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- Document2
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Subject...
- Bodies of water 2
- Camps 2
- Fire lookout stations 2
- Group portraits 2
- Horses 2
- Log buildings 2
- Mountains 2
- Portrait photographs 2
- Tents 2
- United States. Forest Service -- Employees 2
- Automobiles 1
- Big Blowup, 1910 1
- Bridges -- Design and construction 1
- Cars 1
- Children 1
- Dead trees 1
- Fire fighters 1
- Fishing 1
- Forest fires -- Detection 1
- Forest fires -- Equipment and supplies 1
- Forest fires -- Prevention and control 1
- Great Fire of 1910 (Mont. and Idaho) 1
- Outdoor cooking 1
- Ranger stations 1
- Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness (Idaho and Mont.) 1
- Smoke 1
- Surveyors 1
- Trails -- Design and construction 1
- Wallace (Idaho) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Women 1
- Wooden boats 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Image485
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- United States. Forest Service 483
- Steuerwald, W.E. (Winston E.) 104
- Swan, Kenneth D. (Kenneth Dupee), 1887-1970 63
- Poulson, William L. 31
- Steuerwald, Winston E. 27
- Eide, Ingvard Henry 17
- Steuerwald, W. E. (Winston E.) 15
- Brandenberger, Robert Otto, 1925-2018 14
- Stanley, Phil 13
- Bradt, William C. 11
- McDonald, C. H. (Charles Haskin), 1900-1981 11
- Deschamps, Ed (George Edward), 1927-2009 10
- Aerial Fire Depot (U.S.) 8
- Lund, Roger Clark, 1930-2019 7
- Van Gieson, Bob 7
- Hames, H. Lee 6
- Minister, David Mendeth, Jr., 1925-2016 6
- Jaquish, Delmar E. 1929-2021 4
- Clifford, Edward C. 3
- Halm, Joseph B. (Joseph Baldwin), 1884-1965 3
- Hansen, Hubert, 1913-1994 3
- Huey, Ben M. 3
- Mead, W. J. 3
- Olson, D. S. 3
- Steuerwald, Winston Ezra (Curly), 1915-1998 3
- Wolstad, George R. 3
- Beatty, D.L. 2
- Bonner, Francis Edward, 1855-1935 2
- Every, Don 2
- Flint, H. R. (Howard R.) 2
- Koch, Elers, 1880-1954 2
- Shipp, E. S. 2
- Beaman, D. W. 1
- Deschamps, C. S. 1
- Deschamps, D. S. 1
- Development Center Personnel 1
- Halm, Joe .B. 1
- Hanson, A.E. 1
- Hearst, Roger 1
- Hurtt, Leon C. (Leon Claude), 1889-1967 1
- Jaquish, Delmar E., 1
- Mead, W.J. 1
- Mrs. Perry Oakley 1
- Nafziger, Edgar 1
- On, Danny 1
- Poulson, Wiliam L. 1
- Rapraeger, Elmer F., 1903-1982 1
- Shipp, E.S. 1
- Slusher, Edward C. 1
- Spaulding 1
- Steuerwald, Winston E. 1
- Strong, C. C. 1
- Vogel, Maurice Albert, 1906-1969 1
- Weholt, Adolph, 1882-1956 1
- Welch, Richard E. 1
Show More - Subject...
- Group portraits 205
- United States. Forest Service -- Employees 179
- Trees 178
- Portrait photographs 123
- Wildfires -- Prevention and control 118
- Smokejumpers 115
- Aeronautics in forest fire control 114
- Mountains 113
- Firefighting equipment 103
- Forest fire fighters -- Training of 76
- Snow 71
- Aerial Fire Depot (U.S.) 51
- Forest fire fighters 43
- United States. Forest Service. Northern Region 38
- Parachutes 36
- Parachuting Equipment and supplies 36
- Forests 34
- Dirt roads 33
- Landscape photographs 33
- Snow Bowl (Mont.) 33
- Skiers 32
- Skis and skiing 31
- Winter sports 31
- Ninemile Ranger District (Mont.) – Buildings, structures, etc. 29
- Airplanes 27
- Children 27
- Snowbowl (Mont.) 27
- Tree planting 25
- Dead trees 23
- Ninemile Historic Remount Depot (Mont.) 22
- Safety hats 22
- Automobiles 21
- Cars 21
- Horses 21
- Tree planters (Persons) 21
- Tree stumps 21
- Tools 20
- Meadows 19
- Rope 19
- Signs and signboards--United States--History. 18
- Timber -- Management 18
- Camp sites, facilities, etc. 17
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 17
- Picnic tables 17
- Pulleys 17
- Seeley Lake (Mont.) 17
- Superior Ranger District (Mont.) 17
- Historic sites 16
- Tents 15
- Campers (Persons) 14
- Fishers 14
- Fishing rods 14
- Log buildings 14
- Electric lines 13
- Forest fires -- Research 13
- Logs 13
- Ninemile Ranger District 13
- Project Skyfire 13
- Savenac Historic Tree Nursery (Mineral county, Mont.) 13
- Seeley Lake Ranger District (Mont.) 13
- Ski lifts 13
- Camping -- Equipment and Supplies 12
- Fire weather 12
- Mules 12
- Pack animals (Transportation) 12
- Physical fitness. 12
- Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806) 11
- Utility poles 11
- Buildings 10
- Horseback riding 10
- Inclined planes 10
- Ponderosa pine -- Seedlings 10
- Snowshoes and snowshoeing 10
- Wooden fences 10
- Zip lines 10
- Axes 9
- Big Flat Mining Company 9
- Boulders 9
- Carver, Bill (William L.), 1927-2007 9
- Historic buildings 9
- Pickup trucks 9
- Recreation areas 9
- Seeley Lake Campground (Mont.) 9
- Signs and signboards 9
- Water sports 9
- Backpacks 8
- Chairs 8
- Clark Fork (Mont. and Idaho) 8
- Clouds 8
- Debris 8
- Fire pits 8
- Lewis-Clark Highway (Idaho and Mont.) 8
- Log cabins 8
- Motorboats 8
- Outdoor cooking 8
- Pastures 8
- Picnics 8
- Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness (Idaho and Mont.) 8
- Smoke 8
- Snow -- Measurement 8
- Snow surveys 8
- Swimmers 8
- United States. Forest Service 8
- Airport buildings 7
- Douglas DC-3 (Transport plane) 7
- Gardner, Morris Calvin, 1923-2005 7
- Ice on rivers, lakes, etc. 7
- Johnson Flying Service, Missoula, Mont. 7
- Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail 7
- Meteorological instruments 7
- Missoula County (Mont.) 7
- Rivers 7
- Snags (Forestry) 7
- Snowbowl (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 7
- United States. Soil Conservation Service 7
- Wicks, John 7
- Wildlife photography 7
- Wolstad, George R. 7
- Abandoned buildings 6
- Beaches 6
- Campfires 6
- Corrals 6
- Cross-country skiing 6
- Dibble bar 6
- Fire damage 6
- Fishes 6
- Fly fishing 6
- Ford Three-engined Monoplane (Transport plane) 6
- Fuelwood 6
- Hoodoo Meadows (Mineral County, Mont.) 6
- Jaquish, Delmar E., 1929-2021 6
- Kettles 6
- Mine buildings 6
- Ninemile Ranger District (Mont.) 6
- Oregon Creek Placer Mine (Mineral county, Montana) 6
- Progress photographs 6
- Soil erosion 6
- Waders (Fishing) 6
- Wire screens 6
- Beds (Gardens) 5
- Blue Mountain Recreation Area (Mont.) 5
- Cairns 5
- Construction workers 5
- Flagpoles 5
- Forest Service -- Employees 5
- Ice fishing 5
- Logging -- Environmental aspects 5
- Ninemile Remount Depot (Mont.) 5
- Picnic grounds 5
- Saddles 5
- Seeley Lake Campground (Missoula county, Mont.) 5
- Autumn 4
- Avalanches 4
- Barns 4
- Blackfoot River (Mont.) 4
- Columbia River Watershed 4
- Creels (Fishing) 4
- Dogs 4
- Fences 4
- Flooding 4
- Forest fires 4
- Forest nurseries 4
- Fort Fizzle (Mont.) 4
- Ladders 4
- Leg exercises. 4
- Lumber 4
- Lumber-yards 4
- Meteorological stations, Radar 4
- Nets 4
- Plants -- Effect of grazing on 4
- Pulaski (Tool) 4
- Rangelands 4
- Schaefer, Vincent J. 4
- Shovels 4
- Split-rail fence 4
- Spoil banks 4
- Streams 4
- Trout 4
- Trucks 4
- Winter 4
- cultural landscapes 4
- Abandoned mines 3
- Aeronautics in meteorology 3
- Anaconda Copper Mining Company 3
- Anaconda Forest Products Company -- Buildings, structures, etc. 3
- Anderson, Eileen Duncan Wagner, 1898-1985 3
- Barrows, Jack S. 3
- Bitterroot Flat Campground (Mont.) 3
- Bitterroot Mountains (Idaho and Mont.) 3
- Boat trailers 3
- Bonner (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 3
- Brandenberger, Jerrie Ann Kerrick, 1930-2001 3
- Burnt Cabin (Mont.) 3
- Cabins 3
- Cessna aircraft 3
- Christmas trees -- Harvesting 3
- Cliffs 3
- Cloud seeding 3
- Colson, DeVer 3
- Cooley, Earl 3
- Covington, G. L. 3
- Crosscut saws 3
- Forest roads 3
- Gold mines and mining 3
- Group portrait 3
- Haystacks 3
- Highways 3
- Hikers 3
- Indian Post Office (Idaho) 3
- Irrigation canals and flumes 3
- Kizer, Ralph Dana, 1887-1960 3
- Larches 3
- Lolo Trail (Idaho) 3
- Lumber mills 3
- McLeod, Charles Herbert, 1859-1946 -- Homes and haunts 3
- Meteorological stations 3
- Meteorology--Maps. 3
- Missoula Ranger District (Mont.) 3
- Moose 3
- Munitalp Foundation 3
- Physical education and training 3
- Picnic baskets 3
- Placer mining 3
- Portrait photographs 3
- Powell Ranger Station (Mont.) 3
- Radio in fire prevention 3
- Rapids 3
- Snow course markers 3
- Stritch, Hollis G. (Hollis Grant), 1903-1973 3
- Swan Range (Mont.) 3
- Swan River Valley (Mont.) 3
- Trails 3
- Travel trailers 3
- Trout -- Habitat 3
- United States. Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau -- Employees 3
- Waldo, Cullen E., 1903-1960 3
- Water skiing 3
- Weather control 3
- West, Clemment Walker, 1898-1962 3
- Winthers, Jean Herbert 3
- oblique views 3
- Aaberg, Melvin Christian, 1914-2005 2
- Abdominal exercises. 2
- American Forestry Association 2
- Anaconda Company 2
- Anaconda Forest Products Company 2
- Arnold, Dale L. 2
- Back exercises 2
- Backpacking 2
- Benches 2
- Bitterroot Range (Idaho and Mont.) 2
- Boat ramps 2
- Boundaries 2
- Brown, Clarence W., 1913-1983 2
- Camping 2
- Camping trailers 2
- Carts & wagons 2
- Cattle 2
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) -- Officials and employees 2
- Clearcutting 2
- Corn planters (Machines) 2
- Cory, Floyd W., 1901-1982 2
- Dining halls 2
- Displays in education 2
- Double Arrow Lookout (Mont.) 2
- Douglas fir 2
- Eastman, V. H. 2
- Elk hunting 2
- Engler, George Nicholas, 1919-2011 2
- Equipment Development Center (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Ferich, John L., 1900-1983 2
- Fine, Oliver Elmer, 1915-1987 2
- Fishing huts 2
- Fite, Fred (Frederick Arthur), 1928-2002 2
- Flags -- American 2
- Folding cameras 2
- Forest fires -- Research -- Equipment and supplies 2
- Frey, Robert 2
- Fuquay, Donald M. 2
- Furley, R. J. 2
- Galbraith, Marlan Comran, 1915-2012 2
- Gardner, Raymond Clyde, 1912-1980 2
- Girl Scouts 2
- Girls 2
- Glaus, Bernie Harold, 1910-2000 2
- Gold dredging 2
- Gorges 2
- Greenough Park (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Grills 2
- Gunderson, Arden B. 2
- Halm, Joseph B. (Joseph Baldwin), 1884-1965 2
- Hay 2
- Herron, John O., Jr. 2
- Hessel, Joseph N. 2
- Horsemen and horsewomen 2
- Horses -- Transportation 2
- Hose 2
- Houses 2
- Huey, Ben M. 2
- Hunters 2
- Hutton, Andrew 2
- Idaho -- Boundaries 2
- Islands 2
- Landscape photos 2
- Lolo Creek (Missoula County, Mont.) 2
- Lolo Hot Springs (Mont.) 2
- Lyman, John R. 2
- Lynstod, John O., Jr. 2
- MacCready, Paul B. 2
- Mart, R. M. 2
- McVay, Daniel M., 1916-2012 2
- Milwaukee Road (Railroad) 2
- Missoula National Forest 2
- Montana -- Boundaries 2
- Moore, Bud (William Robert), 1917-2010 2
- Mossing, Daniel G. 2
- Mountain meadows 2
- Mule deer 2
- National Ski Patrol (U.S.) 2
- Nine Mile Airport (Huson, Mont.) 2
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company 2
- Oregon Creek (Mineral county, Montana) 2
- Pack animals 2
- Photography of women 2
- Ponderosa pine 2
- Porches 2
- Portrait photograph 2
- Ranch life 2
- Range management 2
- Ranger station 2
- Rattlesnake Mountains (Missoula county, Montana) 2
- Rock Creek (Granite County and Missoula County, Mont.) 2
- Savenac Historic Tree Nursery (Mineral county, Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 2
- School buses 2
- Silver iodide 2
- Ski resorts 2
- Slusher, Edward C., 1917-2003 2
- Smith, Glenn H., 1914-1988 2
- Smokejumper Visitor Center (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Snowfields 2
- Stony Creek (Missoula county, Mont.) 2
- Tarlow, Holly Jane Brandenberger, 1958- 2
- Television journalists 2
- Timber 2
- Topographic maps 2
- Townsend, Albert Leonard, 1907-1974 2
- Trail Riders of the National Forests 2
- Travel Air aircraft 2
- Tripods 2
- Truck trailers 2
- United States. Forest Service. Northern region 2
- Vandalism 2
- View cameras 2
- Walbridge, J. A. 2
- Watson, James S. 2
- Weeks, Elma Mildred Spears Brees, 1909-1974 2
- Women's hats 2
- Wood, Bill (William Clayton), 1922-2001 2
- Wooden windows 2
- Work camps 2
- Camp Paxson (Seeley Lake, Mont.) 1
- Forest plants 1
- J & M Lumber (Seeley Lake, Mont.) 1
- Abel, Leo, 1892-1949 1
- Advertising -- Forest fire prevention 1
- Aerial photography in forestry 1
- Agricultural laborers 1
- Agricultural machinery & implements 1
- Akins, Willard, 1907-1981 1
- Allen, Fred E. 1890- 1
- Almas, Gloria M. Math, 1917-2006 1
- American saddlebred horse 1
- Anderson, Ethel L. Dewey Lynn, 1909-1952 1
- Anderson, I. V. (Irvin Victor), 1898-1982 1
- Anderson, Robert 1
- Angle, Roscoe Samuel, 1908-1998 1
- Apgar, William B. 1
- Arel, Doris Phyllis, 1910-1989 1
- Arm exercises 1
- Armstrong, Ray 1
- Arthur, Harold G., 1914-2001 1
- Atmospheric nucleation 1
- Austin, Albert C. 1
- Baker, Herman M., 1904-2005 1
- Beaman, LaVaughn, 1895-1977 1
- Beardsley, C. M. 1
- Beer bottles 1
- Beer cans 1
- Behan, Mark Joseph, 1931-2008 1
- Bell Manufacturing Company (Kalispell, Mont.) 1
- Bennett 1
- Berg, Jacob Magnus, 1911-2002 1
- Beuttel, Ray H.,1904-1945 1
- Big Blowup, 1910 1
- Big Flat Mining Company -- Building, structures, etc. 1
- Bills, Agnes Anderson, 1912-2007 1
- Birds 1
- Bitterroot River (Mont.) 1
- Bitterroot Valley (Mont.) 1
- Bloom, Elmer P., 1897-1973 1
- Bloom, L. A. 1
- Blue Mountain (Mont.) 1
- Bodies of water 1
- Bolles, Ralph, 1913-1988 1
- Bonita (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Bonita Ranger Station (Mont.) 1
- Boots 1
- Bowerman, Harry 1
- Bowler, Mary Catherine, 1912-1990 1
- Boy Scouts of America 1
- Boyer, Beula, 1883-1959 1
- Bradeen, Orin C., 1887-1959 1
- Bradner, Melvin Ira, 1895-1946 1
- Bramseth, Anna J., 1896-1990 1
- Brandenberger, Dan 1
- Branning, Granger Wallace, 1915-1992 1
- Brechbill, R. Etta 1
- Bridges -- Design and construction 1
- Brierley, Tom (Thomas Edwin), 1914- 1
- Brome, Ruby M. Riddle, 1891-1971 1
- Brothers, Charles S., 1879-1956 1
- Brown, Donald L. 1
- Brown, Marian 1
- Brown, Stewart 1
- Brown, Stuart 1
- Building construction 1
- Building materials 1
- Building stones 1
- Bullard, Ida S. Stoddard, 1897-1981 1
- Bunkhouses 1
- Bury, J. T. 1
- Buses 1
- Byers, Adelaide W. Erdman, 1903-2001 1
- Byers, Bob (C. Robert) 1
- Byrne, James J. 1
- CBS Television Network 1
- Cabinet National Forest (Mont. and Idaho) 1
- Cainan, Daniel 1
- Calhoun, Roy, 1909-1974 1
- Calkins, H. A. (Hartley Amasa), 1883-1962 1
- Callaway, A. G. 1
- Cameras 1
- Camp Fire Girls 1
- Campbell, L. A. 1
- Camps 1
- Canoes and canoeing 1
- Cargo 1
- Carlson, Andrew W. 1
- Ch-paa-qn Peak (Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- Chapel, Roy Wilson, Sr., 1902-1984 1
- Christensen, George Franklin, 1906-1996 1
- Chriswell, K. E. 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.). -- Camp Nine Mile (Mont.) 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.). -- Camp Paxson (Mont.) 1
- Clairmont, Stephen A. 1
- Clark, Bob (Robert), -2002 1
- Clearwater Lake Loop Road (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Clearwater Lake Loop Road (Seeley Lake, Montana) 1
- Clearwater National Forest (Idaho) 1
- Clearwater River (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 1
- Clotheslines 1
- Cochrell, Albert N., 1895-1971 1
- Coeur d'Alene National Forest (Idaho) 1
- Coleman, William W. 1
- Collins, Robert W. 1
- Conn, Robert Lincoln, 1913-2000 1
- Construction equipment 1
- Cook, Susie A., 1884-1966 1
- Cool, Frank J., 1891-1962 1
- Copper King Campground (Mont.) 1
- Coughlan, Harry W., 1905-1982 1
- Cramer, Albert W. (Albert Wiltse), 1922-1992 1
- Cramer, Arthur, 1900-1956 1
- Crates 1
- Cremens, Joe E. 1
- Creosote 1
- Crocker, Clayton S. 1
- Culverts 1
- Cummings, L. J. 1
- Curtiss, Ron (Ronald Glen Olaf), 1941-2014 1
- Cushman, William Howard, 1909-1987 1
- Daniel, L. Scott 1
- Davis, Erma Louise, 1884-1937 1
- Davis, Kenneth P., 1906-1982 1
- DeJarnette, George Monroe, 1900-1971 1
- DeNio, Reginald M., 1910-1985 1
- Dean, Russell H., 1891-1972 1
- Deemer, Wayne Eugene, 1902-1996 1
- Deerlodge National Forest (Mont.) 1
- Derrick, Hazel Oxender Beaudette 1
- Derry, Frank, 1904-1968 1
- Deschamps, Ed (George Edward), 1927-2009 1
- Diamond Match Company 1
- Dickman, Paul Carl, Jr., 1911-1958 1
- Dieterich, John H. 1
- Diskerud, David Lorentz, 1906-1983 1
- Dixon, Betty Nofsinger, 1912-2002 1
- Dobrinz, Edward Henry, 1907-2004 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Lolo National Forest 485
- Missoula (Missoula county, Montana) 90
- Haugan (Mineral county, Montana) 14
- Pend Oreille River 8
- Bonner (Missoula county, Montana) 5
- Lake Inez (Missoula county, Montana) 5
- Seeley Lake (Missoula county, Montana) 5
- Rice Ridge (Mont.) 4
- Bitterroot River (Montana) 3
- Clearwater National Forest 3
- Clearwater River (Missoula county, Montana) 3
- Dry Creek (Mineral county, Montana) 3
- Flathead National Forest (Mont.) 3
- Hayes Creek (Missoula county, Montana) 3
- Hoodoo Lake (Idaho county, Idaho) 3
- Hoodoo Lake (Mineral county, Montana) 3
- Lolo Hot Springs (Missoula county, Montana) 3
- Lynch Creek (Sanders county, Montana) 3
- Oregon Creek (Mineral county, Montana) 3
- Rock Creek (Granite County and Missoula County, Mont.) 3
- East Fork Lolo Creek (Missoula county, Montana) 2
- Elk Meadow (Missoula county, Montana) 2
- Lee Creek (Missoula county, Montana) 2
- Marshall Lake (Missoula county, Montana) 2
- McDonald Peak (Lake county, Montana) 2
- Missoula County (Mont.) 2
- Missoula county, Montana 2
- Monture Creek (Powell county, Montana) 2
- North Fork Blackfoot River (Montana) 2
- Point Six (Missoula county, Montana) 2
- Ranch Creek (Granite county, Montana) 2
- Rattlesnake Creek (Missoula county, Montana) 2
- Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness (Idaho and Mont.) 2
- Sheep Gap (Sanders county, Montana) 2
- Sherman Gulch (Missoula county, Montana) 2
- Anderson Gulch (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Big Creek (Shoshone county, Idaho) 1
- Bitterroot Range 1
- Bonita (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Colt Killed Creek (Idaho county, Idaho) 1
- Crazy Fish Lake (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Frank Creek (Flathead county, Montana) 1
- Garnet Range (Montana) 1
- Greenough (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Irvs Creek (Sanders county, Montana) 1
- Kookoosint Ridge (Sanders county, Montana) 1
- Lake Alva (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Lake Sa-ol-Sooth (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Lolo Creek (Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- McCauley Butte (Missoula, Montana) 1
- McLeod Peak (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Mill Creek (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Mission Range (Lake county, Montana) 1
- Missoula National Forest 1
- Missoulam Montana 1
- Mittower Gulch (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Morrell Mountain (Powell county, Montana) 1
- Mount Sentinel (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- National Bison Range (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Powell Creek (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Rainy Lake (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Richmond Peak (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Rock Creek (Granite County, Mont.) 1
- Saddle Mountain (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- Salmon Lake (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Seeley Creek (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Seeley Lake, Montna 1
- South Fork Lolo Creek (Montana) 1
- Swan Range (Flathead county, Montana) 1
- TV Mountain (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Thompson Lake (Granite county, Montana) 1
- Thompson River (Sanders county, Montana) 1
- Trout Creek (Mineral county, Montana) 1
- Union Peak (Granite county, Montana) 1
- Warren Peak (Montana) 1
- Wendover Creek (Idaho county, Idaho) 1
- Wendover Ridge (Idaho county, Idaho) 1
- West Fork Lolo Creek (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Youngs Creek (Powell county, Montana) 1
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