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- Document49
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- United States. Department of the Interior. Office of Indian Affairs 33
- Noble, John W. (John Willcock), 1831-1912 5
- Muldrow, H. L. (Henry Lowndes), 1837-1905 2
- Bliss, Cornelius Newton, 1833-1911 1
- Chandler, George 1
- Clayton, Wilson 1
- DeLacy, H. 1
- Grant, L. A. 1
- Joslyn, M. L. 1
- Miles, Nelson Appleton, 1839-1925 1
- Pill, Sidell 1
- Ryan, Thomas J. 1
- Sims, William H. 1
- The Montana Lookout Press, Helena, Montana 1
Show More - Subject...
- Roads 49
- Indians of North America 33
- Indians of North America -- Government relations 32
- Indian councils 26
- Tribal government 19
- Indian allotments 15
- Appropriations and expenditures 13
- Land exchange 11
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation (Mont.) 10
- Irrigation 10
- Loans 10
- Agriculture 9
- Oil and gas leases 9
- Delegations 8
- Leases 8
- Repayment cattle 8
- Flathead Indian Reservation (Mont.) 7
- Law and order 7
- Per capita payments 7
- Schools 7
- Tribal trust funds 7
- Bridges 6
- Grazing 6
- Indian allottees 6
- Logging 6
- Hospitals 5
- Indian children -- Legal status, laws, etc. 5
- Anderson, George Smith 4
- Cattle 4
- Kingman, Dan Christie, 1852-1916 4
- Physicians 4
- Receipts (Acknowledgments) 4
- Reservoirs 4
- Resolutions 4
- United States. Indian Reorganization Act 4
- Boutelle, Frazier Augustus, 1840-1924 3
- Buildings 3
- Health 3
- Housing -- Design and construction 3
- Hunting 3
- Indians of North America -- Finance 3
- Legal assistance to Indians 3
- Livestock 3
- Timber 3
- Tourists 3
- Trespass 3
- Trust patents 3
- Tuberculosis 3
- Whites -- Relations with Indians 3
- Wildlife management 3
- Beavers 2
- Crow Ceded Lands (Mont.) 2
- Elections 2
- Employees 2
- Fee patents 2
- Fish and game licenses 2
- Fishing 2
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 2
- Gold 2
- Grazing leases 2
- Horses 2
- Housing 2
- Indian reservation police 2
- Indian school children 2
- Indians of North America -- Economic aspects 2
- Indians of North America -- Employment 2
- Inheritance 2
- Law enforcement 2
- Liquor laws 2
- Mines and mineral resources 2
- Montana Power Company 2
- Oil well drilling 2
- Per diem allowances 2
- Prospecting 2
- Right of way 2
- Soap Creek Oil Field 2
- Social security 2
- Stockmen 2
- Survival and emergency rations 2
- Wagons 2
- Water rights 2
- Agricultural exhibitions 1
- Agricultural industries 1
- Alcohol and drug abuse 1
- Allard, Irving 1
- American Indians of Montana 1
- Antoine, Pierre 1
- Archdale, James 1
- Argo Oil Company 1
- Arts and Crafts Committee 1
- Asbury, C. H. (Calvin H.), -1935 1
- Assiniboine Indians 1
- Ayers, Roy Elmer, 1882-1955 1
- Bathhouses 1
- Berry, William 1
- Big Lake, John 1
- Bison 1
- Blackboy, Reuben 1
- Blackfeet Ceded Lands (Mont.) 1
- Blackfeet Five-Year Industrial Program 1
- Blackfeet Irrigation Project (Mont.) 1
- Burd, Levi J., 1877-1956 1
- Cattle brands 1
- Charging Dog, Frank 1
- Chittenden, Hiram Martin, 1858-1917 1
- Civil defense 1
- Clothing and dress 1
- Coal 1
- Complaint letters 1
- Congresses and conventions--Montana 1
- Cook, George 1
- Coyote 1
- Cree Indians 1
- Crow Fair 1
- Dairy barns 1
- Dakota-Montana Oil Company 1
- Dams 1
- Debt 1
- Department of the Interior 1
- Dewey Lumber Company (Polson, Mont.) 1
- Education 1
- Employees -- Dismissal of 1
- Employment 1
- Farm to market roads 1
- Fish stocking 1
- Forest fires -- Prevention and control 1
- Forests and forestry 1
- Fort Belknap Livestock and Farming Enterprise 1
- Fort Peck Tribal Council -- Resolutions 1
- Game protection 1
- Good Roads Movement 1
- Goss, Albert 1
- Great Northern Railway Company (U.S.) 1
- Grey Bear, Peter 1
- Gros Ventre Indians (Montana) 1
- Hagerty, Wright 1
- Harris, Moses, 1839- 1
- Hay 1
- Heavy Breast, Owen, 1880- 1
- Highway planning 1
- Hodgson, Lena Palin 1
- Huntley, Silas S., 1831-1901 1
- Indian Protective Association 1
- Indian Range Commission 1
- Indian agents 1
- Indian soldiers 1
- Indian traders 1
- Indian veterans 1
- Indians of North America -- Government relation 1
- Indians of North America -- Hospitals 1
- Indians of North America -- Public welfare 1
- Investigations 1
- Ironpipe, Joseph 1
- Irrigation projects 1
- Keeler, Annie, 1906- 1
- Keeler, Julia Carron 1
- Keeler, Thomas Francis, 1907-1988 1
- Landscape protection 1
- Legislation 1
- Little Bighorn, Battle of the, Mont., 1876 1
- Long-Cleary Stock Company 1
- Marias Massacre, Mont., 1870 1
- Marriage law 1
- Matt, John 1
- Medical care 1
- Medicine Horse, Thomas 1
- Minutes (Records) 1
- Mountain Chief Oil Company 1
- National Congress of American Indians 1
- Orphans 1
- Petitions 1
- Petroleum -- Prospecting 1
- Photographs 1
- Poaching 1
- Polleys Lumber Company (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Public welfare 1
- Railroads -- Right of way 1
- Ranchers 1
- Real property -- Maps 1
- Retirement 1
- Roads--Design and construction 1
- Rodeos 1
- Salaway, Mary Bailey 1
- Santa Rita Oil and Gas Company (Mont.) 1
- Sawmills 1
- Scabies in cattle 1
- School lunches 1
- Seismic prospecting 1
- Sheep 1
- Sloane, John L. 1
- Stick games 1
- Taxation of personal property 1
- Teachers 1
- Trapping 1
- Trees 1
- Tuition 1
- United States -- Armed forces -- Indians 1
- United States. Court of Claims 1
- United States. Montgomery G.I. Bill 1
- United States. Work Projects Administration (Mont.) 1
- Veterans' hospitals 1
- Walsh, Thomas James, 1859-1933 1
- War bonds 1
- Water -- Pollution potential 1
- Water wells 1
- Wilson, Donald 1
- Wolf Point Stampede 1
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Veterans 1
- Yellowstone Park Association 1
- Young Swallow, Harvey, 1904-1964 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Montana 33
- Yellowsone National Park 4
- Yellowstone National Park 4
- Lower Geyser Basin, Wyoming 2
- Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming 2
- Upper Geyser Basin, Wyoming 2
- Billings, Montana 1
- Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyo.) 1
- Norris Geyser Basin, Wyoming 1
- West Thumb Geyser Basin, Wyoming 1
- Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming 1
Show More
- Image151
- Digital Collection...
- Archival Photographs from the University of Montana 54
- Glacier National Park Historical Photographs 51
- Montana Vintage Postcards 27
- Jack L. Demmons' Photographs of Bonner, Montana 5
- Civilian Conservation Corps Camp Needmore 3
- Going-to-the-Sun Road Construction and Dedication (1924-1934) 3
- United States Forest Service, Region One Photographs 3
- Carter County Centennial Collection 2
- Anaconda Historic Photos 1
- Rosebud County Historical Images 1
- Yellowstone National Park Photographs 1
Show More - Creator...
- Great Northern Railway Company (U.S.). Public Relations Department 16
- Hileman, T. J. (Tomar Jacob), 1882-1945 9
- Healy, Stan, 1918-1996 7
- Grant, George Alexander, 1891-1964 6
- McKay, R. H. (Rollin H.) 6
- Boos, Edward H. 5
- Marble, R. E. (Ray Elmer "Ted"), 1883-1938 5
- Reich, W. J. 4
- Swan, Kenneth D. (Kenneth Dupee), 1887-1970 4
- Bull, Russell 3
- Elrod, Morton J. (Morton John), 1863-1953 3
- Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 3
- Kabel, John 3
- Sanborn 3
- Spring, Bob, 1918- 3
- Spring, Ira 3
- United States. Forest Service 3
- Gruell, George E. 2
- Haynes Studios Inc. 2
- Keller, William S. 2
- Anderson, R. J. 1
- Beaman, D. W. 1
- Boucher, Jack E. 1
- C.T Art Colortone 1
- C.T Art Colortone, Robbins-Tillquist Co. 1
- Cogley, H. David (Herbert David), 1945- 1
- Cole, Ellis Prentice 1
- Dean, Walter, Jr. 1
- Dyke, Walt 1
- Fried, Julius, Importer 1
- Grant, George Alexander, 1891-1964 1
- Graycraft Card Co., Peterson, Ernst 1
- Hager, Kristi, 1946- 1
- Hawkes, Joseph 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921 1
- Karkanen, John 1
- Kraebel, Charles John, 1889-1969 1
- McGee, W. R. 1
- Mitchell, H. Edward, publisher San Francisco 1
- Noble, Fred 1
- Nousianen, A. O. (Arne O.), 1913-1998 1
- Palmer, John J. 1
- Pardee, J. T. (Joseph Thomas), 1871- 1
- Prater, Leland J. 1
- Ruhle, George Cornelius, 1900-1994 1
- Rydosz, Michael (Michael George), 1917-2005 1
- Schmidt, Otto, 1866- 1
Show More - Subject...
- Roads 151
- Mountains 65
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 55
- Going-to-the-Sun Road (Mont.) 35
- Montana 28
- Automobiles 26
- Landscapes 25
- Landscape photographs 20
- Tour buses 20
- Missoula (Mont.) 11
- Snow 11
- Tourists 11
- oblique views 11
- Rivers 10
- Bridges 8
- Clements Mountain (Mont.) 8
- Dirt roads 8
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 8
- Historic buildings 7
- aerial views 7
- Garden Wall, The (Mont.) 6
- Logan Pass (Mont.) 6
- Bitterroot River Valley (Mont.) 5
- Cercocarpus ledifolius 5
- Curlleaf mountain mahogany 5
- Douglas fir 5
- Railroad tracks 5
- Ravalli County (Mont.) 5
- Tunnels 5
- American Crystal Sugar Company 4
- Bitterroot River (Mont.) 4
- Blackfoot River Valley (Mont.) 4
- Bonner (Mont.) -- Photographs 4
- Buildings 4
- Fences 4
- Juniperus scopulorum 4
- Lakes 4
- Montana -- History 4
- Rocky Mountain juniper 4
- Rural roads 4
- Saint Mary Lake (Mont.) 4
- Sugar factories 4
- Teepee burners 4
- Trees 4
- Canyons 3
- Cars 3
- Cities and towns 3
- Dedications 3
- Flood damage 3
- Floods 3
- Grinnell Glacier (Mont.) 3
- Limber pine 3
- Motor vehicles 3
- Mountain meadows 3
- Mountain passes 3
- Oberlin, Mount (Mont.) 3
- Parking lots 3
- Petroleum products -- Storage 3
- Reservoirs 3
- Rother Lumber Company (Mont.) 3
- Utility poles 3
- Artemisia nova 2
- Artemisia tridentata vaseyana 2
- Belton (Mont.) 2
- Black sagebrush 2
- Blacktail Deer Creek (Beaverhead County, Mont.) 2
- Bonner (Mont.) -- photographs 2
- Carriages & coaches 2
- Children 2
- Cities and Towns 2
- Cities and towns -- Montana -- Photographs 2
- Civilian Conservation Corps 2
- Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) 2
- Conifers 2
- Cottonwood 2
- Downtowns 2
- Dwellings 2
- Evaro Hill (Missoula County, Mont.) 2
- False fronts 2
- Flathead River, Middle Fork (Mont.) 2
- Forests and forestry 2
- Gallatin County (Mont.) 2
- Glaciers 2
- Gould, Mount (Mont.) 2
- Grinnell Point (Mont.) 2
- Haystack Butte (Mont.) 2
- Heavens Peak (Mont.) 2
- Hellgate Canyon (Mont.) 2
- Highways 2
- Historic hotels 2
- Horse-drawn vehicles 2
- Houses 2
- J. W. Reely Warehouse (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Jocko Mountains (Mont.) 2
- Jocko Valley (Mont.) 2
- Labor 2
- Landscape photography 2
- Little Chief Mountain (Mont.) 2
- Madison River (Wyo. and Mont.) 2
- Mills -- Montana -- Bonner 2
- Mountain big sagebrush 2
- Outcrops (Geology) 2
- Packing houses 2
- Park lodging facilities 2
- Ponderosa pine 2
- Ruby Dam (Madison County, Mont.) 2
- Ruby River (Mont.) 2
- Ruby Valley (Mont.) 2
- Scenic overlooks 2
- Sheridan (Mont.) 2
- Snags (Forestry) 2
- South Hills (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Tipis 2
- United States Highway 89 2
- United States Highway 93 2
- Warehouses 2
- Waterfalls 2
- Watersheds 2
- Willows 2
- color photographs 2
- cultural landscapes 2
- Acer glabrum 1
- Airplanes 1
- Allen Mountain (Mont.) 1
- Apgar Mountains (Mont.) 1
- Bicycles 1
- Bird Woman Falls (Mont.) 1
- Bitter Root Highway 1
- Bitterroot Mountains (Idaho and Mont.) 1
- Bitterroot Range (Idaho and Mont.) 1
- Bitterroot Valley (Mont.) 1
- Blackfoot River 1
- Blackfoot River (Mont.) 1
- Blackfoot River (Mont.) -- Photographs 1
- Blue Slide 1
- Bonita (Mont.) 1
- Bonner Mill (Bonner, Mont.) 1
- Border stations 1
- Canadian-American Border Region 1
- Cannon, Mount (Mont.) 1
- Carriages and carts 1
- Catholic church buildings 1
- Cemeteries 1
- Chalets 1
- Chief Mountain (Mont.) 1
- Chief Mountain International Highway (Alta. and Mont.) 1
- Churches 1
- Cities & towns -- Montana 1
- Cityscapes 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 1
- Civlian Conservation Corps 1
- Cliffs 1
- College buildings 1
- College campuses 1
- Construction equipment 1
- Darby Ranger Station (Mont.) 1
- Dillon (Mont.) 1
- Dogs 1
- Drive-in theaters 1
- Evans, Marion 1
- Evaro (Mont.) 1
- Fergus County (Mont.) 1
- Fire stations -- Montana 1
- Flagpoles 1
- Flags -- American 1
- Flathead River (B.C. and Mont.) 1
- Florence Hotel (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Ford Model T automobile 1
- Forestry 1
- Forests 1
- Gem Glacier (Mont.) 1
- Ghost towns 1
- Gibbon River (Wyo.) 1
- Gibbons Pass (Mont.) 1
- Going-to-the-Sun Mountain (Mont.) 1
- Gold mines and mining 1
- Grasslands 1
- Healy, Edward, 1918-1996 1
- Helena National Forest (Mont.) 1
- Hell Gate (Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- Horse teams 1
- Horses 1
- Hot springs 1
- Hotels 1
- Houses -- Montana 1
- Hue (Vietnam) 1
- Larches 1
- Lawns 1
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Mont.) 1
- Little Belt Mountains (Mont.) 1
- Livery stables 1
- Lochsa River (Idaho) 1
- Lodgepole pine 1
- Log buildings 1
- Log jams (Streamflow) 1
- Lumber industry -- Montana -- Photographs 1
- Lumber trade -- Montana -- Photographs 1
- Many Glacier (Glacier National Park, Mont.) 1
- Marshall Grade (Missoula County, Montana) 1
- Martina (Mont.) 1
- McDonald, Lake (Mont.) 1
- Mill ponds 1
- Mining camps 1
- Mission Mountains (Mont.) 1
- Mission Mountains Wilderness (Mont.) 1
- Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Mount Jumbo (Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- Neihart (Mont.) 1
- North Hall (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Parapets 1
- Passenger trains 1
- Pastures 1
- Pedestrians 1
- Persons 1
- Piltz 1
- Piltz, Billy 1
- Polson (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Portrait photographs 1
- Portraits, Group 1
- Post office stations and branches 1
- Railroad cars 1
- Railroad trains 1
- Rattlesnake Cliffs (Beaverhead County, Mont.) 1
- Rattlesnake Valley (Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- Rising Wolf Mountain (Mont.) 1
- Rising Wolf Mountain (Mont.) 1
- Rivers -- Montana 1
- Roads --Maintenance and repair 1
- Rocky Mountain maple 1
- Sagebrush 1
- Sapphire mines and mining 1
- Service stations 1
- Sherburne, Lake (Mont.) 1
- Sidewalks 1
- Signs and signboards 1
- Singleshot Mountain (Mont.) 1
- Soldiers -- American 1
- St. Francis Xavier Church (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Stagecoaches 1
- Streetcars 1
- Swiftcurrent Lake (Mont.) 1
- Townsites 1
- Trails 1
- Transportation -- Passenger traffic 1
- Trestles 1
- Trout Creek (Mont.) 1
- Trucks 1
- Understory plants 1
- United States -- Army 1
- Water birch 1
- Waterton Lakes National Park (Alta.) 1
- Waterworks Hill (Mont.) 1
- Western larch 1
- Wildfires--Environmental aspects 1
- Wooden-frame buildings 1
- World War, 1939-1945 1
- Xerophyllum tenax 1
- Yellowstone National Park 1
- Yogo Creek (Mont.) 1
- side views 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Glacier National Park (Montana) 53
- US Highway 212; Montana; Wyoming 19
- Montana 15
- Missoula (Missoula county, Montana) 14
- Missoula (county) 7
- Carter County, Montana 3
- Custer-Gallatin National Forest 3
- Ekalaka, Montana 3
- Evaro (Missoula county, Montana) 3
- Sula (Ravalli county, Montana) 3
- Beaverhead (county) 2
- Belton (Montana) 2
- Bitterroot National Forest (Mont. and Idaho) 2
- Bonner (Missoula, Montana) 2
- Butte, Montana 2
- Carter County, Montana 2
- Gallatin (county) 2
- Hellgate Canyon (Missoula county, Montana) 2
- Madison River 2
- Sheridan (Madison county, Montana) 2
- West Glacier (Montana) 2
- Yellowstone National Park 2
- Anaconda, Montana 1
- Beaverhead River (Montana) 1
- Beryl Spring (Park county, Wyoming) 1
- Big Snowy Mountains (Montana) 1
- Billings, Montana 1
- Bitterroot Valley (Montana) 1
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation (Montana) 1
- Blackfoot (Montana 1
- Blackfoot (river) 1
- Blackfoot River (Montana) 1
- Bonita (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Bozeman, Montana 1
- Canadian-American Border Region 1
- Clearwater National Forest 1
- Cooke City, Montana 1
- Cooke City, Montana; Red Lodge, Montana 1
- Denver (Denver county, Colorado) 1
- Dillon (Beaverhead county, Montana) 1
- East Fork Ninemile Creek (Shoshone county, Idaho) 1
- Fergus (county) 1
- Glacier County (Montana) 1
- Helena National Forest (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 1
- Hue (Thua Thien-Hue, Viet Nam) 1
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Fergus county, Montana) 1
- Little Belt Mountains (Montana) 1
- Martina Creek Mine (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- McDonald, Lake (Flathead county, Montana) 1
- Neihart (Cascade county, Montana) 1
- Nine Mile Canyon (Shoshone county, Idaho) 1
- Piltzville (Missoula, Montana) 1
- Polson (Lake county, Montana) 1
- Ravalli (Lake county, Montana) 1
- Red Lodge, Montana 1
- Rosebud County, Montana 1
- Saint Mary (Montana) 1
- Trout Creek (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 1
- Waterton Lakes National Park (Alberta) 1
- Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park (Montana and Alberta) 1
- Waterworks Hill (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Yogo Creek (Fergus county, Montana) 1
- York (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 1
Show More
- Digital Collection...
- Map64
- Digital Collection...
- Contributing Institution...
- Subject...
- Roads 64
- Park facilities 23
- Public utilities 22
- Architecture 19
- National parks and reserves 11
- Bridges 8
- Geysers 5
- Hot Springs 3
- Trails 2
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 1
- Going-to-the-Sun Road (Mont.) 1
- Hotels 1
- Road maps 1
- Stagecoaches 1
Show More - Date...
- 1905 4
- 1940 4
- 1928-1933 3
- 1892 2
- 1894 2
- 1926-1933 2
- 1926-1935 2
- 1968-1969 2
- 1900 1
- 1909 1
- 1910 1
- 1912 1
- 1916 1
- 1918 1
- 1926-1930 1
- 1926-1936 1
- 1928-1930 1
- 1928-1931 1
- 1928-1932 1
- 1929 1
- 1930 1
- 1931 1
- 1931-1933 1
- 1931-1935 1
- 1931-1938 1
- 1931-1945 1
- 1932 1
- 1933 1
- 1933-1943 1
- 1935-1936 1
- 1935-1945 1
- 1936 1
- 1937-1939 1
- 1939 1
- 1939-1943 1
- 1941 1
- 1942 1
- 1952 1
- 1952-1966 1
- 1954 1
- 1963 1
- 1965 1
- 1967-1968 1
- 1969 1
- 1979-06 1
- 1980-07-02 1
- 1980-08 1
- 1995-03 1
- Circa 1929-1930 1
- circa 1900 1
- circa 1924 1
Show More - Geographic Coverage...
- Yellowstone National Park 47
- Old Faithful, Wyoming 7
- Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming 5
- West Thumb, Wyoming 4
- Firehole River, Wyoming 3
- Gardiner, Montana 3
- Norris Geyser Basin, Wyoming 3
- Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming 3
- Yellowstone National ParkǀYellowstone Lake, Wyoming 3
- Fort Yellowstone, Wyoming 2
- Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Wyoming 2
- Grant Village, Wyoming 2
- Howard Eaton Trail, Wyoming 2
- Yellowstone National ParkǀSylvan Pass, Wyoming 2
- Yellowstone River 2
- Firehole River, Wyoming 1
- Biscuit Basin, Wyoming 1
- Black Sand Geyser Basin, Wyoming 1
- Castle Geyser, Wyoming 1
- Excelsior Geyser, Wyoming 1
- Excelsior Geyser, Wyoming 1
- Fishing Bridge, Wyoming 1
- Fishing Bridge, Wyoming 1
- Gardiner River, Wyoming and Montana 1
- Gibbon River, Wyoming 1
- Glacier National Park (Montana) 1
- Isa Lake, Wyoming 1
- Isa Lake, Wyoming 1
- Lamar River, Wyoming 1
- Lower Geyser Basin, Wyoming 1
- Madison River, Wyoming and Montana 1
- Morning Glory Pool, Wyoming 1
- Mud Volcano, Wyoming 1
- Shoshone River, Wyoming 1
- Tower Fall, Wyoming 1
- Tower Junction, Wyoming 1
- Upper Geyser Basin, Wyoming 1
- West Yellowstone, Montana 1
- Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming 1
- Yellowstone National Park 1
- Yellowstone National ParkǀAntelope Creek, Wyoming 1
- Yellowstone National ParkǀFirehole River, Wyoming 1
- Yellowstone National ParkǀLewis River, Wyoming 1
- Yellowstone National ParkǀLewis River, WyomingǀJackson Lake, Teton County, Wyoming 1
- Yellowstone National ParkǀMammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming 1
- Yellowstone National ParkǀMammoth Hot Springs, WyomingǀGardiner, MontanaǀGardiner River, Wyoming And Montana 1
- Yellowstone National ParkǀTower Junction, Wyoming 1
- Yellowstone National ParkǀYellowstone River 1
Show More
- Video1
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Cabins 1
- Concessions 1
- History 1
- Hotels 1
- Roads 1
- Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
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