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- Image113
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- Voget, Fred W. 112
- Subject...
- Indians of North America 83
- Crow Agency (Mont.) 54
- Sun dance 43
- Crow indians 34
- Crow Fair 28
- Crow Indians 22
- Tipis 14
- Indian dance lodges 12
- Indian men 10
- Group portraits 9
- Crow Indian Reservation (Mont.) 8
- Indian children 7
- Lodge Grass (Mont.) 7
- Truhujo, John, about 1884-1985 7
- Indian decoration and ornament 6
- Landscape photographs 6
- natural landscapes 6
- Indian dancers 5
- Indian women 5
- Indigenous peoples 5
- Parades 5
- Portrait photographs 5
- Shoshoni Indians 5
- Automobiles 4
- Crow Tribe of Montana 4
- Horses 4
- Men 4
- Native Americans 4
- Pryor Mountains (Mont. and Wyo.) 4
- Shoshoni Indians 4
- Absarokee (Tribe) 3
- Indian blankets 3
- Mountains 3
- Outcrops (Geology) 3
- Tobacco 3
- Clotheslines 2
- Cottonwood 2
- Foothills 2
- Grasslands 2
- Indian dancers -- Clothing 2
- Indian war lodges 2
- Indians of North America -- Warfare 2
- Landscape photography 2
- Lodges 2
- Piegan Indians 2
- Plains 2
- Pryor (Mont.) 2
- Rites and ceremonies 2
- Shoshoni dance 2
- Sunrise Ceremony 2
- Tobacco Society 2
- Trees 2
- Wood poles 2
- color photographs 2
- staged photographs 2
- Alden, Ruth Backbone, 1920-2014 1
- Archaeological sites 1
- Bighorn Mountains (Wyo. and Mont.) 1
- Blackfeet Indians -- Warfare 1
- Cairns 1
- Camp crier 1
- Cars 1
- Cattle 1
- Cattle -- Marking 1
- Child in the Mouth, Al 1
- Children 1
- Conifers 1
- Covers-up, Jack 1
- Crow Indians -- Clothing 1
- Dead trees 1
- Dirt roads 1
- Drum 1
- Drummers (Musicians) 1
- Fire pits 1
- Ford vans 1
- Hand games 1
- Holds the Enemy 1
- Honor dance 1
- Indian beadwork 1
- Indian featherwork 1
- Indians of North America -- Dwellings 1
- Indians of North America -- Games 1
- Indians of North America -- Social life and customs 1
- Lakes 1
- Landscapes 1
- Laundry 1
- Left Hand, Pete 1
- Logs 1
- Mikalson, Elaine 1
- Montana 1
- Picnics 1
- Portraits, Group 1
- Rocks 1
- Singers 1
- Stoves, Wood 1
- Sweatbaths 1
- Teepee Pole Springs 1
- Tents 1
- Tipi Pole Springs 1
- Tipi poles 1
- Trucks 1
- Wheels 1
- White Man Runs Him, Arlis, 1916-1970 1
- Women 1
- Women shamans 1
- Wyoming 1
- capotes (outerwear) 1
- oblique views 1
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- Geographic Coverage...
- Crow Agency (Big Horn county, Montana) 67
- Montana 20
- Crow Indian Reservation (Big Horn county, Montana) 18
- Pryor (Big Horn county, Montana) 10
- Lodge Grass (Bighorn county, Montana) 6
- Castle Rocks (Big Horn county, Montana) 3
- Bighorn Mountains 2
- Fort Washakie (Fremont county, Wyoming) 2
- De Smet, Lake (Johnson county, Wyoming) 1
- Western United States (United States) 1
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