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- Image438
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Dean, Walter, Jr. 81
- Chapman, Wes 48
- Huffman, L. A. (Laton Alton), 1854-1931 34
- Hammersley, Harold F. (Harold Frederick), 1882-1966 19
- Truden, John 18
- Likely Robert C. Morrison 14
- Robert C. Morrison 13
- L A Huffman 3
- Unidentified photographer 3
- Christian Barthelmess 2
- likely Robert C. Morrison 2
- Colstrip United 1
- Schlichting 1
- W.L. Stepenson 1
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- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana 73
- Cheyenne Indians--Montana 37
- Fort Keogh (Montana) 30
- Buildings 29
- Coal mines and mining 24
- Miles City (Montana) 24
- Cheyenne Indians--Montana--Social life and customs 23
- Cowboys--Montana 20
- Lame Deer (Montana) 20
- Cities & towns 19
- Internet and activism 19
- Soldiers--Montana 17
- Community life 15
- Stores 14
- Power-plants 12
- Coal-fired power plants 11
- Houses 10
- Ranches 10
- Wagons--Montana 10
- Horses--Montana 9
- Family 8
- Irrigation canals and flumes--Montana 8
- Irrigation projects--Design and construction 8
- Tongue River Valley (Wyo. and Mont.) 8
- United States Reclamation Service 8
- Aerial photographs 7
- Automobiles 7
- Coal 7
- Log buildings--Montana. 7
- People 7
- Events 6
- Log buildings--Montana 6
- Parades--Montana--Miles City 6
- Railroads 6
- Ranchers 6
- Floods 5
- Grocery trade 5
- Ranches--Montana. 5
- Road machinery 5
- Accidents 4
- Baseball teams--Montana 4
- Draglines 4
- Frontier and pioneer life 4
- George W. Brewster ranch. 4
- Housing, Rural--Montana. 4
- Military bases--Montana 4
- Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation (Mont.) 4
- Rosebud County (Mont.) 4
- Tongue River (Wyo. and Mont.) 4
- Wagons--Montana. 4
- Yellowstone River 4
- Band musicians 3
- Building 3
- Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company. 3
- Cities & Towns 3
- Cowboys--Montana. 3
- Electric lines 3
- Farm equipment--Montana 3
- Funeral rites and ceremonies--Montana 3
- Horse teams--Montana 3
- Horse-drawn vehicles 3
- Horses 3
- Meat industry and trade--Montana 3
- Military camps--Montana 3
- Oil wells 3
- Parades 3
- Power plants 3
- Railroads--Montana--Design and construction. 3
- Ranches--Montana 3
- Road construction workers 3
- Roads--Design and construction--Montana 3
- Sheep ranches--Montana 3
- Sheep wagons 3
- Stores, Retail--Montana--Miles City 3
- Streets 3
- Airports 2
- Apartments 2
- Barbershops 2
- Bars (Drinking establishments)--Montana 2
- Baseball teams--Montana. 2
- Baseball--Montana. 2
- Bridges 2
- Bridges--Montana 2
- Camp, Walter Mason, 1867-1925. 2
- Cattle branding--Montana 2
- Cattle herding--Montana 2
- Cattle--Marking--Montana. 2
- Cheyenne Indians 2
- Cheyenne Indians--Montana. 2
- Cold Springs Ranch (Mont.) 2
- Corrals--Montana. 2
- Cowboys 2
- Cradleboards--Montana 2
- Crow Indian Reservation (Mont.) 2
- Crow Indians 2
- Custer County (Mont.) 2
- Farm machinery 2
- Flags--United States 2
- Football players 2
- Hat X Ranch 2
- Hay 2
- High school athletes 2
- Horse herding--Montana 2
- Indians of North America--Dwellings. 2
- Livery--Montana--Miles City 2
- Military uniforms 2
- Mules--Montana 2
- Photographers--Montana 2
- Powder River County (Mont.) 2
- Presidents 2
- Railroad construction & maintenance--Montana 2
- Railroad construction & maintenance--Montana. 2
- Railroad passenger cars--Montana--Miles City 2
- Ranch houses--Montana 2
- Ranch life--Montana 2
- School buildings--Montana 2
- Sheep--Montana 2
- Stacey (Mont.) 2
- Vehicles, Military--Montana. 2
- Wagons 2
- Wool industry--Montana 2
- Yellowstone River. 2
- Advertising 1
- Aerial photographs; 1
- Agriculture--Montana--Rosebud County 1
- Ashland (Mont.) 1
- Barns--Montana 1
- Bars (Drinking establishments) 1
- Baseball gloves--Montana. 1
- Baseball players--Montana 1
- Baseball uniforms--Montana. 1
- Baseball--Montana 1
- Bicycles 1
- Bridges--Montana--Forsyth 1
- Bridges--Montana--Forsyth. 1
- Bridges--Montana--Miles City 1
- Bridges--Yellowstone River--dedications 1
- Businesses 1
- Butchers 1
- Calf roping--Montana. 1
- Camping 1
- Camping--Montana 1
- Camps 1
- Carpenters 1
- Carriages & coaches 1880-1900 1
- Cattle herding--Montana--camps. 1
- Cattle--Montana 1
- Cheyenne Indians--Dance 1
- Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company 1
- Chickens--Montana 1
- Children 1
- Children's clothing--Montana 1
- Chuck wagons--Montana 1
- Church 1
- Circle Bar Ranch 1
- Circle Bar Ranch. 1
- Clothing & dress 1900-1910 1
- Coal mines and mining--Montana 1
- Coal--Montana 1
- Construction 1
- Construction projects 1
- Construction workers 1
- Control rooms 1
- Cowboys--horsemanship--group portraits 1
- Cradleboards 1
- Dam 1
- Dedications 1
- Dedications. 1
- Desks--Montana 1
- Dump trucks 1
- Elks (Fraternal order) 1
- Farm Machinery 1
- Farm buildings--Montana 1
- Farm buildings--Montana. 1
- Farm life--Montana 1
- Farmhouses--Montana 1
- Farms--Montana 1
- Fences--Montana 1
- Ferries--Montana 1
- Ferries--Montana--Custer County 1
- Flags--United States. 1
- Floods--Montana--Miles City 1
- Football 1
- Forsyth Bridge 1
- Fort Custer (Montana) 1
- Fortification--Montana 1
- Fortification--Montana. 1
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana--Rosebud County 1
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montanahomestead 1
- Garages 1
- Godfrey, Edward Settle, 1843-1932. 1
- Golf 1
- Governors--Montana 1
- Grain--Harvesting--Montana 1
- Grocery trade--Montana--Miles City 1
- Harvesting machinery--Montana 1
- Hat X Ranch. 1
- Hay--Harvesting 1
- Hay--Montana 1
- High school buildings 1
- Horseback riding 1
- Hospitals 1
- Hotels 1
- House construction 1
- Housing, Rural--Montana--Yellowstone County. 1
- Hunters 1
- Hunters--Montana 1
- Hunting 1
- Hunting--Montana 1
- Ice industry 1
- Indian children--Montana. 1
- Indian families 1
- Indian men 1
- Indian toys--Montana. 1
- Irrigation 1
- Kendrick, Eula W. 1
- Kendrick, John B. (John Benjamin), 1857-1933. 1
- Knowlton (Mont.) 1
- Lame Deer (Mont.) 1
- Livestock--Carcasses 1
- Log buildings--Montana--Rosebud County 1
- Logging 1
- Lumber trade--Montana 1
- Men's clothing--Montana 1
- Motorcyclists 1
- Mountains--Montana 1
- Mountains--Montana. 1
- Musical groups 1
- OW Ranch 1
- Orchards--Montana 1
- Parades--Montana 1
- Picnics 1
- Police 1
- Post office buildings--Montana 1
- Post office buildings--Montana--Lame Deer. 1
- Power lines 1
- Power transmission lines 1
- Railroad construction workers--Montana. 1
- Railroad stations 1
- Railroad stations--Montana--Miles City 1
- Railroad ties. 1
- Railroads--Montana--Design and construction 1
- Ranches--Montana--Big Horn County 1
- Ranches--Montana--Rosebud County 1
- Ranches--Montana--Yellowstone County. 1
- Rifles 1
- Roads 1
- Roads--Montana 1
- Rodeos--Montana 1
- Rosebud Creek (Mont.) 1
- Rosebud, Battle of the, Mont., 1876. 1
- Rowland, William. 1
- Royal Neighbors of America 1
- Running 1
- School buildings 1
- Schools 1
- Seesaws--Montana 1
- Shaving 1
- Sheep dogs--Montana 1
- Shopping malls 1
- Slaughtering and slaughter-houses--Montana 1
- Spanish-American War, 1898--Montana 1
- Sports 1
- Stagecoach lines--Montana 1
- Stockyards 1
- Stone buildings--Montana 1
- Stores, Retail--Montana 1
- Stores, Retail--Montana--Rosebud County. 1
- Stores, Retail--Montana. 1
- Sun--Rising and setting 1
- Swings--Montana 1
- Temporary housing--Montana. 1
- Tents--Montana--Miles City 1
- Tents--Montana. 1
- Thanksgiving Day 1
- Three Circle Ranch (Mont.) 1
- Threshing machines 1
- Threshing machines--Montana|Threshing--Montana|Agriculture--Montana--Rosebud County|Grain--Harvesting--Montana|Horses--Montana|Wagons--Montana 1
- Timber--Harvesting 1
- Trailer camps 1
- Trappers 1
- Trucks--Electric equipment 1
- Turkeys--Montana 1
- Two Moon (Cheyenne Indian), 1847-1917. 1
- Wells family 1
- Wheeler, Olin D. (Olin Dunbar), 1852-1925. 1
- Winter--Montana 1
- Women baseball players--Montana 1
- Wool Industry--Montana--Miles City 1
- Yellowstone River--Montana 1
- Zook, Laura Brown. 1
- panoramic photographs 1
- sheep wagon 1
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