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- Image31
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- Philipsburg (Mont.) 20
- Cityscapes 10
- Philipsburg (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 10
- Cities and towns 7
- oblique views 5
- Display cases 4
- Men 4
- People associated with commercial & service activities 4
- Group portraits 3
- Parades 3
- Stores, Retail 3
- Downtowns 2
- Drugstores 2
- Storefronts 2
- Appel, Joe, 1863-1938 1
- Automobiles 1
- Band musicians 1
- Bands (Music) 1
- Barbers 1
- Barbershops 1
- Billiard parlors 1
- Boardinghouses 1
- Boys 1
- Buckskin 1
- Building 1
- Cigar industry 1
- Cigar makers 1
- Cigars 1
- Congdon, George, 1859-1930 1
- Diners (Restaurants) 1
- Dissett, Henry M., 1885-1958 1
- Doe, M. E. 1
- Durfee, Marion C. 1
- Freemasons -- Buildings 1
- Gannon, Michael E. H., 1857-1937 1
- General stores 1
- Harness making and trade 1
- Horse-drawn vehicles 1
- Hotel restaurants 1
- Hotels 1
- Huffman, Carrol 1
- Lindstadt, August, 1885-1958 1
- McDonald, Allan, 1843-1921 1
- McDonald, D. M. 1
- Mercantile facilities 1
- Mines and mineral resources 1
- Mural painting and decoration 1
- Neu, Gay 1
- Patten Mill (Granite County, Mont.) 1
- Pedestrians 1
- Power, W. I. 1
- Printing plants -- Employees 1
- Printing presses 1
- Saddlery 1
- Shoemakers 1
- Sidewalks 1
- Silver -- Milling 1
- Spectators 1
- Stamp mills 1
- Stoves, Wood 1
- Tinsmiths 1
- Wooden-frame buildings 1
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