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- College athletics 323
- College basketball 323
- basketball 323
- basketball for women 323
- women basketball players 292
- basketball coaches 19
- Emily Bauer 16
- women basketball coaches 14
- Western 13
- Jeff Malby 12
- MSU Billings 11
- Black Hills State University 6
- Eastern 6
- Helena, MT 6
- Montana Wesleyan College 6
- Dan Magstadt 5
- Rene Dietrich 5
- Sarah Davis 5
- Beth Bertelsen 4
- Janine Gotschall 4
- Laurinda Knudson 4
- Lynn Johnson 4
- Mary Lou Matovich 4
- Montana Tech 4
- Robert Nance 4
- Stephanie Bauer 4
- Sue Jennings 4
- Yoly Coronado 4
- Abby Mercer 3
- Billings Polytechnic Institute 3
- Carroll College 3
- Chris Masters 3
- Coleen Aberle 3
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- Gina Sumsion 2
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- Mabel Jakeways 1
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- Montana State University 1
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- Rachel Trumbo Parmentor 1
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- Rose Ann Capra 1
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- Tracy Croston 1
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- Trina Knoche 1
- Trina Marlin 1
- Trina Martin 1
- Trish Sukut 1
- Valaree Hyvonen 1
- Vera Sweetland 1
- Verna Smith 1
- Vickie Elfering 1
- Wendy Thompson 1
- Wynette Faberga 1
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