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- Document2
- Image46
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Union Pacific Railroad Company 46
- Trains 40
- Steam locomotives 26
- Railroad trains 25
- Railroad tracks 20
- Railroad stations 15
- Railroad cars 12
- Railroad signal towers 9
- Diesel locomotives 8
- Pacific Type (Steam locomotives) 8
- Railroad freight cars 8
- Railroad yards 7
- Railyards 7
- Utility poles 7
- Railroad signals 6
- Railroads 6
- Automobiles 5
- Cars 5
- Locomotives 5
- Railroad passenger cars 5
- American Locomotive Company 4
- Box cars 4
- Freight cars 4
- Railroads -- Employees 4
- cultural landscapes 4
- Challenger Type (Steam locomotives) 3
- Cheyenne (Wyo.) 3
- Moscow (Idaho) 3
- Northern Type (Steam locomotives) 3
- Passenger trains 3
- Railroad bridges 3
- Railroad switches 3
- Tenders 3
- Water towers 3
- oblique views 3
- Articulated locomotives 2
- Baker County (Or.) 2
- Benewah County (Idaho) 2
- Big Boys (Steam locomotives) 2
- Colfax (Wash.) 2
- Crowds 2
- EMD E9 (Diesel locomotives) 2
- General Motors. Electro-Motive Division 2
- Grain elevators 2
- Lima Locomotive Works, Incorporated 2
- Oregon 2
- Rivers 2
- Spokane (Wash.) 2
- Spokane River (Idaho and Wash.) 2
- 119 (Locomotive) 1
- Barns 1
- Butte (Mont.) 1
- Cabooses (Railroads) 1
- Central Pacific Railroad Company 1
- Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad Company 1
- City of Los Angeles (Passenger train) 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 1
- Dillon (Mont.) 1
- Dirt roads 1
- Dwellings 1
- EMC E2 (Diesel locomotives) 1
- Electric lines 1
- Eureka-Nevada Railway 1
- Farms 1
- Franklin County (Wash.) 1
- GE U25B (Diesel locomotives) 1
- General Electric Company 1
- Harriman, Edward H. 1
- Highways 1
- Houses 1
- Illinois Central Railroad Company 1
- Joso Viaduct (Wash.) 1
- Jupiter (Locomotive) 1
- Mallet locomotives 1
- Mikado Type (Steam locomotives) 1
- Monroe Street Bridge (Spokane, Wash.) 1
- Nevada Central Railroad 1
- New Haven Railroad Company 1
- New York and New Haven Railroad Company 1
- Northern Pacific Railway Company 1
- Oakland (Calif.) 1
- Persons 1
- Pioneers--Montana--Yellowstone County--Billings 1
- Pullman (Wash.) 1
- Railroad motorcars 1
- Railroad tank cars 1
- Railroad terminals 1
- Railroads -- Switching 1
- Riverside County (Calif.) 1
- Roundhouses (Railroads) 1
- San Bernardino (Calif.) 1
- Silver Bow (Mont.) 1
- Snake River (Wyo.-Wash.) 1
- Spokane (Wash.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Spokane Falls (Wash. 1
- Switcher locomotives 1
- Umatilla County (Or.) 1
- Union Railroad of Oregon 1
- Viaducts 1
- staged photographs 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Moscow (Latah county, Idaho) 7
- Los Angeles (Los Angeles county, California) 4
- Cheyenne (Laramie county, Wyoming) 3
- Plummer Junction (Benewah county, Idaho) 3
- Albin (Laramie county, Wyoming) 2
- Colfax (Whitman county, Washington) 2
- LaGrande (Union county, Oregon) 2
- Quartz (Baker county, Oregon) 2
- Spokane (Spokane county, Washington) 2
- Spokane River 2
- Telocaset (Union county, Oregon) 2
- West Yellowstone (Mont.) 2
- Baker City (Baker county, Oregon) 1
- Burns (Harney county, Oregon) 1
- Butte (Silver Bow county, Montana) 1
- De Smet (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Dillon (Beaverhead county, Montana) 1
- Franklin (county) 1
- Mira Loma (Riverside county, California) 1
- Oakland (Alameda county, California) 1
- Oregon 1
- Pullman (Whitman county, Washington) 1
- San Bernardino (San Bernardino county, California) 1
- Silver Bow (county) 1
- Tekoa (Whitman county, Washington) 1
- Umatilla (county) 1
- Union (Union county, Oregon) 1
- Washington (state) 1
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