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- Image31
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
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- Great Falls (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 12
- Group portraits 9
- Great Falls (Mont.) 6
- Cityscapes 5
- Portrait photographs 5
- Horse-drawn vehicles 4
- Artists' studios 3
- Cities and towns 3
- Men 3
- Russell, Charles M. (Charles Marion), 1864-1926 3
- Smelters 3
- Tipis 3
- Artists 2
- Big Rock (Ojibwa) 2
- Cascade County Courthouse (Great Falls, Mont.) 2
- Chippewa Indians 2
- Downtowns 2
- Gibson, Paris, 1830-1920 2
- Landscape photographs 2
- Legislators -- United States 2
- Mansfield, Mike, 1903-2001 2
- Missouri River 2
- Ojibwa Indians 2
- Politicians 2
- Presidents 2
- Shamans 2
- staged photographs 2
- Anaconda Copper Mining Company 1
- Automobiles 1
- Axtell Stables (Great Falls, Mont.) 1
- Barrows, J. S. 1
- Baseball players 1
- Baseball teams 1
- Bicycles 1
- Big Rock 1
- Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana 1
- Calumets 1
- Carriages and carts 1
- Cars 1
- Cataract Mill Co. (Great Falls, Mont.) 1
- Chippewa-Cree Indians of the Rocky Boy's Reservation, Montana 1
- Church buildings 1
- Churches 1
- Courthouses 1
- Crazy Boy 1
- Customhouses 1
- Fences 1
- Fire engines 1
- Fire fighters 1
- Forest fires -- Prevention and control 1
- Forest fires -- Research 1
- Grain -- Milling 1
- Great Northern Railway Company (U.S.) 1
- Headdresses 1
- Horses 1
- Hospitals 1
- Indians of North America 1
- Indigenous peoples 1
- Industrial buildings 1
- Industrial chimneys 1
- Jails 1
- Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 1
- Judges -- Montana 1
- Judges -- United States 1
- Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963 1
- Landscape photography 1
- Lawyers 1
- Linderman, Frank Bird, 1869-1938 1
- Locomotives 1
- Log cabins 1
- Medicine men 1
- Metals -- Refining 1
- Mikado Type (Steam locomotives) 1
- Milwaukee Depot (Great Falls, Mont.) 1
- Mineral industries 1
- Montana Bar Association 1
- Murderers 1
- Native Americans 1
- Old Person, Earl, 1929- 1
- Portraits, Group 1
- Railroad tank cars 1
- Railroad tracks 1
- Railroad trains 1
- Rainbow Hotel (Great Falls, Mont.) 1
- Russell, Charles M. (Charles Marion), 1864-1926 -- Homes and haunts 1
- Russell, Nancy Cooper, -1940 1
- Smelting furnaces 1
- Spectators 1
- Springs 1
- Stables 1
- Steam locomotives 1
- Suicide victims 1
- Suits (Clothing) 1
- Teepees 1
- Trains 1
- Tribal chiefs 1
- Vaughn, Robert, 1836-1918 1
- Waterfalls 1
- Wilber, James, 1857?-1889 1
- eye-level views 1
- natural landscapes 1
- oblique views 1
- studio portraits 1
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