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- Image298
- Digital Collection...
- Archival Photographs from the University of Montana 135
- Haynes Foundation Photograph Collection 43
- United States Forest Service, Region One Photographs 42
- Evelyn J. Cameron Photograph Collection 18
- Bud Moore Photographs and Sound Recordings 11
- Photographs from the Montana Historical Society 11
- Glacier National Park Historical Photographs 6
- L. A. Huffman Photograph Collection 5
- Yellowstone National Park Souvenir Postcards by Haynes Photo Shops 5
- 1995 Cattle Drive from Texas to Miles City, MT 4
- Polson Area Historical Photographs - The Paul Fugleberg Collection 4
- Rocky Mountain Laboratories Historical Collection 4
- Bud Lake and Randy Brewer Crow Indian Photograph Collection 2
- Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site Photographs 2
- Anaconda Historic Photos 1
- Billings - Historic Photo Collection 1
- Early Photographs of Lincoln County, 1890-1940 1
- Musselshell Valley Historical Photographs 1
- Sax and Fryer Collection 1
- Yellowstone National Park Photographs 1
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- United States. Forest Service 43
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-1921 41
- Swan, Kenneth D. (Kenneth Dupee), 1887-1970 20
- Cameron, Evelyn, 1868-1928 18
- Elrod, Morton J. (Morton John), 1863-1953 13
- Moore, Bud, 1917-2010 11
- McKay, R. H. (Rollin H.) 7
- Steuerwald, Winston E. 7
- Hames, H. Lee 4
- Hartley, Lara 4
- Huffman, L. A. (Laton Alton), 1854-1931 4
- McDonald, C. H. (Charles Haskin), 1900-1981 4
- Steuerwald, W.E. (Winston E.) 4
- Unidentified photographer 4
- Haynes Picture Shops, Inc. 3
- Kramis, Nicholas J., 1910-1988 3
- Roskie, George Frederick, 1912-1998 3
- Barthelmess, Christian, 1854-1906 2
- Flint, H. R. (Howard R.) 2
- Forsyth, N. A. (Norman A.), 1869-1949 2
- Hammersley, Harold F. (Harold Frederick), 1882-1966 2
- Haynes Inc. 2
- Healy, Stan, 1918-1996 2
- Hileman, T. J. (Tomar Jacob), 1882-1945 2
- Hileman, T.J. (Tomar Jacob), 1882-1945 2
- Jorud, L. H. (Leslie H.), 1899-1977 2
- Marble, R. E. (Ray Elmer "Ted"), 1883-1938 2
- Smithers, C. Owen, 1893-1973 2
- Steuerwald, W. E. (Winston E.) 2
- Tellier, Albert, 1892-1973 2
- Thrasher, A. F. 2
- unknown 2
- Adams, A. C. (Adrian Carl), 1883-1963 1
- Baumgartner Studio (Billings, Mont.) 1
- Beatty, Matthew E. 1
- Curtis, Chester W. 1
- Dunn, John E., 1871-1935 1
- Fair, Paul J. 1
- Fugleberg, Paul 1
- Glacier Studio 1
- Goff, O. S. (Orlando Scott), 1843-1917 1
- Haynes, F. Jay (Frank Jay), 1853-2195 1
- Herrig, Inez Ratekin 1
- Judson, Everett (1881-1956). 1
- Kramis, Nicholas (Nick) J., 1910-1988 1
- Longpre, Daniel F. 1
- Mrs. Perry Oakley 1
- Roahen, Kenneth F., 1888-1976 1
- Sibbold 1
- Thiri, Al 1
- Unidentified photographer. 1
- Unknown 1
- Wetzsteon, Gary P. 1
- Woodworth, Chauncey Erasmus, 1856-1941 1
- Yellow Wolf, Ella Mad Plume, 1909-1988 1
Show More - Subject...
- Pack animals (Transportation) 81
- Horses 62
- Mules 49
- Portrait photographs 28
- Group portraits 27
- Draft animals 25
- Dead animals 21
- Glacier National Park (Mont.) 20
- Men 20
- staged photographs 19
- Hunters 17
- Animals 16
- Arthur, Chester Alan, 1829-1886--Government travel 16
- Cowboys 16
- Horseback riding 16
- eye-level views 16
- Ninemile Historic Remount Depot (Mont.) 14
- Rodeo animals 14
- Horse-drawn vehicles 13
- Working animals 13
- Rodeos 12
- United States. Forest Service -- Employees 12
- Elk 11
- Bronc riding 10
- Carts & wagons 10
- Dirt roads 10
- Log transportation 10
- Pack animals 10
- Rifles 10
- Trees 10
- natural landscapes 10
- Lochsa Powell Ranger District 9
- Logs 9
- Ninemile Ranger District (Mont.) 9
- Photography of animals 9
- Wagons 9
- American bison 8
- Coyote--Montana 8
- Logging 8
- Lolo National Forest (Mont.) 8
- Lord family 8
- Snow 8
- Agriculture 7
- Firefighting equipment 7
- Horse teams 7
- Hunting trophies 7
- Moose 7
- Pastures 7
- Trucks 7
- Wildlife photography 7
- Wooden fences 7
- color photographs 7
- Bud Biography 6
- Horsemen and horsewomen 6
- Landscape photographs 6
- Log buildings 6
- Loggers 6
- Montana 6
- National Bison Range (Mont.) 6
- Packhorse camping 6
- Rivers 6
- Wild animals as pets--Montana 6
- Wildlife 6
- Wildlife refuges 6
- Yellowstone National Park 6
- Bears 5
- Bitterroot River Valley (Mont.) 5
- Black bear 5
- Cattle drives 5
- Corrals 5
- Game Range 5
- Haynes Picture Shops 5
- Hides and skins 5
- Lord, Ed 5
- Lord, Herbert Watson, 1870-1963 5
- Mountains 5
- Plants -- Effect of grazing on 5
- Postcard industry 5
- Ravalli County (Mont.) 5
- Snow, Ice 5
- Spectators 5
- Tourism industry 5
- Trails 5
- Albinos and albinism 4
- Animals -- Transportation 4
- Antelopes--Montana 4
- Big Medicine (Bison), 1933-1959 4
- Big Prairie Ranger Station (Mont.) 4
- Bitterroot Range (Idaho and Mont.) 4
- Bob Marshall Wilderness (Mont.) 4
- Camps--Wyoming--Fremont County 4
- Captive wild animals--Montana 4
- Cattle trail drives 4
- Cowhands 4
- Cowpunchers 4
- Deer 4
- Elk hunting 4
- Fire departments 4
- Flathead Indian Reservation (Mont.) 4
- Forest fires 4
- Government Administration Site 4
- Houghton, Henry Oscar, 1823-1895 4
- Houghton, Henry Oscar, 1823-1895--Hunting 4
- Log cabins 4
- Lumber industry 4
- Marble, Jerome, 1824-1906 4
- Marble, Jerome, 1824-1906--hunting 4
- Mountain goat 4
- Mules -- Transportation 4
- Ninemile Ranger District (Mont.) – Buildings, structures, etc. 4
- Ninemile Remount Depot (Mont.) 4
- Pack transportation 4
- Park rangers 4
- Polson (Mont.) 4
- Puma 4
- Rangelands 4
- Timber -- Management 4
- United States. Forest Service. Northern Region 4
- Van, Nettie 4
- Whitey, 1933-1959 4
- Winter 4
- Wranglers (Cowboys) 4
- Animals--Habitations--Montana 3
- Automobiles 3
- Bridles 3
- Butte (Mont.) 3
- Camping 3
- Cars 3
- Cattle 3
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 3
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) -- Officials and employees 3
- Coyote 3
- False fronts 3
- Farm equipment 3
- Farm tractors 3
- Flathead County (Mont.) 3
- Granite Park Chalet (Glacier National Park, Mont.) 3
- Greenough, Leo 3
- Hay 3
- Historic Value 3
- Horsemanship 3
- Houghton, Nanna Manning 3
- Lord, Gilbert, 1900-1986 3
- Lord, Raymond 3
- Marble, Susan E. 3
- National parks and reserves 3
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Railroad cars 3
- Oxen 3
- Packtrains 3
- People associated with manual labor 3
- Pickup trucks 3
- Powell Ranger Station (Mont.) 3
- Saddles 3
- Siksika Indians--Montana 3
- Tents 3
- Trapping 3
- Walters, Ray 3
- Agricultural machinery & implements 2
- Airplanes 2
- Animal carcasses 2
- Animal feeding--Montana 2
- Animals -- Infancy 2
- Animals in logging 2
- Animals--Habitations 2
- Big game hunting 2
- Bison 2
- Bright, Martin 2
- Browse 2
- Cameras 2
- Cargo 2
- Chalets 2
- Cheyenne Indians--Montana 2
- Chickens 2
- Children--Montana 2
- Circus animals 2
- Conner, Lewis 2
- Covered wagons 2
- Cowboys--Montana. 2
- Dead trees 2
- Deer Lodge (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 2
- Dogs 2
- Donkeys 2
- Driving of horse-drawn vehicles 2
- Elephants 2
- Fences 2
- Fickes, Clyde P., 1884-1987 2
- Ford Three-engined Monoplane (Transport plane) 2
- Forest fire fighters 2
- Forests and forestry 2
- Freight and freightage 2
- Fur 2
- Geological Survey (U.S.) 2
- Geology--Wyoming 2
- Girls 2
- Glacial landforms 2
- Group portrait 2
- Hague, A. (Arnold), 1840-1917 2
- Historic hotels 2
- Hitching posts 2
- Horsemen 2
- Horses -- Transportation 2
- Horses--Montana. 2
- Hotel lobbies 2
- Indian children 2
- Lakes 2
- Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail 2
- Limber pine 2
- Logging--Montana 2
- Lord, Finetta McLaughlin, 1878-1954 2
- Lord, George 2
- Lumber trade -- Employees 2
- Meadows 2
- Missoula (Mont.) 2
- Missoula (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 2
- Missoula Stampede (Missoula, Mont.) 2
- Moose hunting 2
- Mountains--Wyoming 2
- Mule deer 2
- Nez Perce Indians 2
- Pack String 2
- Pack animals (Transportation)--Saddles 2
- Park lodging facilities 2
- People associated with arts, entertainment & sports 2
- People associated with commercial & service activities 2
- Pine 2
- Ponds 2
- Porcupines 2
- Predatory animals--Control 2
- Public Administration 2
- Ranch life 2
- Ranger stations 2
- Riparian 2
- Roads, Trails and Communications 2
- Rodeo animals--Montana. 2
- Rodeo announcers 2
- Rodeos--Montana. 2
- Salish Indians 2
- Signs and signboards 2
- Signs and signboards--United States--History. 2
- Snowshoes and snowshoeing 2
- Stream crossing, Military 2
- Stuffed animals (Toys) 2
- Tellier family 2
- Tellier, Violet, 1916-1993 2
- Truck trailers 2
- Van, Gilbert. 2
- Van, William. 2
- Water holes 2
- Wild animals as pets 2
- Wildlife viewing 2
- Wind River (Wyo. 2
- Wind River Range (Wyo.) 2
- Wire fencing 2
- Allen Company (Mont.) 1
- American bison farming 1
- Anaconda (Mont.) 1
- Anaconda Copper Mining Company 1
- Animal cages 1
- Animal carcasses--Montana. 1
- Animals, Fossil 1
- Animals--Habitations. 1
- Antelopes 1
- Antlers 1
- Arthur, Chester Alan, President--Expedition (1883)--Landscape views 1
- Bangs, Eugie 1
- Barbour, Fred 1
- Bark 1
- Barns 1
- Baseball 1
- Bear hunting 1
- Beer 1
- Benchmark Guard Station (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Bert Wendover 1
- Bighorn sheep 1
- Bill Moore 1
- Billiard parlors 1
- Bitter Root Development Company 1
- Blackfoot River Valley (Mont.) 1
- Blacksmithing 1
- Boilers 1
- Boulder (Mont.) 1
- Boundaries 1
- Bridges 1
- Browsing (Animal behavior) 1
- Brushy Fork 1
- Bud Moore 1
- Buffalo meat 1
- Buildings 1
- Bull riding 1
- Bulls 1
- Bunkum Bait 1
- Cafes 1
- Cameron, Evelyn, 1868-1928. 1
- Cameron, Ewen S. (Ewen Somerled), 1854-1914 1
- Campgrounds 1
- Canneries -- Equipment and supplies 1
- Cards 1
- Carts and wagons 1
- Cattle--Carcasses 1
- Cheyenne Indians--Domestic animals 1
- Cheyenne Indians--Domestic animals. 1
- Cheyenne Indians--Montana--Social life and customs 1
- Cheyenne Indians--Montana--Social life and customs. 1
- Cheyenne Indians--Montana. 1
- Children 1
- Children's clothing 1
- Children's furniture 1
- Cigarettes 1
- Circle (Mont.) 1
- Circus 1
- Circus animals--United States 1
- Cities and towns 1
- Cityscapes 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.). -- Camp Nine Mile (Mont.) 1
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.). -- Camp Nine Mile (Mont.) 1
- Classrooms 1
- Cliff, Edward P. (Edward Parley), 1909-1987 1
- Cliffs 1
- Colorado Smelting & Mining Co. 1
- Company stores 1
- Cowboys--Montana--horsemanship 1
- Coyle, John 1
- Croplands 1
- Crow Indians--Montana 1
- Daigle, Joe 1
- David Ellen 1
- Dick Creek 1
- Display cases 1
- Ditches 1
- Dogs--Montana 1
- Domestic animals 1
- Dwellings 1
- Dynamite 1
- Eagles 1
- Edelman, Bill 1
- Electric lines 1
- Elementary school teachers--Montana--Helena 1
- Elk watching 1
- Extinct reptiles 1
- Family 1
- Farmers 1
- Farming 1
- Ferguson, Mary Elrod, 1898-1975 1
- Fieldwork|Rabies|Laboratory animals|Staff|Bat--Banding|Rocky Mountain Laboratory (Ravalli County, Mont.) 1
- Fish 1
- Flathead River, Middle Fork (Mont.) 1
- Floods--Dakota Territory--Fargo 1
- Forest 1
- Forest Service Barn 1
- Forest Service Buildings 1
- Forest fires -- Environmental aspects 1
- Forest fires -- Equipment and supplies 1
- Forest rangers 1
- Fox Theater (Missoula, Mont.) 1
- Frank Smith 1
- Frontier and pioneer life 1
- Fur trade--Montana--Helena 1
- Furniture 1
- Gardiner (Mont.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. 1
- Golden eagle 1
- Goss family 1
- Grain 1
- Grain transportation 1
- Grandin Farm No.1 (Mayville, N.D.) 1
- Greenough (Mont.) 1
- Greyhounds 1
- Gunsight Pass (Mont.) 1
- Haystacks 1
- Hides and skins--Montana--Helena 1
- Hiking--Montana 1
- Homesteading 1
- Hori Cafe (Whitefish, Mont.) 1
- Horses--Montana 1
- Hotels--Yellowstone National Park 1
- Houses 1
- Houses--1900-1910 1
- Hunting 1
- Hunting dogs 1
- Hunting trophies--Dakota Territory--Kidder County 1
- Hunting trophies--Yellowstone National Park 1
- Hunting--Dakota Territory--Traill County 1
- Hunting--Montana. 1
- Idaho -- Boundaries 1
- Idaho National Forest (Idaho) 1
- Indian dance--Montana--Crow Indian Reservation 1
- Indian reservations--Montana 1
- Indians of North America 1
- Indians--Rites and ceremonies 1
- Irrigation 1
- Jane Buckhouse Moore 1
- Johnson, Bob 1
- Johnson, Jerry 1
- Johnstone, Ed 1
- Kirkendall and Brown (Butte, Mont.) 1
- Laboratory animals -- Housing|Buildings|Rocky Mountain Laboratory (Ravalli County, Mont.) 1
- Laboratory animals--Breeding|Rocky Mountain Laboratory (Ravalli County, Mont.) 1
- Lake County (Mont.) 1
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Mont.) 1
- Liebig, Frank, 1872-1950 1
- Log buildings--Montana 1
- Logging -- Equipment and supplies 1
- Lolo Creek 1
- Lolo National Forest 1
- Lolo Pass (Mont. and Idaho) 1
- Longpre, William G. 1
- Lord, Jim 1
- Lumber 1
- Lumber camps 1
- Lynx 1
- Manganese mines and mining 1
- Marten 1
- McWhirk, Charles E., 1861-1942 1
- Men--Clothing & dress--1910-1920 1
- Mercantile facilities 1
- Michel Pablo 1
- Miles City (Mont.) 1
- Milking 1
- Mine timbering 1
- Mineral industries -- Equipment and supplies 1
- Miners 1
- Mines and mineral resources 1
- Mining camps 1
- Mission Mountains Wilderness (Mont.) 1
- Missoula Mercantile Company 1
- Montana -- Boundaries 1
- Montana--Libby 1
- Moore, William (Bud) R., 1917-2010 1
- Mountain sheep hunting--Montana. 1
- Mountain sheep--Montana. 1
- Mountaineering--Montana 1
- Mountains--Dakota Territory--Morton County 1
- Muleteers 1
- Muskrat 1
- Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests (Agency 1
- Northern Pacific Railroad Company--Exhibition cars 1
- Notch Set 1
- O'Connor family 1
- Outdoor recreation--Montana 1
- Pack Outfit 1
- Pack animals (Transportation)--Montana 1
- Pack animals (Transportation)--Montana. 1
- Paleontology -- Cretaceous 1
- Park County (Mont.)--History 1
- Payette National Forest (Idaho) 1
- Persons 1
- Piegan Indians--Montana 1
- Plowing 1
- Plows 1
- Ponderosa pine 1
- Ponies--Montana 1
- Ponies--Montana. 1
- Portrait photograph 1
- Portraits 1
- Powell Ranger Station 1
- Prairie dogs 1
- Public schools--Montana--Helena 1
- Public service employment 1
- Puma hunting 1
- Puppies 1
- Rabies|Laboratory animals|Bat banding|Fieldwork|Rocky Mountain Laboratory (Ravalli County, Mont.) 1
- Railroad cars 1
- Railroad passenger cars 1
- Railroad tracks 1
- Ranches--Montana 1
- Rangelands--Montana 1
- Rattlesnake Valley (Missoula County, Mont.) 1
- Red River of the North--Floods 1
- Reo Speed Wagon (Truck) 1
- Reo trucks 1
- Restaurants 1
- Restaurants -- Employees 1
- Rifles--Montana 1
- Rocking chairs 1
- Rocky Mountains 1
- Rope 1
- Rural Activities 1
- Saddlery--Montana 1
- Saddlery--Montana. 1
- Salmon 1
- Sawmills 1
- Sea turtles, Fossil 1
- Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness (Idaho and Mont.) 1
- Sheldon, Pauline 1
- Shotguns 1
- Shovels 1
- Shrubs 1
- Slaughtering and slaughter-houses--Montana 1
- Small cities 1
- Smelters 1
- Smelting 1
- Snags (Forestry) 1
- Snowmobile Prototype 1
- Soda fountains 1
- Spring 1
- Stacks (Hay, grain, etc.) 1
- Stores, Retail 1
- Streams 1
- Students--Montana--Helena 1
- Stuffed animals (Toys)--Montana 1
- Summer 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- University of Montana Mansfield Library 188
- Montana Historical Society Library and Archives 79
- Glacier National Park Archives 6
- Museum of the Rockies 5
- Miles City Star 4
- North Lake County Public Library 4
- Range Riders Museum, Inc. 4
- Rocky Mountain Laboratories Library 4
- Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site 2
- Anaconda-Deer Lodge County 1
- Billings Public Library 1
- Lincoln County Library 1
- Roundup Community Library 1
- Yellowstone Gateway Museum 1
- Yellowstone National Park Heritage and Research Center 1
Show More - Geographic Coverage...
- Montana 43
- Glacier National Park (Montana) 21
- Lolo National Forest 14
- Miles City (Custer county, Montana) 12
- Missoula (Missoula county, Montana) 12
- Idaho 10
- Lolo National Forest (Mont.) 9
- Bitterroot Valley (Montana) 8
- Montana, Eastern 8
- Ninemile (Missoula county, Montana) 8
- Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming 7
- Yellowstone National Park 7
- Fargo, North Dakota 6
- Lewis and Clark National Forest (Mont.) 6
- Missoula (county) 6
- National Bison Range (Missoula county, Montana) 6
- Teton Range (Wyoming and Idaho) 6
- Wind River Reservation, Wyoming 6
- Bitterroot National Forest (Mont. and Idaho) 5
- Big Horn County, Montana 4
- Broadus, Montana 4
- Custer County, Montana 4
- Decker, Montana 4
- Flathead National Forest, Montana 4
- Hamilton, Montana 4
- Miles City, Montana 4
- Powder River County, Montana 4
- Saint Paul, Minnesota 4
- Western Montana 4
- Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Montana 3
- Deer Lodge (Powell county, Montana) 3
- Havre (Hill county, Montana) 3
- Ravalli (county) 3
- Buffalo, North Dakota 2
- Butte (Silver Bow county, Montana) 2
- Cinnabar, Montana 2
- Deer Lodge, Montana 2
- Fort Keogh, Montana 2
- French Gulch (Deerlodge county, Montana) 2
- Gros Ventre River, Wyoming 2
- Helena, Montana 2
- Hoodoo Lake (Mineral county, Montana) 2
- Lake (county) 2
- Mineral (county) 2
- Quigley (Granite county, Montana) 2
- Seeley Lake (Missoula county, Montana) 2
- Teton County, Wyoming 2
- Wendover Ridge (Idaho county, Idaho) 2
- Anaconda, Montana 1
- Badlands 1
- Beartooth Mountains, Montana and Wyoming 1
- Bertie Lord Creek (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- Big Prairie (Powell county, Montana) 1
- Bitterroot Range 1
- Blackfoot River (Montana) 1
- Boulder (Jefferson county, Montana) 1
- Cascade (county) 1
- Circle (McCone county, Montana) 1
- Colt Killed Creek (Idaho county, Idaho) 1
- Crow Indian Reservation, Montana 1
- Fairview Creek (Lewis and Clark county, Montana) 1
- Flathead (county) 1
- Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana 1
- Florence (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- Gardiner (Park county, Montana) 1
- Golden Valley County, Montana; 1
- Grant County, North Dakota 1
- Greenough (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Hinsdale (Valley county, Montana) 1
- Jackson Hole, Wyoming 1
- Kalispell (Flathead county, Montana) 1
- Kidder County, North Dakota 1
- Libby, Montana 1
- Lolo Hot Springs (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Mission Range (Lake county, Montana) 1
- Musselshell County, Montana 1
- New Haven (New Haven county, Connecticut) 1
- Ninemile (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, Montana 1
- Philipsburg (Granite county, Montana) 1
- Potomac (Missoula county, Montana) 1
- Powell County, Montana 1
- Powell County, Montana 1
- Ravalli, Montana 1
- Roundup, Montana 1
- Springdale, Montana 1
- Stevensville (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- Sun River (Montana) 1
- Tin Cup Creek (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- Traill County, North Dakota 1
- Warm Springs Creek (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- West Fork Bitterroot River (Ravalli county, Montana) 1
- White Cap Creek (Idaho county, Idaho) 1
- Whitefish (Flathead county, Montana) 1
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