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- Horses--Montana 108
- Cowboys--Montana 48
- Horsemanship--Montana 43
- Corrals--Montana 35
- Ranches--Montana 35
- Wagons--Montana 32
- Williams, Mabel 27
- Dogs--Montana 26
- Cameron, Evelyn, 1868-1928. 24
- Log buildings--Montana 24
- Williams, Janet. 24
- Formations (Geology)--Montana 23
- Horse-drawn vehicles--Montana 23
- Children--Montana 22
- Cattle--Montana 19
- Cowgirls--Montana 19
- Cameron, Ewen S. (Ewen Somerled), 1854-1914. 18
- Families--Montana 17
- Wolves--Montana 17
- Buckley, Mabel 16
- Crown W Ranch--Montana 16
- Williams, Janet 16
- Buckley, May 15
- Living rooms--Montana 15
- Coyote--Montana 14
- Buckley, Myrtle 13
- Eve Ranch--Montana 13
- Sheep--Montana 13
- Wooden-frame houses--Montana 13
- Yellowstone River. 13
- Cameron, Evelyn, 1868-1928 12
- Renn Ranch--Montana 12
- Stacks (Hay, grain, etc.)--Montana 12
- XIT Ranch. 12
- Housing, Rural--Montana 11
- Reading--Montana 11
- Saddlery--Montana 11
- Cameron, Ewen S. (Ewen Somerled), 1854-1914 10
- Carriages and carts--Montana 10
- Cats--Montana 10
- Cattle--Marking--Montana 10
- Ranch roping--Montana 10
- Automobiles--Montana 9
- Children's clothing--Montana 9
- Marsh (Mont.) 9
- Sheepherding--Montana 9
- Williams, Margaret. 9
- Antelopes--Montana 8
- Archdale, Monte 8
- Badlands--Montana 8
- Gardens--Montana 8
- Golden eagle--Montana 8
- Hay--Montana 8
- Threshing machines--Montana 8
- Williams, Roy 8
- Women's clothing--Montana 8
- Yellowstone River 8
- Archdale, Ida 7
- Farm life--Montana 7
- Fiddleback Ranch--Montana 7
- Foght, Bill 7
- Fourth of July celebrations--Montana 7
- Infants--Montana 7
- Log cabins--Montana 7
- Men's clothing--Montana 7
- Railroad construction workers--Montana 7
- Sheep shearers (Persons)--Montana 7
- Threshing--Montana 7
- Animal carcasses--Montana 6
- Archdale, Lionel 6
- Cattle herding--Montana 6
- Cottonwood--Montana 6
- Ferries--Montana 6
- Hats--Montana 6
- Irvine, Lance 6
- Landscapes--Montana 6
- Livestock brands--Montana 6
- Shearing sheds--Montana 6
- Sheep-shearing--Montana 6
- Shepherds--Montana 6
- Swans--Montana 6
- Terry (Mont.) 6
- Wild animals as pets--Montana 6
- Williams, O. R. 6
- Buckley family 5
- Buckley family. 5
- Corn--Montana 5
- Fallon (Mont.) 5
- Goshawk--Montana 5
- Picnics--Montana 5
- Rifles--Montana 5
- Undem, Nels 5
- Van, Nettie 5
- Beverages--Montana 4
- Birds--Nests--Montana 4
- Bobcat--Montana 4
- Bridegrooms--Montana 4
- Brides--Montana 4
- Buttermilk (Horse) 4
- Captive wild animals--Montana 4
- Cattle branding--Montana 4
- Chuck wagons--Montana 4
- Clement, Charles. 4
- Cliffs--Montana 4
- Dazzle (Horse) 4
- Deer--Montana 4
- Dinners and dining--Montana 4
- Dolls--Montana 4
- Flags--United States. 4
- Folger, Lillian. 4
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana 4
- Hawks--Nests--Montana 4
- Italian Americans--Montana 4
- J.D. Johnson Ranch--Montana 4
- Kitchens--Montana 4
- Lutherans, German--Montana 4
- Natural bridges--Montana 4
- Price, J. H. 4
- Price, John Henry 4
- Rocking chairs--Montana 4
- Roesler family 4
- Rural children--Montana 4
- Schools--Montana--Dawson County 4
- Tractors--Montana 4
- Trappers--Montana 4
- Trees, Fossil--Montana 4
- Undem, Sam 4
- Wedding costume--Montana 4
- Williams family. 4
- Wool--Montana 4
- XIT Ranch 4
- Accordion--Montana 3
- Animals--Habitations--Montana 3
- Archdale, Ida. 3
- Barns--Montana 3
- Boden, Floyd. 3
- Boden, Joyce 3
- Brown, Dick. 3
- Corbin, F. M. 3
- Couples--Montana 3
- Desks--Montana 3
- English saddles--Montana 3
- Ferruginous hawk--Montana 3
- Funeral rites and ceremonies--Montana 3
- Grey, Jetta Hamilton 3
- Hammocks--Montana 3
- Hawks--Montana 3
- Herons--Montana 3
- Infants' clothing--Montana 3
- Johnson, J.D., Mrs. 3
- Krenzler, Christina 3
- Krenzler, John 3
- Lakes--Montana 3
- Leghold traps--Montana 3
- Longfellow, Billy 3
- Marriage customs and rites--Montana 3
- McMakin, L. D. 3
- Nichols, Donelda. 3
- Perry, Hugh 3
- Piano--Montana 3
- Porches--Montana 3
- Renn, Alice 3
- Renn, Lilly 3
- Renn, Paul 3
- Roesler, Mary 3
- Roesler, Rosie 3
- School children--Montana--Dawson County. 3
- Sharp-tailed grouse--Montana 3
- Square Butte Ranch (Mont.) 3
- Stoves--Montana 3
- Tents--Montana 3
- Van, Gilbert. 3
- Van, William. 3
- Watermelons--Montana 3
- Weddings--Montana 3
- Wolf hunting--Montana 3
- Wolves as pets--Montana 3
- Wooden-frame buildings--Montana 3
- Wool industry--Montana 3
- Adams, Wesson 2
- Adams, Wesson. 2
- Agricultural implements--Montana 2
- American kestrel--Montana 2
- Ammunition. 2
- Animal feeding--Montana 2
- Animal traps--Montana 2
- Axes--Montana 2
- Baker, Elinore 2
- Baker, Hugh. 2
- Banks and banking--Montana--Fallon. 2
- Barker, Cap. 2
- Bicycles--Montana 2
- Bird Ranch (Mont.) 2
- Birds--Infancy--Montana 2
- Birds--Montana 2
- Books. 2
- Border collie--Montana 2
- Bossert, Barbara. 2
- Cameras--Montana 2
- Cattle--Feeding and feeds--Montana 2
- Chairs--Montana 2
- Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company 2
- Chouteau County (Mont.) 2
- Cross S Ranch--Montana 2
- Daly, Heywood 2
- Dowson, Effie 2
- Dowson, Philip. 2
- Dragseth family 2
- Farm buildings--Montana 2
- Farnum Ranch (Mont.) 2
- Fences--Montana 2
- Foals--Montana 2
- Folger, N.C. 2
- Fossils--Montana 2
- Gardening--Montana 2
- Gardiner family 2
- Gaub family 2
- Graders (Earthmoving machinery)--Montana 2
- Great Falls (Mont.) 2
- Grey, Jetta Hamilton. 2
- Hats. 2
- Hides and skins--Montana 2
- Hoes--Montana 2
- Horned toads--Montana 2
- Horsemen and horsewomen--Montana 2
- Horses--Training--Montana 2
- Kempton, James B., 1843-1910. 2
- Lambs--Montana 2
- Lasso--Montana 2
- Lattoon, Jack. 2
- Lehman, Grace 2
- Lindsay, Kathleen, 1877- 2
- Lockets--Montana 2
- Marsh, John K. 2
- Marsh, John. 2
- McCracken, Claude 2
- Morrow, Bob. 2
- Mother and child--Montana 2
- Njoa, Gunnar 2
- Oats--Montana 2
- Outhouses--Montana--Dawson County. 2
- Parks--Montana--Great Falls. 2
- Parsonages--Montana--Dawson County. 2
- Photographers--Montana 2
- Plows--Montana 2
- Price, J.H. 2
- Railroad cars--Montana 2
- Railroad tracks--Montana 2
- Ranch life--Montana 2
- Religious gatherings--Montana 2
- Renn family. 2
- Renn, Thomasena. 2
- Russian Germans--Montana 2
- School children--Montana 2
- Schools--Montana 2
- Sheep dogs--Montana 2
- Signs and signboards--Montana 2
- Square Butte Ranch--Montana--Chouteau County 2
- Stores, Retail--Montana--Fallon. 2
- Sullivan, Irma. 2
- Sullivan, William P. 2
- Swainson's hawk--Montana 2
- Swine--Montana 2
- Taxidermy--Montana 2
- Teachers--Montana 2
- Teachers--Montana--Dawson County. 2
- Timber--Montana 2
- Trumpeter swan--Montana 2
- Turkeys--Montana 2
- Undem, Nels. 2
- Val (Horse) 2
- Weisner, Ed. 2
- Wheelbarrows--Montana 2
- Williams family 2
- Williams, Margaret 2
- Windmills--Montana 2
- Wolves as pets. 2
- Wolves as pets|Wolves--Montana 2
- Wood-cutting tools--Montana 2
- Advertising--Montana 1
- Agricultural machinery--Montana 1
- American bison--Montana 1
- Anderson family 1
- Animal auctions--Montana 1
- Animal remains (Archaeology) 1
- Animals--Habitations 1
- Animals--Habitations. 1
- Appaloosa horse--Montana 1
- Archdale, Mervyn Montgomery (Monty) 1
- Australian shepherd dog--Montana 1
- Baby carriages--Montana 1
- Baby rattles--Montana 1
- Banjo--Montana 1
- Barker, Cap 1
- Barrels--Montana 1
- Barret, Morris 1
- Barrett, Marsh 1
- Bars (Drinking establishments)--Montana--Fallon. 1
- Bars (Drinking establishments)--Montana--Terry. 1
- Bartley, Margaret. 1
- Baseball--Montana 1
- Bathing suits--Montana 1
- Bedrooms--Montana 1
- Beds--Montana 1
- Bells--Montana 1
- Benches--Montana 1
- Big Sag Sheep Company 1
- Big Sag Sheep Company. 1
- Blacksmithing--Montana 1
- Blacksmiths--Montana 1
- Blue Funk (Horse) 1
- Boden, Julia. 1
- Bones--Montana 1
- Bookcases--Montana 1
- Books and reading--Montana 1
- Bottle feeding--Montana 1
- Bow ties--Montana 1
- Bows (Ribbon work)--Montana 1
- Boxing matches--Montana 1
- Boxing matches--Montana|Sheep shearers (Persons)--Recreation 1
- Boys 1
- Braley, Clare 1
- Braley, Gusta Magnusen 1
- Braley, Ida 1
- Breakfasts. 1
- Bridges--Montana 1
- Bridges--Montana--Fallon. 1
- Brindjonc, Mrs. 1
- Brost family 1
- Brost family. 1
- Brost, Annetta. 1
- Brost, Athena. 1
- Brost, Donelda. 1
- Brost, Ed. 1
- Brost, Edward. 1
- Brost, Emil 1
- Brost, Harry 1
- Brost, Lydia. 1
- Brost, Roosevelt. 1
- Brown, Dick 1
- Brubaker family. 1
- Building materials--Montana 1
- Building, Wooden--Montana 1
- Buildings--Additions--Montana 1
- Burial--Montana 1
- Burt, Lucille 1
- Burt, Paul 1
- Buttelman, Nick 1
- C. Hanson General Merchandise (Fallon, Mont.) 1
- C.Hanson General Merchandise--Montana 1
- Cabins 1900-1910--Montana 1
- Calves--Montana 1
- Cameras. 1
- Cameron Ranch (Last)--Montana 1
- Campbell-Colquhuan, Ian 1
- Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919--Homes and haunts--Scotland. 1
- Carts and wagons--Montana 1
- Cato, O. C. 1
- Cato, O.C. 1
- Cattle brands--Montana 1
- Cattle herding--Montana 1904. 1
- Cattle herding--Montana--camps 1
- Charles McKay Ranch--Montana 1
- Cherry Creek (Mont.) 1
- Chickens--Montana 1
- Children 1
- Church buildings--Montana--Terry 1
- City and town life--Montana 1
- Clement, Charles 1
- Clendinen, Newt. 1
- Clergy--Montana 1
- Clothing & dress--1900-1910 1
- Coal--Montana 1
- Coffeepots--Montana 1
- Coffins--Montana 1
- Coil, Will 1
- Confirmation. 1
- Conlin (Mont.) 1
- Cooking (Bread) 1
- Cooks--Montana 1
- Corn shocks 1910-1920 1
- Corn--Drying--Montana 1
- Costume--Mexico. 1
- Costumes 1900-1910--Montana 1
- Costumes--Mexican 1890-1950 1
- Cowboys--Montana 1904. 1
- Cowgirls--Montana 1905. 1
- Cows--Montana 1
- Culquhuan, Ian. 1
- Cushions. 1
- Dead. 1
- Deer hunting--Montana 1
- Dining rooms--Montana 1
- Dowson Major 1
- Dragseth, Andy. 1
- Dragseth, Elizabeth. 1
- Dragseth, Hannah. 1
- Dragseth, Lena. 1
- Dragseth, Petrena. 1
- Dragseth, Stien. 1
- Dwellings--Montana--Fallon. 1
- EVE ranch (Cameron ranch)--Montana 1
- Eggs--Montana 1
- Fallon Creek--Montana 1
- Fallon Flat--Montana 1
- Farm equipment--Montana 1
- Farm life - Montana 1
- Farm produce--Montana 1
- Farmers--Montana 1
- Farms--Montana 1
- Felton, W.R. 1
- Fiddleback Ranch--Montana--Locate Creek. 1
- Financial institutions--Montana--Terry. 1
- Flax--Harvesting--Montana 1
- Fluss, Dean 1
- Fluss, Dean. 1
- Fluss, Florence 1
- Fluss, Florence (Mrs. Will) 1
- Fluss, Melissa 1
- Fluss, Melissa. 1
- Folger N.C. 1
- Folger, N. C. 1
- Fords (Stream crossings)--Montana 1
- Fourth of July 1
- Frost--Montana 1
- Fudge, Bob. 1
- Gates--Montana 1
- Gaub, Carl 1
- Gebhardt, Rose Gaub 1
- Gehnert, Adam 1
- General stores--Montana--Dawson County. 1
- General stores--Montana--Fallon. 1
- Gillian, Frank 1
- Gipson, Eunice 1
- Goats--Montana 1
- Gourds--Montana 1
- Graflex camera 1
- Grain elevators--Montana 1
- Greek Americans--Montana 1
- Hackney horse--Montana 1
- Hagen, Hattie 1
- Hagen, Oral 1
- Hagen, Orel 1
- Handcars--Montana 1
- Handicraft--Montana 1
- Harris, W.E.--Sheep ranches 1
- Harvesting machinery--Montana 1
- Hawks--Nests--Montana|Ferruginous hawk--Montana 1
- Hawks--Nests--Montana|Ferruginous hawk--Montana|Birds--Eggs--Montana 1
- Hogmire, Ned. 1
- Hogmire, Robert 1
- Holsters--Montana 1
- Horse herding 1900-1910--Montana 1
- Horse teams 1900-1910.--Montana 1
- Horseback riding--Montana 1904. 1
- Horses--Grooming--Montana 1
- Horseshoeing--Montana 1
- Hotels--Montana--Dawson County 1
- Housing, Single family--Montana 1
- Howden, Dick. 1
- Hunting lodges--Montana 1
- Hunting rifles--Montana 1
- Ice on rivers, lakes, etc.--Montana 1
- Infants--Mortality--Montana 1
- Irvine, Lance. 1
- J.B. Kempton Ranch--Montana 1
- Jackrabbits--Montana 1
- Johnson, J.D. 1
- Johnson, J.D., Mrs 1
- Johnson, Mrs. J.D. 1
- Johnson, Warren. 1
- Joubert, (S. E.), Mrs. 1
- Jouberts, C.E. 1
- Kangaroo rats--Montana 1
- Kempton family. 1
- Kempton, Asa. 1
- Kempton, Bernie 1
- Kempton, Clifford 1
- Kempton, Esther. 1
- Kempton, Jim. 1
- Kempton, Joe 1
- Kempton, Lilly 1
- Kempton, Maria. 1
- Kempton, Sarah. 1
- Kempton, Sophia. 1
- Kerosene lamps--Montana 1
- Kingsbury Lake--Montana--Chouteau County 1
- Kinsey, Clara 1
- Knitting--Montana 1
- Knowlton (Mont.) 1
- Knowlton, Doc. 1
- Koesel family. 1
- Kramer, Mrs. Henry 1
- Lace and lace making--Montana 1
- Leatherwork--Montana 1
- Letters. 1
- Lone Tree Ranch. 1
- Lumber 1
- Lund, Mrs. Hartwig. 1
- Lutheran church buildings--Montana--Dawson County 1
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