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- Contributor1
- Image344
- Digital Collection...
- Subject...
- Miller, Fred E., 1868-1936 99
- Horses 44
- Crow Indians--1890-1900 38
- Crow Indians--Clothing & dress 28
- Tipis 27
- Women--Clothing--1910-1920 26
- Hats 23
- Indians--clothing 22
- Indians--Clothing 21
- Headdresses 20
- Crow Indians 19
- East Rosebud Lake (Mont.) 18
- Little Bighorn Battlefield (Mont.) 16
- Men--Clothing & dress--1910-1920 16
- Saddle horses 15
- Beartooth Mountains (Mont. and Wyo.) 12
- Women--Clothing & dress--1910-1920 11
- Beartooth Highway (Mont. and Wyo.) 10
- Crow Indians--1900-1910 10
- Corrals 9
- Evergreens 9
- Bighorn River (Wyo. and Mont.) 8
- Farmers--Montana 8
- Wagons 8
- American bison 7
- Crow Indians--1890-1910 7
- Crow Indians--Children 7
- Throssel, Richard, -1933 7
- Agricultural implements 6
- Beadwork 6
- Fort Custer (Mont.) 6
- Harvesting--1900-1920 6
- Homesteading 6
- Hope, Lucy 6
- Horse-drawn vehicles 6
- Log cabins 6
- American bison--Collection and preservation 5
- Barns 5
- Bloomers 5
- East Rosebud Lake (Mont.)--1910-1920 5
- Farms 5
- Harvesting machinery--1900-1920 5
- Indians--Women--Clothing 5
- Little Bighorn River (Mont.) 5
- Log buildings 5
- Men--Clothing--1910-1920 5
- Mountains 5
- Saddles--Crow 5
- Tents 5
- Miller, Fred E., 1868-1936 4
- Angora chaps 4
- Cowboys 4
- Cowboys--Montana 4
- Dogs 4
- Draft horses 4
- Elk tooth dress 4
- Fort Logan (Mont. - Fort) 4
- Historic sites 4
- Indians--Men--Clothing 4
- Mules 4
- Women's clothing 4
- Tipis 3
- Automobiles--1900-1920 3
- Barns--1860-1870 3
- Buildings 3
- Cattle 3
- Cheyenne Indians 3
- Children's clothing 3
- Children--Clothing & dress--1890-1900 3
- Children--Clothing & dress--1910-1920 3
- Covered wagons 3
- Cradleboards 3
- Crooked Arm 3
- Crow dance 3
- Curly, approximately 1856-1923 3
- Ghost towns--Montana 3
- Greyhounds 3
- Indians--Infants--Clothing 3
- Indians--Music--Drums 3
- Little Bighorn River (Wyo. and Mont.) 3
- Little Bighorn, Battle of the, Mont., 1876 3
- Men's clothing--1900-1910 3
- Monuments 3
- Plows 3
- Rimrocks 3
- Scaffold burial 3
- Shearing sheds 3
- Sheep--Montana 3
- Shields 3
- Smith Brothers 3
- Steam tractors 3
- Threshing machines--1900-1920 3
- Tipis--Montana--Crow Indian Reservation 3
- 2
- Anderson, David G. 2
- Bison 2
- Blockhouses-- 1860-1870 2
- Boarding schools--Montana 2
- Buffalo, American 2
- Buggies 2
- Buildings--Logs 2
- Burial--United States--History 2
- Calendars--1900-1910 2
- Carts & Wagons--1890-1900 2
- Cheyenne Indians--1890-1900 2
- Cheyenne Indians--1910 2
- Chickens 2
- Children 2
- Children--clothing--1900-1910 2
- Chuck wagons 2
- Crow Agency (Mont.) 2
- Crow Indians--1910-1920 2
- Disc plows 2
- Docks 2
- Dugout houses--Montana--1900-1910 2
- Gilbertson, Emil 2
- Handguns 2
- Huffman, L. A. (Laton Alton), 1854-1931 2
- Huffman, L.A. 2
- Indians--Blankets 2
- Iron and steel bridges 2
- Laundry 2
- Law enforcement officers--Montana 2
- Long Bear 2
- Men's clothing 2
- Men's clothing -- 19th century 2
- Men's clothing--1880-1890 2
- Men's clothing--1890-1900 2
- Men's clothing--1890-1910 2
- Missouri River 2
- National cemeteries--Montana 2
- Portraits 2
- Railroad bridges 2
- Rifles 2
- Saddles--1890-1910 2
- Sheep wagons 2
- Sheep-shearing 2
- Shepherds 2
- Straw stacks 2
- Sundance 2
- Sweat lodges 2
- Tobacco -- Planting 2
- Tomahawks 2
- Trees 2
- Uniforms 2
- Water 2
- Women's clothing--1880-1890 2
- Women's clothing--1900-1910 2
- Wooden-frame buildings 2
- Staffs (Sticks, canes, etc.) 1
- Stagecoaches--1870-1900 1
- Bear claw necklace 1
- Big Timber (Mont.) 1
- Cattle branding 1
- Children's clothing 1
- Children--Clothing & dress 1
- Elderly people 1
- Huffman, L. A. (Laton Alton), 1854-1931 1
- Log cabins 1
- McCormick reaper 1
- Medicine bundles 1
- Men's clothing 1
- Men's clothing--1880-1890 1
- Men's clothing--1890-1910 1
- Men--Clothing & dress--1910-1920 1
- Montana 1
- Pryor, (Mont.) 1
- Roahen, K.F. 1
- Saddle horses 1
- Silver mining 1
- Ties (Neckwear) 1
- Water towers 1
- Women's clothing -- 1900-1910 1
- Women's clothing--1890-1900 1
- American bison--Collection and preservation--Montana 1
- American bison--Montana 1
- Anderson, Dave 1
- Anderson, Lucy (Wells) 1
- Architecture--1880-1890 1
- Armbands 1
- Armitage, Sid 1
- Bannock Indians--1890-1900 1
- Barkmeyer, Mrs. Wesley 1
- Barracks 1
- Bells 1
- Big Horn Post (Mont.) 1
- Big Ox 1
- Billings (Mont.) 1
- Billings, Frederick, 1823-1890 1
- Biplanes--1910-1920 1
- Bird Above 1
- Black Hair 1
- Black Hair, Sydney 1
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation (Mont.)--1900-1910 1
- Blackfeet Indians--1900 1
- Blockhouses 1
- Board and batten roofs 1
- Bonnets--1900-1910 1
- Braids (Hairdressing) 1
- Branding irons 1
- Brinkerhoff, Henry M. 1
- Buffalo 1
- Burial 1
- Bush, Rose Bear Cloud 1
- Busteed, Mrs. Thomas 1
- Butte (Mont.) 1
- Canoes 1
- Cardwell, Edward Jr. 1
- Carpenters 1
- Carts & Wagons--1900 1
- Cattle branding 1
- Cavalry 1
- Cavalry--1870-1880 1
- Cheyenne Indians--1900 1
- Cheyenne Indians--1900-1910 1
- Cheyenne Indians--1920 1
- Cheyenne Indians--1930-1940 1
- Chicken coops 1
- Children--Clothing & dress--1880-1890 1
- Children--clothing--1880-1890 1
- Chiropractors 1
- Chuck wagons--1880-1900 1
- Clarks Fork Valley (Mont. and Wyo.) 1
- Clifton, Cecil 1
- Clothing--Boys--1910-1920 1
- Clothing--Girls--1910-1920 1
- Columbus (Mont.) 1
- Comes Up Red 1
- Conventions 1
- Coup sticks--1910-1920 1
- Cowan, Ben 1
- Cowbells 1
- Cowboys--1890-1910 1
- Cows 1
- Cradleboards--1890-1900 1
- Cranes, derricks, etc.--1890-1900 1
- Crow Agency 1
- Crow Fair 1
- Crow Fair--1903 1
- Crow Indians--1890-1930 1
- Crow Indians--1910 1
- Crow Indians--1920-1930 1
- Crow Indians--1930-1940 1
- Crow Indians--Domestic life 1
- Crow Indians--hand game 1
- Crow Rebellion of 1887 1
- Currie, John 1
- Curtis, Edward S., 1868-1952 1
- Custer National Cemetery (Mont.)--1900-1910 1
- Dam construction--Wyoming--19th century 1
- Dams 1
- Dawsonan, Alice 1
- Deer Nose 1
- Dining Halls 1
- Dolls--1890-1900 1
- Donovan, William 1
- Dormitories 1
- Draper, Mrs. I.A. 1
- Drawings 1
- Dried meat 1
- Drums 1
- Ermine 1
- Farms--1930-1940. 1
- Fire Bear 1
- Firewood 1
- Fitch, Mrs. 1
- Flags 1
- Flags--1920-1930 1
- Flags--American 1
- Flathead Indians--1890-1900 1
- Flathead Indians--Chief 1
- Flax 1
- Fool Bull (Sioux) 1
- Fort Belknap Indian Reservation (Mont.)--1920 1
- Fort C. F. Smith (Mont.) 1
- Fort Custer (Mont.)--1880-1890 1
- Fort Custer (Mont.)--1890-1900 1
- Fort Pease (Mont.) 1
- Four Horns 1
- Freight wagons 1
- Gambling 1
- Gardner, Agatha Medicine Top 1
- Gasoline pumps--1930-1940 1
- Ghost towns--Montana. 1
- Gilbertson, Elmer 1
- Gilbertson, Hazelle 1
- Gilbertson, Jensine 1
- Glacial landforms 1
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 1
- Glaciers 1
- Goes Ahead Pretty, 1884-1922 1
- Gold mines and mining--Montana 1
- Grain binder 1
- Grain elevators 1
- Gros Ventre Indians (Montana)--1920 1
- Gros Ventre Indians--1900-1910 1
- Hamilton, 'Uncle Billy' 1
- Hamilton, William T. 1
- Hand drums 1
- Harvesting machinery 1
- Hay 1
- Hay stacks 1
- Hay--Storage 1
- Helena (Mont.) 1
- Hell Creek (Mont.) 1
- Historical markers--Montana 1
- Hollyhocks (Genus) 1
- Holsters 1
- Homesteads--Montana 1
- Hoodoos (Geomorphology) 1
- Hoodoos (Geomorphology) 1
- Hornaday, William T. (William Temple), 1854-1937 1
- Horns--anatomy 1
- Horse racing 1
- Horse teams 1
- Horseracing 1
- Houses 1
- Houses--1900-1910 1
- Huidekoper, Wallis 1
- Hurdling 1
- Indian blankets--1900-1910 1
- Indian ledger drawings--Montana 1
- Indian weapons 1
- Indian weapons--Great Plains 1
- Indians-- Elk tooth dress 1
- Indians-- clothing 1
- Indians--Blanket 1
- Indians--Clothing--1880-1890 1
- Indians--Clothing--1900-1910 1
- Indians--Girls--Clothing 1
- Indians--Hats 1
- Indians--Jewelry 1
- Indians--Men-- Brush arbor 1
- Indians--Music 1
- Indians--Toys 1
- Interior design 1
- Ish, Pete 1
- Jefferson, Joseph 1
- Jerky 1
- Johnson County War, 1892 1
- Junction City, (Mont.) 1
- Kelly, Luther S. (Luther Sage), 1849-1928 1
- Kettles 1
- Kills One Good 1
- La Moose, Joe 1
- Lakes 1
- Lakota Sioux Indians--1880-1890 1
- Lances 1
- Landusky (Mont.) Gold mines and mining--Montana 1
- Landusky, Powell 1
- Lariat 1
- Laundry machinery--1890-1900 1
- Laundry--1900-1910 1
- Leeson, M.A. 1
- Letter carriers 1
- Little Big Horn River (Wyo. and Mont.) 1
- Little Bighorn River (Wyo.and Mont.) 1
- Little Leggings 1
- Little Light 1
- Little Wolf, -1904 1
- Little Wolf, -1904--Chief 1
- Little Wolf, Miller, Fred E., 1868-1936 1
- Lodge poles 1
- Logging 1
- Long Ear, Ben 1
- Lowther, Harold 1
- Luger pistol 1
- Manual sheep shears 1
- McCormick reaper 1
- Medicine Crow 1
- Medicine bundles 1
- Medicine men 1
- Memorial Day--1920-1930 1
- Men's clothing -- 1900-1910 1
- Men's clothing--1870-1880 1
- Men's clothing--19th century 1
- Men's--Clothing--1960-1970 1
- Men--Clothing 1
- Men--Clothing & dress--1890-1900 1
- Men--Clothing--1880-1890 1
- Men--Clothing--1890-1900 1
- Miles City (Mont.) 1
- Miller, Fred E. 1
- Missoula (Mont.) 1
- Missouri River--1900-1910 1
- Mock battle 1
- Montana Legislative Assembly 1
- Montana--1890-1910 1
- Mosley, Bert 1
- Mosley, Olay 1
- Mountain Chief 1
- Mustaches 1
- Navajo rugs 1
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company 1
- Officer's quarters--1880-1890 1
- Older people--1890-1900 1
- Pablo, Michael 1
- Pans 1
- Photography--Double exposure. 1
- Phyllis Jefferson Well Known 1
- Pictographs 1
- Picture-writing 1
- Piegan Indians--1900 1
- Pioneer Society of Montana 1
- Pitchforks 1
- Plows--1900-1910 1
- Porches 1
- Powell, Tom 1
- Pryor Boarding School 1
- Pryor, (Mont.) 1
- Raids (Military science)--History--19th century 1
- Railroads--Livestock transportation 1
- Raise Up, Robert 1
- Reins 1
- Remudas 1
- Richardson, H. H. (Henry Hobson), 1838-1886. 1
- Rifles--1900-1910 1
- Roahen, K.F. 1
- Roahen, Kenneth F. 1
- Rodeos 1
- Rope corrals 1
- Sabers--United States--19th century 1
- Saco, Ralph 1
- Sacred Mountain Sheep 1
- Saddles 1
- Saddles--1890-1910Miller, Fred E., 1868-1936 1
- Saddles--Indian 1
- Sandstone 1
- Saws 1
- School buildings--1890-1900 1
- School children 1
- School children--1910-1920 1
- Schoolhouses--1910-1920 1
- Schools--1910-1920 1
- Scouts (Reconnaissance) 1
- Seiber, Max 1
- Service stations 1
- Shamans 1
- Sharp Nose 1
- Sharps carbine 1
- Sheds 1
- Sheep-shearing--Montana--1900-1910 1
- Sheridan (Wyo.) 1
- Shoshone Indians--1910-1920 1
- Sitting Bull, 1831-1890 1
- Sleighs 1
- Smelters 1
- Sod roofs 1
- Stage stations (Stagecoach stations) 1
- Steamboats 1
- Steeb, C.T. 1
- Steeb, Carl T. 1
- Stillwater (Mont.) 1
- Stockyards 1
- Stores, Retail 1
- Streams 1
- Streams--1910-1920 1
- Streetscapes (Urban design) 1
- Students 1
- Suits (Clothing)--1900-1910 1
- Suits (Clothing)--1920-1930 1
- Sunglasses 1
- Sutter, W.E. (Wild Bill) 1
- Sword Bearer 1
- Teachers 1
- Ties (Neckwear) 1
- Tipis--Montana 1
- Tobacco 1
- Travois 1
- Twin Lakes 1
- Two Dot (Mont.) 1
- Two Leggings, approximately 1847-1923 1
- Two bottom plow 1
- Ullswater, James 1
- Umbrellas Miller, Fred E., 1868-1936 1
- Uniforms--Military--1880-1890 1
- Uniforms--United States--1870-1890 1
- Unionville (Mont.) 1
- United States. Army. Cavalry, 1st 1
- University of Vermont. Library (1929) 1
- Valleys 1
- Vegetable gardening 1
- Vruland, C.M. 1
- Wagons--Covered 1
- Wallis (Mont,) 1
- Warren (Mont.) 1
- Washing 1
- Waterfalls 1
- Wesley, Annie 1
- Wesley, Her Door 1
- Wesley, John 1
- Wheat shocks 1
- White Swan 1
- Windmills 1
- Wolf skin blanket 1
- Wolf, Walks With 1
- Women jockeys 1
- Women--Clothing--1880-1890 1
- Wooden-frame houses--1900-1910 1
- Wool 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Geographic Coverage...
- Crow Indian Reservation, Montana 123
- Golden Valley County, Montana; 54
- Carbon County, Montana; 33
- Little Bighorn Battlefield, Montana; 13
- Beartooth Mountains (Mont. and Wyo.) 11
- Ravalli County, Montana 9
- Yellowstone County, Montana; Big Horn County, Montana; 6
- Meagher County, Montana; 5
- Manhattan, Montana; 4
- Montana; 3
- Yellowstone County, Montana; 3
- Billings, Montana 2
- Billings, Montana; 2
- Great Falls, Montana; 2
- Wyoming; 2
- Bighorn River, Wyoming and Montana; 1
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Montana; 1
- Burlington (Vt.) 1
- Butte, Montana 1
- Butte, Montana; 1
- Clarks Fork Valley (Mont. and Wyo.); 1
- Crow Indian Reservation, Montana Pryor,, Montana; 1
- Forsyth, Montana; 1
- Fort Abraham Lincoln (N.D.) 1
- Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, Montana 1
- Garfield County, Montana 1
- Helena, Montana 1
- Lewis and Clark County, Montana 1
- Little Bighorn Battlefield, Montana; Monuments; 1
- Miles City, Montana; 1
- Missoula, Montana; 1
- Montana 1
- Musselshell County, Montana; 1
- Musselshell River Valley, Montana 1
- Park City, Montana; 1
- Phillips County, Montana; 1
- Ryegate, Montana; Golden Valley County, Montana; 1
- Sheridan (Wyo.); 1
- Stillwater County, Montana; 1
- Sweet Grass County, Montana; 1
- Wheatland County, Montana; 1
- Wyoming 1
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