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- Document10
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Indians of North America 10
- Indians of North America -- Government relations 10
- Roads -- Design and construction 10
- Indian councils 7
- Leases 5
- Tribal trust funds 5
- Agriculture 4
- Delegations 4
- Tribal government 4
- Employment 3
- Loans 3
- Beavers 2
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation (Mont.) 2
- Grazing 2
- Hay 2
- Indian allotments 2
- Indians of North America -- Employment 2
- Indians of North America -- Finance 2
- Oil and gas leases 2
- Pipelines -- Right of way 2
- Repayment cattle 2
- Trespass 2
- Whites -- Relations with Indians 2
- Actions and defenses 1
- Adoption 1
- American Indians of Montana 1
- Archdale, James 1
- Arts and Crafts Committee 1
- Assiniboine Indians 1
- Bridges 1
- Cattle 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 1
- Coal 1
- Connor, George, Sr. 1
- Coyote 1
- Fire extinction 1
- Fishery management 1
- Forest guards 1
- Forests and forestry 1
- Fort Belknap Livestock and Farming Enterprise 1
- Fort Laramie, Treaty of 1851 1
- Full-blood Indians 1
- Health 1
- Housing 1
- Hunting 1
- Indian veterans 1
- Indians of North America -- Economic aspects 1
- Indians of North America -- Hospitals 1
- Indians of North America -- Mixed descent 1
- Indians of North America -- Tribal citizenship 1
- Investigations 1
- Irrigation 1
- Legal assistance to Indians 1
- Letting of contracts -- competitive bidding 1
- Livestock 1
- Physicians 1
- Sand and gravel mines and mining 1
- Savings bonds 1
- Sheep 1
- Survival and emergency rations 1
- Timber 1
- Trails -- Design and construction 1
- United States. Indian Claims Commission 1
- United States. Montgomery G.I. Bill 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Montana 10
- Image89
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- United States. Forest Service 80
- Steuerwald, W.E. (Winston E.) 38
- Swan, Kenneth D. (Kenneth Dupee), 1887-1970 22
- Steuerwald, W. E. (Winston E.) 6
- Elrod, Morton J. (Morton John), 1863-1953 2
- Healy, Stan, 1918-1996 2
- Moncure, Peyton, 1916-1987 2
- Nousianen, A. O. (Arne O.), 1913-1998 2
- United Stated. Forest Service 2
- Campbell, George H. 1
- Gordon, W. W. 1
- Poulson, W.L. 1
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- Roads -- Design and construction 89
- Dirt roads 66
- Lolo National Forest (Mont.) 50
- Forest roads 47
- Portrait photographs 26
- Bulldozers 20
- Road construction workers 18
- Road machinery 17
- General Construction Company (Firm) 14
- Group portraits 10
- Mountains 9
- Crawler tractors 7
- Logging 7
- Carry-all scraper 6
- Trucks 6
- Union Construction Company (Firm) 6
- Earthmoving machinery 5
- Men 5
- Ninemile Ranger District (Mont.) 5
- Rivers 4
- Sand and gravel plants 4
- Snow 4
- Surveyors 4
- Trees 4
- Trout Creek (Mont.) 4
- Conveying machinery 3
- Crushing machinery 3
- Forests 3
- Lolo Trail (Idaho) 3
- Miller Creek (Missoula County, Mont.) 3
- Utility poles 3
- White Sulphur Springs Ranger District (Mont.) 3
- Automobiles 2
- Bitterroot Range (Idaho and Mont.) 2
- Bridges 2
- Bridges -- Maintenance and repair 2
- Cars 2
- Cityscapes 2
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 2
- Going-to-the-Sun Road (Mont.) 2
- Highways 2
- Horses 2
- Interstate 90 2
- Landscape photographs 2
- Logs 2
- Missoula (Mont.) 2
- Progress photographs 2
- Rattlesnake Valley (Missoula County, Mont.) 2
- Roads -- Snow and ice control 2
- Swan River Valley (Mont.) 2
- United States. Forest Service -- Employees 2
- Anaconda Forest Products Company 1
- Architecture, Victorian 1
- Belt Creek Ranger District (Mont.) 1
- Bitterroot River (Mont.) 1
- Bitterroot River Valley (Mont.) 1
- Blasting 1
- Bridges -- Design and construction 1
- Clearwater National Forest (Idaho) 1
- Culverts 1
- Dead trees 1
- Flathead National Forest (Mont.) 1
- Ford trucks 1
- Forest roads -- Design and construction 1
- Gillespie Creek (Granite county, Montana) 1
- Greenough Mansion (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Hellgate Canyon (Mont.) 1
- Houses 1
- Lodgepole pine 1
- Logging Trucks 1
- Lolo Motorway (Idaho) 1
- Mansions 1
- Mountain roads 1
- Nickerson, Paul 1
- People associated with manual labor 1
- Powderman 1
- Railroad bridges 1
- Ravalli County (Mont.) 1
- Roads -- Maintenance and repair 1
- Sentinel, Mount (Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- Shovels 1
- Signs and signboards--United States--History. 1
- Soil erosion 1
- Streams 1
- Theodore Roosevelt International Highway 1
- Thompson Falls Ranger District (Mont.) 1
- Trestles 1
- Water diversion 1
- Wheelbarrows 1
- Wildfires -- Prevention and control 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Flathead National Forest, Montana 22
- Mineral (county) 21
- Trout Creek (Mineral county, Montana) 8
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Mont.) 4
- Bitterroot National Forest (Mont. and Idaho) 2
- Ellis Mountain (Missoula county, Montana) 2
- Glacier National Park (Montana) 2
- Missoula (Missoula county, Montana) 2
- Quigley (Granite county, Montana) 2
- Tin Cup Creek (Mineral county, Montana) 2
- Belt Creek (Cascade county, Montana) 1
- Canyon Creek, Flathead county, Montana 1
- Cedar Creek (Mineral county, Montana) 1
- Cow Creek (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- Crystal Creek (Flathead county, Montana) 1
- Edith Peak (Montana) 1
- Flathead National Forest (Flathead county, Montana) 1
- Flathead National Forest (Mont.) 1
- Gillispie Creek (Granite county, Montana) 1
- Lolo National Forest 1
- Painted Rocks lake (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- Sula (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
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