st Street 1
- African Methodist Church 1
- Alderman 1
- Alexander, Evalyn Marcy 1
- Allard, Augusta 1
- Allard, Harriet T. 1
- Allard, Mrs. W. L. 1
- Apple Orchards 1
- Art and Photographic Gallery 1
- Baker, Lucy Eunice 1
- Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks 1
- Billings (Mont.) 1
- Billings Building and Loan Association 1
- Billings Commercial Club 1
- Billings Communal Club 1
- Billings High School 1
- Billings Women's Club 1
- Boothill Cemetery 1
- Camf, Mrs. 1
- Canyon Creek 1
- Canyon Creek, MT 1
- Caple, Nellie 1
- Catholic Altar Society 1
- Catholic Daughter's of America 1
- Cincinnatti, OH 1
- Clark, Susan 1
- Clarks Fork mining district 1
- Cody, Wyoming 1
- Corle, Mrs. E.H. 1
- Coulson, MT 1
- Crandell, Alice 1
- Crow Agency 1
- Davis, Samuel 1
- Deer Lodge Valley (Mont.) 1
- Doctors 1
- Dulmar Lodge 1
- Dunclap, Elizabeth 1
- Durfin, Agnes Young 1
- Durfin, Clarence F. 1
- Eagles Club 1
- Elks Club 1
- Elliott, Mary J. 1
- Fellering Academy 1
- Ferguson, Jane 1
- Forman Club 1
- Forsyth (Mont.) 1
- Fort Keys 1
- Fraser, Alexander 1
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana 1
- Garneill, Montana 1
- Givartz, Mary Anna 1
- Greycliff, MT 1
- Grover, Harriet Marcella 1
- Heald, Lydia Baker 1
- Hogner, Louise 1
- Homesteading 1
- J.H. Conrad and Co. 1
- Jackson Lodge of Elks 1
- Judkins 1
- Kennedy, Henry 1
- Kennedy, William 1
- Kipp, Joe 1
- Knights of Columbus 1
- Lamport, Mrs. G. 1
- Largent, John 1
- Liberty Loans 1
- Lindberg, Cathrine 1
- Lindberg, Thomas 1
- Lodge Grass, MT 1
- Lord family 1
- Lord, Ed 1
- Lord, Sally 1
- Madsen, Marie 1
- Masonic Club 1
- Masonic Lodge 1
- Menely, Margaret Jane 1
- Metis 1
- Millner 1
- Mills, Bob 1
- Milner, Harriet Frances 1
- Modern Woodman 1
- Mountaineer and Guide in Deed and in Truth and in Spirit 1
- Mrs. 1
- Mules 1
- Newman, Mrs. 1
- Newspaper Editors 1
- Odd Fellows Lodge 1
- Old Fort Custer 1
- P.E.O. Sisterhood 1
- Pallen, Frances Adaline 1
- Parades 1
- Perkins, Julia 1
- Peterson, Marie 1
- Photography--Portraits 1
- Pioneers Club 1
- Pipinich Family 1
- Polio 1
- Portrait photographs 1
- Portraits. 1
- Prospector 1
- Pythian Sisters 1
- Red Lodge, Montana 1
- Rush Medical College 1
- Salsbury, Arthur F. 1
- Salsbury, Clara 1
- Salsbury, Clara . 1
- Salsbury, Clarence T. 1
- Salsbury, Clarence T., Salsbury, Lewis Ryan 1
- Salsbury, Jack 1
- Salsbury, John 1
- Salsbury, L.R. 1
- Salsbury, Lilian M. 1
- Salsbury, Lucy Eunice Baker 1
- Salsbury, Mrs S. R. 1
- Salsbury, Mrs. Samuel Ross 1
- Salsbury, Nellie Newton 1
- Salsbury, S.R. 1
- Salsbury, Sam 1
- Salsbury, V.J. 1
- Salvation Army 1
- Sanborn, Judith Ann 1
- Sanders, W.F. 1
- Sanderson, Charles 1
- Sanderson, Edith M 1
- Sanderson, Jennie Van Wagenen 1
- Sanderson, Robert Blake 1
- Sanderson, Wilbur FSanderson, Helen E 1
- Savaresy, Mrs. Frank 1
- Savarsey, Frank 1
- Sayer, Harold 1
- Scally, Ann Elizabeth 1
- Scally, Harriet Marie 1
- Scally, John William 1
- Scally, Lillian Marcella 1
- Scally, Margaret Ruth 1
- Scally, William Grover 1
- Schneider, Bernard 1
- Schneider, Mrs. Bernard 1
- Schneider, William P. 1
- Schools 1
- Schwanz, Miss 1
- Schwanz, Mr. H. 1
- Schwanz, Mrs. H. 1
- Scott, Captain 1
- Scott, W. J. 1
- Selvidge, Bill 1
- Selvidge, Jack 1
- Shannon, Mr. A. S. 1
- Shannon, Mrs. A. S. 1
- Shaw, Amanda 1
- Shaw, Leon 1
- Sheehan, B. M. 1
- Shevlin, Richard 1
- Shevlin, Thomas 1
- Shining Mountain Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution 1
- Simmons, Charles 1
- Simmons, Chas. 1
- Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth 1
- Slayton Family 1
- Sleeper, Mrs. Joseph 1
- Smith, Dr. N. B. 1
- Smith, J. L. 1
- Smudlach 1
- Snidow, Tom 1
- Soloman, Mose 1
- Sommerville, Lulu A. 1
- Sommerville, William 1
- Sons of Herman 1
- Soule Mrs. S. W. 1
- Soule, Mrs. 1
- Soule, Mrs. Sheridan W. 1
- Soule, S.W. 1
- Soule, Sheridan 1
- Soule, William King 1
- Spear, Mrs. Willis 1
- Spurling, J.E. 1
- Spurling, Mrs. J. E. 1
- St. Mary's Hospital 1
- St. Vincent Hospital 1
- St. VincentHospitalSchool 1
- Stanbury, Ensign 1
- Stevens, Dominic 1
- Stevens, Mary Kent 1
- Stevens, Mrs. Dominic 1
- Stillwater County (Mont.)--Genealogy 1
- Stillwater County (Mont.)--History 1
- Stoddard, Lee H. 1
- Stoddard, Mrs. George W. 1
- Storey, Mrs. M. A. 1
- Stranahan family 1
- Straw, Mrs. M. M. 1
- Sullivan, Dannie 1
- Summers, A. Todd 1
- Summers, Ahrah 1
- Summers, Ahroh 1
- Summers, Ahsah 1
- Summers, Ahsoh 1
- Summers, Andrew 1
- Summers, Clara J. 1
- Summers, Ed 1
- Summers, Elmer 1
- Summers, Elmer Goodwin 1
- Summers, Emma Willis 1
- Summers, F.L. 1
- Summers, Frances E. 1
- Summers, Harriet Lola 1
- Summers, Joe Goodwin 1
- Summers, John E 1
- Summers, Sarah Esther 1
- Summers, Walter Francis 1
- Swim, Frank 1
- Swim, Frank B. 1
- Swim, Frank Jr. 1
- Swim, Mrs. Frank 1
- Taber, I.W. 1
- Talgo, Mrs. Bert 1
- Tassel, Van 1
- Terrell, Henry 1
- Terrell, Mrs. Henry 1
- Thompson, Dr. J. P. 1
- Thompson, Hiram Anderson 1
- Thompson, Laura Jane 1
- Thompson, Maggie Evelyn 1
- Thompson, Mrs. Sarah 1
- Thompson, Rufus 1
- Thompson, Sarah 1
- Thomson, Dr. J.P. 1
- Tilden, Clarence 1
- Todd, J.S. 1
- Tompkins, A.C. 1
- Tompkins, Gwynne S. 1
- Tompkins, Judge Benjamin 1
- Tompkins, Marguerite 1
- Toole, B. W. 1
- Trask, M. F. 1
- Trenholm, Ben 1
- Trott, Charles, Sr. 1
- Trott, Mrs. Charles, Sr. 1
- Truscott, Harry W. 1
- Truscott, Mrs. H.W. 1
- Truscott, Sally Kennedy 1
- Truscott, Samuel 1
- United Workmen 1
- Valiton, Mary M. 1
- Van Dyke, Alice B. 1
- Van Dyke, Earl 1
- Van Dyke, Edna Eileen 1
- Van Dyke, Jane 1
- Van Dyke, Nellie 1
- Van Wagenen, C. 1
- Vaughan, Mrs. J. W. 1
- Vaughn 1
- Vickers, R. A. 1
- Vintage clothing 1
- Walk, J. J. 1
- Walk, John. J. 1
- Walk, Joseph A. 1
- Weddings 1
- Welsh, Margaret 1
- Wesch, Mrs. Philip 1
- Wesch, Philip 1
- Westbrook, Chas Edward 1
- Westbrook, Clarence Vaughn 1
- Westbrook, Dorothy 1
- Westbrook, Emily 1
- Westbrook, John 1
- Wheeler, C. A. 1
- White, Captain W. D. 1
- Whitney, Dolly 1
- Whitney, Mrs. Lucius 1
- Whitten, Mac A. 1
- Wilkinson, A. J. 1
- Wilkinson, Mr. 1
- Wilkinson, Roscoe 1
- Williams, Henry G. 1
- Williams, Mrs. H. G. 1
- Wilson, Mrs. W. E. 1
- Winona Normal 1
- Wolcott, Daisy 1
- Wolcott, Frances E. 1
- Wonders, John 1
- Woods, Billy 1
- Worden, Francis Lyman, 1830-1887 1
- Wright, Ida Lamport 1
- Yearns, Mr. 1
- Yellowstone Investment Company 1
- Yeomen 1
- Young, D.C. 1
- Young, George Andrew 1
- Young, Sam 1
- Zackery, Bruce 1
- Ziminski, Joe 1
- Zimmerman Trail 1
- Zimmerman, Anton Francois 1
- Zimmerman, Barbara Cacilia 1
- Zimmerman, Clara L. 1
- Zimmerman, Elizabeth Promenshenkel 1
- Zimmerman, Francois X. 1
- Zimmerman, Frank 1
- Zimmerman, John Charles 1
- Zimmerman, Mary Anna 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Lewistown, Montana 164
- Fergus County, Montana 65
- Ubet, Montana 10
- Forest Grove, Montana 4
- Moore, Montana 4
- Stillwater County, Montana 4
- Brooks, Montana 3
- Garneill, Montana 3
- Deer Lodge, Montana 2
- Grass Range, Montana 2
- Kendall, Montana 2
- Maiden, Montana 2
- Powell County, Montana 2
- Biddeford, Maine 1
- Buffalo, Montana 1
- Coffee Creek, Montana 1
- Cottonwood, Montana 1
- Danvers, Montana 1
- Fergus County, Montana 1
- Fort Maginnis, Montana 1
- Gilt Edge, Montana 1
- Hobson, Montana 1
- Kendall, Montana 1
- Lewistown, Montana. 1
- Missoula (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Montana 1
- Piper, Montana 1
- Ravalli (county) 1
- Sioux City (Woodbury county, Iowa) 1
- Tyler, Montana 1
- Utica, Montana 1
- Wilder, Montana 1
- Winnett, Montana 1
- Yale, Montana 1
- fergus County, Montana 1
- lewistown, Montana 1
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- Object10
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Bedding 10
- Coverlets 10
- History 10
- Household Linens 10
- Montana 10
- Patchwork Patterns 10
- Patchwork Quilts 10
- Pioneers 10
- Quilting 10
- Quilts 10
- Sewing 10
- Frontier and pioneer life 9
- Homesteading 7
- Applique 6
- Transcontinental journeys 5
- Wool quilts 4
- Applique patterns 3
- Crazy quilts 3
- Embroidery 3
- Farming 3
- Silk quilts 3
- Star quilts 2
- Westward movement 2
- Applique Patterns 1
- Applique patterns, Embroidery 1
- Children's quilts 1
- Civil War 1
- Commemorative quilts 1
- County fair 1
- Crazy Quilts 1
- Crib quilts 1
- Deer Lodge Valley (Mont.) 1
- Education 1
- Embrodiery 1
- Freemaonry 1
- Kentucky 1
- Labor unions 1
- Missouri 1
- Prisoners of War 1
- Railroad trains 1
- Ranching 1
- Reconstruction 1
- Ribbons 1
- Salt 1
- Statehood 1
- Sugar 1
- Sugar factories 1
- Tennessee 1
- Texas 1
- Trains, Railroad 1
- Transcontinental 1
- Washington 1
- Westward Movement 1
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- PDF Document10
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