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- Document48
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- Indians of North America 48
- Indians of North America -- Government relations 48
- Whites -- Relations with Indians 48
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation (Mont.) 23
- Indian councils 20
- Tribal government 18
- Indian allotments 17
- Leases 17
- Oil and gas leases 15
- Grazing 13
- Tribal trust funds 11
- Delegations 9
- Irrigation 9
- Cattle 8
- Appropriations and expenditures 6
- Hunting 6
- Per capita payments 6
- Schools 5
- Soap Creek Oil Field 5
- Stockmen 5
- Trespass 5
- Agriculture 4
- Complaint letters 4
- Employment 4
- Fishing 4
- Homesteading 4
- Indian children -- Legal status, laws, etc. 4
- Sheep 4
- Trachoma 4
- Argo Oil Company 3
- Cree Indians 3
- Elections 3
- Gold 3
- Heinrich, William 3
- Homestead law 3
- Hospitals 3
- Indian reservation police 3
- Indian reservations 3
- Indians of North America -- Social conditions 3
- Law and order 3
- Livestock 3
- Ojibwa Indians 3
- Physicians 3
- Ranchers 3
- Real property -- Maps 3
- Resolutions 3
- Roads 3
- Sugar beet industry 3
- Trapping 3
- Actions and defenses 2
- Alcohol and drug abuse 2
- Blackfeet Irrigation Project (Mont.) 2
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 2
- Crow Ceded Lands (Mont.) 2
- Dams 2
- Employees 2
- Employees -- Dismissal of 2
- Fort Assinniboine (Mont.) 2
- Full-blood Indians 2
- Game protection 2
- Grazing leases 2
- Hay 2
- Heirs 2
- Indians of North America -- Education 2
- Indians of North America -- Hunting -- Law and legislation 2
- Legal assistance to Indians 2
- Legislation 2
- Letting of contracts -- competitive bidding 2
- Little Bear, Cree chief, 1851-1921 2
- Loans 2
- Logging 2
- Oil well drilling 2
- Petitions 2
- Roads -- Design and construction 2
- Rocky Boy (Ojibwa chief) 2
- Timber 2
- Timber -- Harvesting 2
- United States. Indian Reorganization Act 2
- Water rights 2
- Afraid of Hawk, Alfred 1
- Agricultural exhibitions 1
- American bison 1
- Antler Sheep Company 1
- Asbury, C. H. (Calvin H.), -1935 1
- Assiniboine Indians 1
- Bird Rattler, Joe 1
- Blackfeet Tribal Business Council 1
- Boarding Schools 1
- Boarding schools 1
- Bridges 1
- Budget 1
- Buildings 1
- Buildings -- Utilization 1
- Burd, Levi J., 1877-1956 1
- Campbell, Fred C. (Fred Choteau), 1864- 1
- Christmas trees 1
- Cook, George 1
- Crow Fair 1
- Crow Indians 1
- Crow Irrigation Project 1
- Cunningham, M. S. 1
- Day, Albert, Mrs. 1
- Detwiler, C. P. 1
- Discrimination 1
- Doctors 1
- Elk 1
- Emigration and immigration 1
- Employee selection 1
- Fairgrounds 1
- Fish and game licenses 1
- Flathead Indian Reservation (Mont.) 1
- Forest fires -- Prevention and control 1
- Forest guard 1
- Forest reserves 1
- Fort Belknap Indian Reservation (Mont.) 1
- Fort Peck Indian Reservation (Mont.) 1
- Fort Totten Indian School (Fort Totten, N.D.) 1
- Freight and freightage 1
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 1
- Goss, Albert 1
- Grazing rights 1
- Gros Ventre Indians (Montana) 1
- Hagerty, Wright 1
- Hamilton, Rosalie, 1898- 1
- Hannah-Porter Company 1
- Health 1
- Heavy Breast, Owen, 1880- 1
- Henkel, Henry F. 1
- Horses 1
- Hospitals -- Inspection 1
- Housing 1
- Hughes, W. B. 1
- Hunsberger, John P. 1
- Hyde, James H. 1
- Immigrants 1
- Independent Oil Company 1
- Indian Protective Association 1
- Indian Range Commission 1
- Indian allottees 1
- Indian courts 1
- Indian school children 1
- Indian tribal prisons 1
- Indians -- Mixed descent 1
- Indians in the Armed Forces 1
- Indians of North America -- Economic aspects 1
- Indians of North America -- Employment 1
- Indians of North America -- Hospitals 1
- Indians of North America -- Legal status, laws, etc. 1
- Indians of North America -- Northwest, Canadian 1
- Indians of North America--Alcohol use 1
- Individual Indian trust funds 1
- Inheritance 1
- Investigations 1
- Irrigation projects 1
- Kyselka, Frank 1
- Land exchange 1
- Land use -- Classification 1
- Larkin, Elizabeth 1
- Libel and slander 1
- Liquor laws 1
- Litigation 1
- Lodge Grass Oil Company 1
- Maps 1
- Maps Surveying 1
- Marias Massacre, Mont., 1870 1
- Medical care 1
- Milk River Project (U.S.) 1
- Mines and mineral resources 1
- Mining leases 1
- Momberg, Louis J. (Louis Jacob), 1897-1988 1
- Monroe, Louis 1
- Mountain Chief 1
- Nelson, William G. 1
- Nurses 1
- Periodontal disease 1
- Piegan Indians 1
- Plat maps 1
- Pollock, Irene Bull Shoe 1
- Pollock, John 1
- Religion in public schools 1
- Repayment cattle 1
- Reservoirs 1
- Salaway, Mary Bailey 1
- Sawmills 1
- Seewald, Chris 1
- Seewald, Richard 1
- Sewage disposal in rivers, lakes, etc. 1
- Siksika Indians 1
- Smith, Ida 1
- Smith, Joseph Elmer 1
- Snyder Sheep Company 1
- Soil conservation 1
- Stone, Forrest R. 1
- Surveys 1
- Swingley, Belle 1
- Taxation 1
- Trails -- Design and construction 1
- Trust patents 1
- Tschirgi, Matt H. 1
- Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians of North Dakota 1
- United States -- Office of Indian Affairs -- Rocky Boy's Agency 1
- United States Reclamation Service 1
- United States. Court of Claims 1
- United States. Division of Migratory-Bird Treaty and Lacey Acts 1
- Valley County (Mont.) 1
- Whiteman, Dirtyface Bull Shoe 1
- Whiteman, John 1
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- Montana 48
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