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- Contributor1
- Image5017
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Unknown 4251
- Pryor, Alicia D 201
- UnKnown 161
- unknown 107
- Selvig, Jens 41
- Brehm, Kyle 26
- Pryor, Alicia D. 26
- Lee, Alicia D 16
- Lee, Alicia D. 12
- Shannon Studios 10
- Pryor, Alice D 8
- Tippet Studio 8
- Schmidt, Peter R. 5
- Lee, Alicia 4
- Pryor, Alicia D. 4
- Schmidt, Peter R 4
- Selvig, Jens 4
- Smith, Tony 4
- Cetrone Studio 3
- Shanon Studios 3
- Cetrone Studios 2
- Jens Selvig 2
- Lifetouch 2
- Petek Studio 2
- Roahen, K.F. 2
- Branding Iron 1
- Burtchaell 1
- Calkin, Dennis 1
- Callin, Dennis 1
- LaBard, Roy 1
- Lewis, David 1
- News Media Services 1
- Olan Mills 1
- Selvig. Jens 1
- Smith, David 1
- Tutokey, Bill 1
- Woosley, Ken 1
- Zimmerman 1
- Zimmerman's 1
Show More - Subject...
- MSU Billings 5016
- Universities and Colleges - Montana - Billings 4961
- MSUB 4934
- Eastern Montana Normal School 4653
- Eastern Montana College 2574
- Eastern Montana College of Education 2400
- Eastern Montana State Normal School 2222
- College Life 1568
- Faculty 1437
- Universities and Colleges--Professional staff 1339
- Sports 950
- University buildings 730
- Structures 729
- College Theater 443
- Performing arts 443
- Stage 443
- Theatre 443
- Billings Vocational Technical Center 330
- City College 330
- Montana State University Billings - College of Technology 330
- Basketball 329
- Men basketball players 294
- Instruction 254
- Classes (Group of students) 253
- classroom 218
- Alumni and alumnae 210
- Library 186
- Football 170
- Events, Special 164
- College football players 155
- Commencement ceremonies 151
- Graduation ceremonies 151
- Student activities 151
- Gymnastics 142
- Reunion 126
- Montana State University Billings Office of the Chancellor 121
- University presidents 121
- P.E. (Physical Education) 113
- Buildings, Library 107
- Cheerleading 106
- University Students 104
- University students 91
- Clubs 86
- MSU 82
- Library users 79
- Rodeos 73
- Easter Montana College of Education 64
- Universities and Colleges - Montana - Billings 53
- Automobiles--Bodies--Maintenance and repair 53
- Orientation 49
- Mechanics 48
- Meetings 45
- Retreats, Management 45
- Business education 41
- P.E. (Physical education) 38
- Eastern Montana Normal School 33
- Parades 33
- Bronc riding 32
- Student registration 32
- Upper class in art 30
- Cooperative learning 30
- Women basketball players 30
- Aquatic sports 25
- Swimming pools 25
- Wrestling 23
- Backpacking 22
- Hiking trails 22
- Science 22
- Homecoming 20
- Food service 19
- Calf roping 18
- Dance 18
- Pageants 18
- Royalty 18
- Welding 18
- Science rooms and equipment 17
- Drafting 16
- Air conditoning 15
- Computers 15
- Refrigerators 15
- Museums--Exhibitions 14
- Nursing 14
- Tennis 14
- Volleyball 14
- Baseball 13
- Dances 13
- Independent study 13
- Swimming 13
- Classroom learning centers 12
- Bull riding 12
- Special education schools 12
- Archery 11
- Camping 11
- Choruses (Musical groups) 11
- Classes (Groups of students) 11
- Farm equipment 11
- Outdoor education 11
- Pottery craft 11
- Recitals (Music) 11
- Soccer 11
- Vocalists 11
- Women soccer players 11
- Martial arts 10
- Upper class in art 10
- Fencing 9
- Sports spectators 9
- Winter sports 9
- Golf 8
- Performance 8
- Trampoline 8
- Weight lifting--Training 8
- computer 8
- Events 7
- Health occupation students 7
- Intramural sports 7
- Powwows 7
- Univesity Students 7
- Watercolor painting 7
- Kayaking 6
- Typewriters 6
- Wrestling matches 6
- Data processing 5
- Greenhouse gardening 5
- Metal-working machinery 5
- Music 5
- Printing presses in art 5
- Skiing 5
- social events 5
- Cross-country running 4
- Cross-country skiing 4
- Diesel 4
- Drawing 4
- Music--Instruction and study 4
- Process Plant 4
- Radio 4
- Softball 4
- Women basketball players 3
- Art metal-work 3
- Barrel racing 3
- Brass instrument players 3
- Broadcast 3
- Marching bands 3
- Sculpture 3
- Ski lifts 3
- Synchronized swimming 3
- Wresting holds 3
- Men basketball players 2
- Baton twirling 2
- Diving 2
- Dorm Life 2
- Indpendent study 2
- Scuba diving 2
- Students 2
- Wood-engraving 2
- Wrestling holds 2
- ` 2
- Events, Special 1
- Landscape gardening 1
- Structures; Universities and Colleges - Montana - Billings 1
- Art--Exhibitions 1
- Athletics 1
- Bookstore 1
- Champions of college football 1
- Concertos (Jazz ensemble) 1
- Coolege Life 1
- Dining halls 1
- Dorm life 1
- Fundraising 1
- Homework 1
- Lecture 1
- Majorettes 1
- Musicians 1
- Orchestra 1
- Parks 1
- Speech 1
- Television 1
- Trucks--Transmission devices, Automatic--Maintence and repair 1
- Upper class--Education 1
- Watercolor painint 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- MSU Billings Library 5017
- Geographic Coverage...
- Billings (Mont.) 2709
- Yellowstone County (Mont.) 2709
- Billings, Montana 2308
- Yellowstone County, Montana 2308
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