Filter by
- Artwork538
- Digital Collection...
- Creator...
- James, Will 1892-1942 183
- Russell, Charles Marion (1864-1926); 100
- Williams, Patrick 23
- McAuslan, Helen 9
- Russell, Charles Marion (1864-1926); Russell, Nancy Cooper (1878-1940) 8
- Russell, Charles Marion (1864-1926); De Yong, Joseph F. (1894-1975) 7
- Sharp, Joseph Henry (1859-1953); 6
- Russell, Charles Marion (1864-1926) 3
- Russell, Charles Marion (1864-1926); Russell, Nancy Cooper (1878-1940); De Yong, Joseph F. (1894-1975) 3
- Williams, Patrick; 3
- Clingingsmith, Aaron 2
- Carolyn Thayer 1
- Cynroc, Inc. Business Development 1
- Kern, Dennis and Warren, Peter 1
- Russell, Charles Marion (1864-1926); Russell, Nancy Cooper (1878-1940) 1
- Russell, Charles Marion (1864-1926); De Yong, Joseph F. (1894-1975); Russell, Nancy Cooper (1878-1940) 1
- Russell, Charles Marion (1864-1926); De Yong, Mary 1
- Stan Lynde 1
- Thomas, Megan 1
Show More - Subject...
- MSU Billings 211
- MSUB 211
- Eastern Montana Normal School 210
- Universities and Colleges - Montana - Billings 210
- Eastern Montana State Normal School 179
- Horses in art 138
- Cowboys in art 117
- Cowboys - Costumes - West (U.S.) 102
- Western saddles 87
- Horses 73
- Western riding 72
- Special events - Posters 69
- Indians of North America 58
- Theatrical posters 58
- Horseback riding 50
- Cattle in art 43
- Rope in art 40
- Cowboys 39
- Eastern Montana College 32
- Eastern Montana College of Education 32
- Trees in art 28
- Firearms in art 25
- Sports poster 24
- Indians of North America - Posters 23
- Rifles 22
- Lasso 21
- Basketball 20
- Bridles 20
- Bronc riding 19
- Hackamores 19
- Sagebrush 19
- Art - Posters 18
- Mountains in art 18
- Bison 15
- Hats in art 15
- Men in art 14
- Rocks in art 14
- Saddles 13
- Corrals 12
- Music - Posters 12
- Painting 12
- Writing in art 12
- Gates in art 11
- Lectures and lecturing 11
- Log cabins in art 11
- Snow in art 11
- Children in art 10
- Cliffs 10
- Bears in art 9
- Clothing & dress 9
- Firearms 9
- Modeling (Sculpture) 9
- Modernism (Art) 9
- Mountain life in art 9
- Steer roping 9
- Wolves in art 9
- Cattle 8
- Fences in art 8
- Foals 8
- Library 8
- Pistols 8
- Posters 8
- Animal attacks 7
- Art, Abstract 7
- Cowgirls in art 7
- Herding 7
- Wine Festivals 7
- Bison hunting 6
- Oil painting 6
- Rivers in art 6
- Roping 6
- Trappers 6
- Animal traps 5
- Bows (Archery) 5
- Calves 5
- Cigarettes 5
- Gunfights 5
- Indians of North America in art 5
- Mountains 5
- Navajo Indians 5
- Spurs 5
- Artists 4
- Automobiles in art 4
- Bear cubs 4
- Camp fires 4
- Cattle brands 4
- Coats 4
- Deer 4
- Grasses in art 4
- Grizzly bears 4
- Harnesses 4
- Horse-drawn vehicles in art 4
- Horses - Training 4
- Landscape painting 4
- Mules 4
- Owls 4
- Skull in art 4
- Sports posters 4
- Travois 4
- Whips 4
- Women in art 4
- Antelopes 3
- Antlers 3
- Art 3
- Blankets 3
- Block Printing 3
- Caricatures 3
- Carriages and carts in art 3
- Cradleboards 3
- Deafness 3
- Dogs in art 3
- Elk 3
- Female figure drawings 3
- Hats 3
- Hides & skins 3
- Men 3
- Myths 3
- Pumas 3
- Racially mixed people 3
- Sign language 3
- Tipis 3
- Women 3
- Abandoned houses 2
- Accidents in art 2
- Alcoholic beverages 2
- Art - Exhibitions 2
- Biblical events 2
- Buttes 2
- Calf roping 2
- Camels 2
- Camping 2
- Carts & wagons 2
- Cats in art 2
- Cattle drives 2
- Cattle herding 2
- Chairs in art 2
- Collage 2
- Cows 2
- Cows in art 2
- Crowds 2
- De Yong, Joe, 1894-1975 2
- Deer in art 2
- Deserts 2
- Drawing 2
- Flags in art 2
- Geometry 2
- Gymnastics 2
- Hairstyles 2
- Hunters in art 2
- Hunting 2
- Infants 2
- Ink 2
- Landscape drawings 2
- Mesas 2
- Métis 2
- Mixed Media (Art) 2
- Mounted police 2
- Persons 2
- Portrait 2
- Prairies 2
- Ravines 2
- Rivers 2
- Saddlery 2
- Sailboats 2
- Self-portraits 2
- Serpents in art 2
- Skunks 2
- Smoking 2
- Sports 2
- Volleyball 2
- Vultures in art 2
- Wagons in art 2
- Watercolor Painting 2
- Winter 2
- Wolves 2
- Women and Gender Studies 2
- World War, 1914-1918 2
- Art, Abstract 1
- Eastern Montana Normal School 1
- Gambling 1
- Library 1
- Universities and Colleges - Montana - Billings 1
- 1890 - 1942 1
- Actors in art 1
- Adobe buildings 1
- Advertisements 1
- Anatomy 1
- Arrows 1
- Axes 1
- Bags 1
- Banjo 1
- Banjoists 1
- Barbed wire 1
- Bars 1
- Bars (Drinking establishments) in art 1
- Bartenders 1
- Bears 1
- Beds in art 1
- Benches 1
- Birds in art 1
- Boats 1
- Bogs 1
- Books 1
- Buildings in art 1
- Bullard, William Reed, 1837-1890; 1
- Bullfighting 1
- Cameras 1
- Canoes 1
- Carbuncle 1
- Card games in art 1
- Caribbean Area 1
- Carriages and cars in art 1
- Carving 1
- Cats 1
- Centennial Brewing Company (Butte, Mont.) 1
- Chalk 1
- Chinese--West (U.S.) 1
- Clark, William, 1770-1838.; Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809; York 1
- Clouds in art 1
- Combs 1
- Conservation of natural resources 1
- Cookware 1
- Corrals in art 1
- Costumes 1
- Cowboy hats 1
- Cowboys--Great Plains. 1
- Cowboys--Posters 1
- Cowgirls 1
- Coyotes 1
- Cutting horses 1
- Dance 1
- De Yong, Joe, 1894-1975; Remington, Frederic, 1861-1909 1
- Deaf persons 1
- Death 1
- Dining 1
- Disabilities 1
- Disability awareness 1
- Donkeys in art 1
- Dunn, Harvey, 1884-1952; Dunton, W. Herbert; De Smet, Pierre-Jean; Paxson, Edgar Samuel; Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation, Montana 1
- Dutch 1
- Electric lines - Poles and towers 1
- English saddles 1
- Expeditions & surveys 1
- Eyeglasses 1
- Fences 1
- Figure drawings 1
- Flappers 1
- Flowers 1
- Food 1
- Footwear 1
- Fraternal organizations 1
- Frogs 1
- Gambling 1
- Geese in art 1
- Gestures 1
- Golf 1
- Goodwin, Philip R., 1881-1935 1
- Goodwin, Philip R., 1881-1935; Scheuerle, Joe, 1873-1948 1
- Goodwin, Philip R., 1881-1935; Wyeth, N. C. (Newell Convers), 1882-1945; Dunn, Harvey, 1884-1952; Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911 1
- Grazing 1
- Guitar 1
- Hackamore 1
- Headdresses 1
- Health 1
- Herders 1
- Holsters 1
- Horse blankets 1
- Horse herding 1
- Horses; Horseback riding; Indians of North America 1
- Inuit; Athapascan Indians 1
- Islands 1
- Kings 1
- Knives 1
- Lacrosse 1
- Lakes & ponds 1
- Lamps 1
- Landscape Painting 1
- Leaves 1
- Letters in art 1
- Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806) 1
- Linderman, Frank Bird, 1869-1938 1
- Linderman, Frank Bird, 1869-1938; 1
- Livestock in art 1
- MSU Billings. Career Services 1
- MSU Billings. Student Health Services 1
- Mirrors in art 1
- Models 1
- Monsters 1
- Montana Frank shows. 1
- Moon - In art 1
- Motion pictures 1
- Navajo Indians; Navajo dance 1
- Nets 1
- Newton, Bill 1
- Nineteen sixties 1
- Noise pollution 1
- Nudes 1
- Nursery rhymes 1
- Oil Painting 1
- Orangutans 1
- Ox teams 1
- Pack animals 1
- Paints & varnishes 1
- Palomino horse 1
- Pawnee Bill, 1860-1942 1
- Pawnee Indians 1
- Piegan Indians 1
- Pipes 1
- Plows 1
- Poetry 1
- Political Campaigns 1
- Politics and Culture 1
- Portages 1
- Posters, American 1
- Pottery 1
- Presidents 1
- Puppets 1
- Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911 1
- Pyle, Howard, 1853-1911; 1
- Quilts 1
- Rabbits in art 1
- Raleigh, A.B. 1
- Rance, Bill; Navajo Indians 1
- Ranch houses 1
- Ranch life in art 1
- Ranches 1
- Reading 1
- Remington, Frederic, 1861-1909; Cree Indians 1
- Remington, Frederic, 1861-1909; Goodwin, Philip R., 1881-1935; De Yong, Joe, 1894-1975 1
- Remington, Frederic, 1861-1909; Sharp, Joseph Henry, 1859-1953; Couse, E. Irving (Eanger Irving), 1866-1936 1
- Rocking horses in art 1
- Rodeos in art 1
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919 1
- Ropes 1
- Ropes in art 1
- Roping in art 1
- Russell, Austin, 1887- 1
- Russell, Charles Silas, -1917; Bent, William, 1809-1869; Carson, Kit, 1809-1868 1
- Santan Mountains (Ariz.) 1
- Saving and investment -- United States -- Posters. 1
- September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 1
- Skulls 1
- Slang 1
- Snakes 1
- Soccer 1
- Softball 1
- Soldiers 1
- Speakeasies 1
- Special Events - Posters 1
- Spider webs 1
- Stables 1
- Storytelling 1
- Stoves 1
- Students 1
- Tables in art 1
- Tents 1
- Tobacco in art 1
- Tobacco industry 1
- Trading posts 1
- Travois 1870-1940 1
- Violence 1
- Violence in art 1
- Watercolor painting 1
- Weadick, Guy, 1885-1953 1
- West (U.S.)--Posters 1
- Westward movement 1
- Wheels in art 1
- Whiskey jugs 1
- Wild west shows 1
- Wild west shows--Posters 1
- Wild west shows. 1
- Will James 1
- Wolf hunting 1
- Wood poles 1
- World War, 1914-1918 -- Social aspects -- United States. 1
- World War, 1914-1918 -- United States. 1
- Wounds & injuries 1
- Writing - materials and instruments 1
- Yokes 1
- Young Boy 1
- horses 1
- wood 1
Show More - Geographic Coverage...
- Billings, Montana 211
- Montana 113
- 3
- Glacier National Park, Montana 2
- Belknap, Montana; Utica, Montana 1
- Belt, Montana 1
- Butte, Montana 1
- Canada 1
- Caribbean Islands 1
- Choteau, Montana 1
- Helena, Montana 1
- Hobson, Montana 1
- Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument--Montana 1
- Little Bighorn Battlefield--Montana 1
- Missoula, Montana; Helena, Montana 1
- Montana; Canada; Mexico 1
- Montana; Mexico 1
- New Mexico 1
- New Mexico--Taos Plateau 1
- Pablo, Montana 1
- Santa Fe, New Mexico 1
- St. Louis, Missouri; Bent's Fort, Colorado 1
- Washington 1
- West (U.S.) 1
- Wyoming 1
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Audio4412
- Geographic Coverage...
- Montana 2973
- Idaho 638
- Havre, Montana 297
- Hill County, Montana 296
- Helena, Montana 39
- Virginia 37
- Libby, Montana 36
- Butte, Montana 34
- Missoula, Montana 34
- West Virginia 30
- Great Falls, Montana 20
- Utah 20
- Missoula County, Montana 19
- Yellowstone National Park; Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 17
- Huntley Project, Montana; Yellowstone County, Montana; Huntley, Montana; Pompeys Pillar, Montana 16
- Billings, Montana 12
- Choteau, Montana 12
- Fergus County, Montana 12
- Lewistown, Montana 12
- Teton County, Montana 12
- Dawson County, Montana 11
- Glendive, Montana 11
- Lewistown, Montana; Danvers, Montana; Fergus County, Montana 10
- Washington, D.C. 9
- Houston, Texas 8
- Lewis and Clark County, Montana 7
- Anaconda, Montana 6
- California 6
- Yellowstone County, Montana 5
- Bozeman, Montana 5
- Minnesota 5
- Portland, Oregon 5
- Roosevelt County, Montana 5
- San Diego, California 5
- San Francisco, California 5
- Texas 5
- Winifred, Montana 5
- Yellowstone County, Montana 5
- Anchorage, Alaska 4
- Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 4
- Danvers, Montana 4
- Kumamoto, Japan 4
- Lower Lake, California 4
- Palm Springs, California; 4
- Rocky Boy, Montana 4
- Spokane, Washington 4
- Alaska 3
- Crow Indian Reservation 3
- Browning, Montana 2
- Kalispell, Montana 2
- Massachusetts 2
- New York City, New York 2
- Park City, Montana 2
- Polson, Montana 2
- Richland County, Montana 2
- Stillwater County, Montana 2
- Sydney, Montana 2
- Washington 2
- Yellowstone National Park 2
- Yellowstone National Park; Gardiner (Mont.); Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyo.) 2
- Yellowstone National Park; Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River (Wyo.); Berkeley (Calif.); Elko (Nev.); Greenville (Ala.) 2
- Yellowstone National Park; Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyo.) 2
- Yellowstone National Park; Old Faithful Geyser (Wyo.); Preston (Idaho) 2
- Bozeman, 1
- Butte, Montana 1
- Cascade County, Montana 1
- Craig, Montana 1
- Danvers, Montana; Fergus County, Montana 1
- Deer Lodge County, Montana 1
- Flathead County, Montana 1
- Glacier County, Montana 1
- Grand Forks, North Dakota 1
- Hamilton, Montana 1
- Hill County, Montana 1
- Huntley Project (Mont.); Yellowstone County (Mont.); Huntley (Mont.); Pompeys Pillar (Mont.) 1
- Marion, Montana 1
- Musselshell County, Montana 1
- Red Lodge, Montana 1
- Roundup, Montana 1
- Stevensville, Montana 1
- Wolf Point, Montana 1
- Wyoming 1
- Yellowstone National Park; 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Bechler River (Wyo.); Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyo.); Lamar River Valley (Wyo.); West Yellowstone (Mont.); 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Bridger National Forest (Wyo.) 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Canyon Hotel (Yellowstone National Park); Fishing Bridge (Wyo.); Otter Creek Bear-Feeding Station Site (Wyo.) 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Dillon (Mont.); Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyo.); Beartooth Highway (Mont. and Wyo.) 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Fishing Bridge (Wyo.); Beartooth Highway (Mont. and Wyo.); Fort Peck Dam (Mont.); Lava Beds National Monument (Calif.); Redwood National and State Parks (Calif.); Banning (Calif.); Cumberland river (Ky. and Tenn.) 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Fishing Bridge (Wyo.); Yellowstone Lake (Wyo.) 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Fort Knox (Ky.); Yuba County (Calif.) 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Gardiner (Mont.) 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone (Wyo.); 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Greater Yellowstone Area 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Heise (Idaho) 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyo.); Gardiner (Mont.) 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Moapa Valley (Nev.); Bena (Minn.) 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Norris Geyser Basin (Wyo.); Grant Village (Wyo.); Canyon Campground Site (Wyo.); 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Snake River Ranger District; Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyo.); Jardine (Mont.); South Entrance (Yellowstone); 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Snake River Ranger District; South Entrance (Yellowstone) 1
- Yellowstone National Park; West Yellowstone (Mont.); Old Faithful Geyser (Wyo.); Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyo.); Upper Geyser Basin (Wyo.); Rocky Mountain National Park (Colo.); Traffic accidents; Violent deaths; 1
- Yellowstone National Park; Yellowstone Lake (Wyo.); 1
Show More - Digital Collection...
- Voices of Labor 1987
- Bud Moore Photographs and Sound Recordings 1410
- Home Ground Radio Interviews 366
- Jim Magera Oral Histories Collection 290
- Yellowstone National Park Oral Histories 46
- 2002 Libby Oral History Project 36
- Archie Bray Foundation Oral Histories 34
- LGBTQ Voices of Butte 34
- Montana Brewery Oral History Project 20
- Pattee Canyon Ladies Salon 19
- Huntley Irrigation Project Oral Histories 17
- Danvers, Montana Oral Histories 15
- Cascade County Oral History Collection 14
- AEROs 45 years of impact 13
- Communities with Disabilities Oral History Project 13
- Kamlowsky (Rosetta) Radio Interviews 12
- Teton County Oral Histories 12
- Central Montana Metis 11
- Gregg Family Oral Interviews 11
- Oral Histories about the Life of Henry Sieben 11
- Hi-Line Métis 10
- Missoula Mavericks American Legion Baseball Team 10
- Tales From Carter County - Oral Histories 7
- Winifred Oral History Project 5
- Kumamoto Art Week 1992 4
Show More - Interviewer...
- Mercier, Laurie. 1325
- Hansen, Matthew,-1984 116
- Terreo, John. 86
- Loucas, Penelope. 81
- Foster, Julie, 1952- 80
- Phillips, Doni M. 44
- Sands, Diane. 35
- Murphy, Mary, 1953- 33
- Duncan, Rick. 31
- Ben Carter 21
- Malone, Gillian. 19
- Myers, Rex C. 19
- Newman, Chérie 19
- Candi Zion 16
- Melcher, Mary, 1956- 14
- Hunley, Lauren 13
- Shovers, Brian 12
- Badhorse, Beverly. 11
- Hibbard, Whitney 11
- Tureck, Kathleen. 11
- Liberty, Margot. 10
- Palmer, Charles 10
- Thornburg, Sharon. 10
- Walks Over Ice, Carson. 10
- Zion, Candi 10
- Megan Sanford 9
- Borneman, Patricia. 8
- Gray, Donna. 8
- Korn, Mike. 8
- Warhank, Anneliese 7
- Morsette, Nadine. 6
- George McCauley 5
- Kristi Scott 5
- Day, Jackie. 4
- Karsmizki, Kenneth W. 4
- McDonald, Lois Halliday. 4
- Westermark, Victoria. 4
- Frey, Donna. 2
- Heffern, Clara B. 2
- Howard, Nava. 2
- Tanner, John. 2
- Thompson, Angela. 2
- Adam Field 1
- Ginger Dunnill 1
- Giselle Hicks 1
- Jamie Bates Sloan 1
- Perry Haas and Cole Collier 1
- Sam Harvey 1
- Stephanie Seguin 1
- Tara Wilson 1
- Warhank, Annelies 1
Show More - Subject...
- Interviews 705
- Lochsa Powell Ranger District 569
- Summer 464
- Historic Value 436
- Winter 380
- Family 376
- Radio programs 366
- Oral history 354
- Snow, Ice 330
- Bud Biography 313
- Wildlife 306
- Genealogy 299
- Family histories 290
- Local history 290
- Government Administration Site 279
- Fall 263
- Rural Activities 249
- Montana, Eastern 240
- Trapping 225
- Riparian 222
- Public Administration 202
- Public works--Montana. 157
- Outdoor Recreation 156
- Bud Moore 148
- Hunting 143
- Marten 142
- Wilderness 135
- Bill Moore 127
- Dams--Montana--Fort Peck--Design and construction. 126
- Watersheds 126
- New Deal, 1933-1939--Montana--Personal narratives. 125
- New Deal, 1933-1939--Montana--Fort Peck--Personal narratives. 122
- Roads, Trails and Communications 122
- Swan Valley 115
- Forest 112
- Public works--Montana--Fort Peck. 109
- Lolo National Forest 105
- Ecology 104
- Lolo Creek 102
- Elk 100
- Soil, Rocks, Geology 100
- Farming 91
- Spring 88
- Homesteading 85
- Coyote Forest 83
- Fire 79
- Pristine 77
- Fire Protection 74
- Holidays 74
- Bob Marshall Wilderness 72
- Spruce 71
- Labor unions--Montana. 69
- Subalpine Forest 69
- Chores 66
- Valley Bottom Ecosystem 65
- Depressions--1929--Montana--Personal narratives. 64
- Vicki Moore 60
- Pests, Diseases 56
- Cement plants--Montana--Trident. 54
- Ranching--Montana. 52
- Dam failures--Montana--Fort Peck. 51
- Mink 51
- Building, Construction, Manufacturing 50
- Cement industry workers--Montana--Trident--Interviews. 50
- Landscapes 50
- Montana, Eastern; 50
- Snowshoes 49
- Little Salmon 48
- Mineral industries--Montana--Anaconda--Employees--Interviews. 48
- Selway Bitterroot Wilderness 48
- Trapper Cabin 47
- Jane Moore 46
- Mineral industries--Montana--Great Falls--Employees--Interviews. 46
- Ermine 45
- Private Administration 45
- Labor unions--Montana--Anaconda. 44
- Logging 44
- Lynx 44
- Cement industry workers--Labor unions--Montana--Trident. 43
- Construction workers--Montana--Fort Peck--Interviews. 43
- Mines and mineral resources--Montana--Butte. 43
- Spruce Bark Beetle 43
- Miners--Montana--Butte--Interviews. 42
- Women--Montana--Interviews. 41
- Powell Ranger Station 40
- Fishing 39
- Forest Products 39
- Horses 39
- Women--Montana--Anaconda--Interviews. 39
- Forest Service Cabin 38
- Missoula 38
- Cities 37
- Janet Moore 37
- Smith Mine Disaster, Mont., 1943. 37
- Montana--Libby 36
- Railroads--Montana--Employees--Interviews. 36
- Game Range 35
- Lookout Site 35
- Mule Deer 35
- Brickmaking 34
- Ceramics 34
- LGBTQ people 34
- Logging--Montana. 34
- Mules 34
- Pottery 34
- Industries--Social aspects--Montana--Anaconda. 33
- Lolo Pass 32
- Plant shutdowns--Economic aspects--Montana--Anaconda. 31
- Western Conifer Forest 30
- Women--Montana--Trident--Interviews. 30
- Appalachia 29
- Butte (Mont.) 29
- Coal mines and mining--Montana--Roundup. 29
- Mine accidents--Montana--Carbon County. 29
- Swan Range 29
- Agriculture--Montana--Chouteau County. 28
- Sandy Ridge Woods 28
- Smelting furnaces--Montana--East Helena. 28
- Research 27
- Women--Montana--Fort Peck--Interviews. 27
- Agriculture 26
- Bears 26
- Community life--Montana--Anaconda. 26
- New Deal, 1933-1939--Montana. 26
- Ranchers--Montana--Interviews. 26
- Ranching--Montana--Park County. 26
- Weather 26
- Woodsmanship 26
- Yellowstone National Park--History--Anecdotes 26
- Agriculture--Montana. 25
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana--Chouteau County. 25
- Industries--Social aspects--Montana--Black Eagle. 25
- Lochsa River 25
- Residential 25
- Seeley Lake Ranger District 25
- Women--Montana--Chouteau County--Interviews. 25
- Women--Montana--East Helena--Interviews. 25
- Alpine Fir 24
- Avalanche 24
- Coal mines and mining--Montana--Bearcreek. 24
- Community life--Montana--East Helena. 24
- Jay Turner 24
- The Lochsa Story 24
- Women--Montana--Black Eagle--Interviews. 24
- Agriculture--Montana--Societies, etc. 23
- Ed Mackay 23
- Interviews--Montana 23
- Lumber trade--Montana. 23
- Metis 23
- Cattle trade--Montana. 22
- Childhood; 22
- Dams--Montana--Design and construction. 22
- Dry farming--Montana. 22
- Eastern Hardwood Forest 22
- Mining 22
- Palisade Creek 22
- Prospecting 22
- Small Towns 22
- Women--Montana--Helena--Interviews. 22
- Beaver 21
- Bitterroot Mountains 21
- Community life--Montana--Trident. 21
- Indian reservations--Montana. 21
- Oral History 21
- Pets 21
- Research Education 21
- Ethics 20
- Horace Godfrey 20
- Mineral industries--Montana--East Helena--Employees--Interviews. 20
- Missoula area 20
- Strikes and lockouts--Montana--Anaconda. 20
- Wildflowers 20
- Coal miners--Montana--Bearcreek--Interviews. 19
- Female nude in art 19
- Feminism in art 19
- Figure drawing 19
- Horse 19
- Log Cabin 19
- North River Mills 19
- Nude in art 19
- Personal narratives 19
- Ranching--Montana--Big Horn County. 19
- Sheep ranches--Montana--Valley County. 19
- Vermiculite 19
- Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 18
- Community life--Montana--Black Eagle. 18
- Forest fires--Yellowstone National Park 18
- Industries--Social aspects--Montana--East Helena. 18
- Irrigation 18
- Italian Americans--Montana--Black Eagle. 18
- Lodgepole Pine 18
- Roads--Design and construction--Montana. 18
- Women in agriculture--Montana. 18
- Women--Montana--Valley County--Interviews. 18
- Irrigated farming 17
- Agricultural development projects 17
- Beet sugar industry 17
- Beets 17
- Canoe 17
- Deer 17
- Distributors (commerce) 17
- Ditches 17
- Diversion structures (Hydraulic engineering) 17
- Economic development projects 17
- Finnish Americans--Montana--Red Lodge. 17
- Irrigated agriculture 17
- Irrigation projects 17
- Mid-elevation Forest 17
- Mission Mountains Wilderness 17
- Moose 17
- Ranching--Montana--Chouteau County. 17
- Rural development projects 17
- Sugar beet 17
- Trap 17
- Whitebark Pine 17
- Women--Montana--Butte--Interviews. 17
- Women--Montana--Plentywood--Interviews. 17
- Backpack 16
- Brewing industry--Economic aspects 16
- Browse 16
- Bus drivers--Yellowstone National Park--Interviews. 16
- Croatian Americans--Montana--Black Eagle. 16
- David Ellen 16
- Depressions--1929--Montana--Great Falls--Personal narratives. 16
- Eastern United States 16
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana. 16
- Kenai 16
- Rifle 16
- Sign 16
- Tour bus lines--Yellowstone National Park. 16
- Women--Montana--Miles City--Interviews. 16
- Work camps 16
- Asbestosis 15
- Country churches 15
- Dredging--Montana--Fort Peck. 15
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana--Dawson County. 15
- Native Americans 15
- Rural churches 15
- Rural life 15
- Schools--Montana--Dawson County. 15
- Sheep ranches--Montana. 15
- Smelting furnaces--Montana--Anaconda--Employees--Interviews. 15
- Women--Montana--Dawson County--Interviews. 15
- World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American. 15
- Agriculture--Montana--Custer County. 14
- Agriculture--Montana--Valley County. 14
- Andrew Erickson 14
- Beer industry 14
- Bobcat 14
- Douglas Fir 14
- Hot Springs 14
- Ky 14
- Meat industry and trade--Montana. 14
- Mineral industries--Employees--Labor unions--Montana--Anaconda. 14
- Pack String 14
- Smelting furnaces--Montana--Anaconda. 14
- Western Red Cedar (thugia Placata) 14
- Whitetail Deer 14
- World War, 1914-1918. 14
- Brewing industry--Law & legislation 13
- Brewing industry--Marketing 13
- Coyote 13
- Creative Writing 13
- Disabilities 13
- Ethnic Groups--Montana--Anaconda. 13
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana--Garfield County. 13
- Lion Creek 13
- Ranch life--Montana--Valley County. 13
- AIDS (Disease)--Patients 12
- Army Weasel 12
- Asbestos 12
- Baseball 12
- Brewing industry--Equipment & supplies 12
- Brewing industry--Management 12
- Coal mines and mining--Montana--Red Lodge. 12
- Forest fires--Montana. 12
- Legislators--Montana--Interviews. 12
- Miners--Labor unions--Montana--Butte. 12
- Ranchers--Montana--Meagher County--Interviews. 12
- Rural electrification--Montana. 12
- Sustainable agriculture 12
- Sustainable energy sources 12
- Women--Montana--Park County--Interviews. 12
- Women--Montana--Red Lodge--Interviews. 12
- Aluminum plants--Montana--Columbia Falls. 11
- Amusements 11
- Businessmen--Montana--Helena--Interviews. 11
- Cabins--Montana 11
- Choteau (Montana) 11
- Consumers--Attitudes 11
- Ecosystem Restoration 11
- Forest fires--Montana--Mann Gulch. 11
- Forest rangers--Montana--Absaroka National Forest--Interviews. 11
- Forest rangers--Montana--Deerlodge National Forest--Interviews. 11
- Forest rangers--Montana--Gallatin National Forest--Interviews. 11
- Forest rangers--Montana--Helena National Forest--Interviews. 11
- Grazing 11
- Herb Erickson 11
- Labor unions--Montana--East Helena. 11
- Les Hostetler 11
- McFarland 11
- McFarland Creek 11
- Muskrat 11
- Outfitters (Outdoor Recreation) 11
- Railroads--Montana--Anaconda--Employees--Interviews. 11
- Recreation--Montana--Anaconda. 11
- Sheep shearers (Persons)--Montana--Interviews. 11
- Smelting furnaces--Montana--East Helena--Employees--Interviews. 11
- Teton Canyon (Montana) 11
- Vermiculite mines and mining 11
- Veterans--Montana--Helena--Interviews. 11
- Warm Springs Creek 11
- Women--Montana--Great Falls--Interviews. 11
- Women--Montana--Hardin--Interviews. 11
- Automobiles--Montana--Dawson County--Maintenance and repair. 10
- Brushy Fork 10
- Businesswomen--Montana--Glendive--Interviews. 10
- Childhood 10
- Cooks--Montana--Interviews. 10
- Energy sources 10
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana--Blaine County. 10
- Gay Rights 10
- Grave Creek Range 10
- Heinie Williams 10
- Labor unions--Montana--Havre. 10
- Loggers--Montana--Interviews. 10
- Logging--Montana--Blackfoot River Valley. 10
- Mike Stevenson 10
- Milo Herbert 10
- Motels--Montana--Glendive. 10
- Métis 10
- Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays 10
- Ponderosa Pine 10
- Railroad conductors--Montana--Havre--Interviews. 10
- Railroads--Employees--Labor unions--Montana--Havre. 10
- Railroads--Montana--Havre--Employees--Interviews. 10
- Ranching 10
- Ranching--Montana--Meagher County. 10
- Renewable energy sources 10
- Shepherds--Montana--Interviews. 10
- Steelhead Trout 10
- Steve Russell 10
- Tent 10
- Tom Barker 10
- Western Larch 10
- Wheat farmers--Montana--Chouteau County--Interviews. 10
- Whitefish 10
- Women in agriculture--Montana--Chouteau County. 10
- Women teachers--Montana--Dawson County--Interviews. 10
- Women--Montana--Cut Bank--Interviews. 10
- World War, 1939-1945--Women--Montana--Anaconda. 10
- Yellowstone National Park--Fire, 1988--Personal narratives 10
- Agriculture--Montana--Dawson County. 9
- Agriculture--Montana--Rosebud County. 9
- Asbestosis--Diagnosis 9
- Autobiography 9
- Bert Wendover 9
- Big Sand Lake 9
- Brewing--social aspect 9
- Carpenters--Labor unions--Montana--Anaconda. 9
- Carpenters--Montana--Anaconda--Interviews. 9
- Coal miners--Montana--Red Lodge--Interviews. 9
- Coal miners--Montana--Roundup--Interviews. 9
- Coal mines and mining--Montana--Klein. 9
- Coming of age 9
- Cooks--Montana--Valley County. 9
- Copper miners--Montana--Butte--Interviews. 9
- Copper mines and mining--Montana--Butte. 9
- Dick Walker 9
- Dogs 9
- Ed Domer 9
- Elk Creek 9
- Farm life--Montana--Chouteau County. 9
- Farmers--Montana--Interviews. 9
- Forestry 9
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana--Hill County. 9
- Japanese Americans--Montana--Trident. 9
- Joe Fitzgerald 9
- Log Buildings 9
- Lolo Trail 9
- Lumber camps--Montana. 9
- Mineral industries--Employees--Labor unions--Montana--Great Falls. 9
- Quarries and quarrying--Montana--Trident. 9
- Ranch life--Montana. 9
- Ranching--Montana--Dawson County. 9
- Sapphire Range 9
- Sawmill workers--Montana--Bonner--Interviews. 9
- Sheepherding--Montana--Valley County. 9
- Spruce Bark Beetles 9
- Strikes and lockouts--Miners--Montana--Butte. 9
- Threshing--Montana--Valley County. 9
- Truck drivers--Montana--Fort Peck--Interviews. 9
- Wolverine 9
- Women--Montana--Chinook--Interviews. 9
- World War, 1914-1918--Personal narratives, American. 9
- World War, 1914-1918--Veterans--Montana--Helena--Interviews. 9
- Agricultural machinery--Montana. 8
- Agriculture--Montana--Corvallis. 8
- Agriculture--Montana--Gallatin County. 8
- Agriculture--Montana--Hill County. 8
- Animals--Montana--Paradise Valley. 8
- Ax 8
- Baseball teams 8
- Beer--Packaging 8
- British Americans--Montana--Helena. 8
- Buildings 8
- Business enterprises--Montana--Black Eagle. 8
- Coal miners--Labor unions--Montana--Roundup. 8
- Coal mines and mining--Montana--Park County. 8
- Cold Creek 8
- Community life--Montana--Kalispell. 8
- Distilling, Illicit--Montana--Park County. 8
- Food 8
- Gold miners--Montana--Mineral County--Interviews. 8
- Grizzly 8
- Historic preservation--Montana--Anaconda. 8
- Industrial accidents--Montana--Anaconda. 8
- Industrial safety--Montana--East Helena. 8
- Lodgepole 8
- Logging--Montana--Sanders County. 8
- Mineral industries--Accidents--Montana--Anaconda. 8
- Montana State Brewers Association 8
- Montana--Vermiculite Mountain 8
- Peas--Montana--Park County. 8
- Prohibition--Montana--Park County. 8
- Ranch life--Montana--Stillwater County. 8
- Ranchers--Montana--Park County--Interviews. 8
- Ranching--Montana--Fallon County. 8
- Rural schools--Montana--McCone County. 8
- Saddles 8
- Schools--Montana--Stillwater County. 8
- Schools--Montana--Valley County. 8
- Sheep ranches--Montana--Beaverhead County. 8
- Socialism--United States. 8
- Steamboats--Montana--Flathead Lake. 8
- Teachers--Montana--McCone County--Interviews. 8
- Vermiculite Mountain (Mont.) 8
- Washington, D.C. 8
- Wheat--Montana. 8
- Women teachers--Montana--Interviews. 8
- Women teachers--Montana--Park County--Interviews. 8
- Women teachers--Montana--Stillwater County--Interviews. 8
- Women teachers--Montana--Valley County--Interviews. 8
- Agricultural machinery--Montana--Chouteau County. 7
- Agriculture--Montana--Hobson. 7
- Agriculture--Montana--Park County. 7
- Bill Bell 7
- Billy Rhodes 7
- Butch Harmon 7
- Chores; 7
- Coal mine accidents--Montana--Carbon County. 7
- Community life--Montana--Columbia Falls. 7
- Eastern United States (location unknown) 7
- Engineers--Montana--Great Falls--Interviews. 7
- Farm life--Montana 7
- Farmers--Montana--Corvallis--Interviews. 7
- Forest fire fighters--Montana--Interviews. 7
- Frank Bustard 7
- Freeman Mann 7
- Frontier and pioneer life--Montana--Valley County. 7
- Fruit-culture--Montana--Corvallis. 7
- Gold mines and mining--Montana. 7
- Home demonstration work--Montana. 7
- Industrial relations--Montana. 7
- Industries--Social aspects--Montana--Great Falls. 7
- Jane Buckhouse Moore 7
- Labor unions--Montana--Butte. 7
- Les Pengelly 7
- Lewis and Clark 7
- Livestock--Montana--Corvallis. 7
- Log driving--Montana. 7
- Logging--Montana--Flathead County. 7
- Logging--Montana--Lincoln County. 7
- Lumber trade--Montana--Flathead County. 7
- Meat industry and trade--Montana--Butte--Employees--Interviews. 7
- Mule 7
- Norwegian Americans--Montana. 7
- Odgen Region 4 7
- Pack Sack 7
- Petroleum industry and trade--Montana--Toole County--Employees--Interviews. 7
- Porcupine 7
- Ranching--Montana--Hobson. 7
- Ranching--Montana--Lewis and Clark County. 7
- Round Top Lookout 7
- Saddle 7
- Saddle Horse 7
- Sawmills--Montana--Bonner. 7
- Sheep ranches--Montana--Meagher County. 7
- Shrubs 7
- Snuffy 7
- Tent Camp 7
- Tents 7
- Thor Ness 7
- Urban Activities 7
- Weir Creek 7
- Women ranchers--Montana--Interviews. 7
- Women--Montana--Bozeman--Interviews. 7
- Women--Montana--Columbia Falls--Interviews. 7
- Women--Montana--McCone County--Interviews. 7
- World War, 1914-1918--Protest movements. 7
Show More - Contributing Institution...
- Montana Historical Society Library and Archives 2365
- University of Montana Mansfield Library 1410
- Havre-Hill County Library 290
- Yellowstone National Park Heritage and Research Center 46
- Lincoln County Library 36
- Archie Bray Foundation 34
- Butte-Silver Bow Public Library 34
- Montana Historical Society Library and Archives 22
- Montana Museum of Art & Culture 19
- Lewistown Public Library 15
- Cascade County Historical Society 14
- Alternative Energy Resources Organization 13
- Western Heritage Center 13
- Old Trail Museum 12
- Foundation for Montana History 11
- Glendive Public Library 11
- Snowy Mountain Development Corporation 11
- Bear Paw Development Corp. 10
- Missoula Mavericks 10
- Huntley Project Museum of Irrigated Agriculture 9
- Huntley Project Museum of Irrigated Agriculture 8
- Carter County Museum 7
- Winifred Museum 5
- Montana Arts Council 4
Show More
- Geographic Coverage...
- Book167
- Digital Collection...
- EMC and MSUB General Bulletins 46
- Lewis-Wedum General Store Ledgers 33
- EMC and MSUB City College Catalogs 25
- EMC and MSUB Graduate Catalogs 20
- Publications and Ephemera from the Montana Historical Society 15
- Leland Cade Books Collection 9
- Historical Neighborhoods of Missoula 7
- Community Cookbooks 6
- Great Falls Fire Department 4
- Thompson Falls Woman's Club 2
- Creator...
- Office of Admissions and Records 46
- Lewis, John M. and Lewis, Robert M. and Wedum, James W. 33
- Montana State University Billings 13
- Montana Vocational Technical Centers 12
- Cade, Leland P. 9
- Office of Graduate Studies 8
- McDonald, James R. (James Robert), 1947- 6
- Montana Stock Growers' Association. 5
- Office of Graduate Studies and Research 3
- Office of Graduate Program 2
- Office of Graduate Studies Program 2
- Office of Graduate Studies and Research Program 2
- The Woman's Club 2
- First Presbyterian Church. Ladies' Social Circle. 1
- Fletcher, Robert H., 1885-1972. 1
- Helena Business College (Helena, Mont.) 1
- McDonald, James R. (James Robert), 1947- 1
- Montana Historical Society 1
- Morrow, Delores J. 1
- Office Of Graduate Studies and Research Program 1
- Office of Graduate Studies and Research 1
- Office of Graduate Studies, Research, and Research Compliance 1
- Swarthout, W. N. O. 1
- Digital Collection...