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- College athletics 1146
- football 1116
- College football 1086
- football players 712
- spectators 117
- football coaches 111
- football teams 61
- Billings Polytechnic Institute 31
- Intermountain Union College 24
- sports team mascots 22
- Brownie and Blackie 16
- bears 16
- football managers 16
- Herb Klindt 15
- Montana Wesleyan College 15
- Jay Wahl 11
- Brian Clifton 10
- Western Montana College 10
- Rick Ulrich 9
- Jeff Lewis 8
- Johnson 8
- Mathew 8
- Brown 6
- Geoff Snook 6
- Les Meyer 6
- Monte Reynolds 6
- Scott Kirby 6
- Smith 6
- Tom Hauck 6
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- Central Washington University 5
- Jason Heimer 5
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- Billings, Montana 1116
- Yellowstone County, Montana 1116
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